Emotional eaters?!



  • I have always been an emotional eater, but I take it to an extreme. When I'm happy, I eat to celebrate my excitement. When I'm stressed, I eat to relax. When I'm sad/angry/lonely/upset, I eat for comfort. I also have had a very bad habit of treating myself--often convincing myself I deserve something and that is my justification. Accountability is my new best friend. I feel if I can work through the emotional eating, I'll feel and see more success.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am an emotional eater big time!
    When I am feeling upset and just have to have that candy bar, I eat it. I know that if I avoid it now, I will want two of them later. So, I take the candy bar outside and take it for a walk. I take small bites, eating it really slow and enjoying every bite thoroughly. But, the entire time I am walking. I find that by the time I get back home, I feel much better. I believe the walk really helps my stress level and I week happy and don't feel deprived. And, to boot, I have already burned the 120 calories the candy bar gave me.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Feel happy*
    And, this almost always helps all junk cravings subside.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I am an emotional eater. I don't know how many times I ate fast food cause it made me 'feel' good after an arguement with my husband or something else bothering me. I am over a year in and I am very happy in life overall. Sure stuff still makes me sad or ticked off but working out makes me feel good now.
  • Deano0530
    Deano0530 Posts: 8 Member
    Never thought of stress as an "emotion" but reading the entire thread has kind of opened my eyes a bit to that. I work a couple jobs, have a daughter getting married in September (big reason for the extra jobs) and so I just find myself grabbing junk without caring what it is. This site was helping awhile back, I lost a few pounds in a couple months, but the closer I get to September and the more I work, the less I care about how much I eat and what I eat. I try to read the stories as much as possible and sometimes that helps, but I just can't to seem to stop binging. All I can suggest to everyone is to take it one day at a time, and think before you eat the crap.
  • CMcG86
    CMcG86 Posts: 3
    I never really realized how much of an emotional eater I was until last evening. I had a crappy day at work and I didn't even realize how much I had eaten until I was getting ready for bed and I was putting everything away in the kitchen. I think when I find myself in that situation again, I am going to go out for a walk so I can distract myself and not be surrounded my things that I could easily reach out and eat. If I could put my emotions into exercise instead of eating I think it would be a a huge break for me!!
  • onokina
    onokina Posts: 1
    I think we go through things sometimes that make us fall back into our old habits. But it is important to remember what is important to you so that you can gain your composure, move on and rectify the problem so you don't go backwards too far into yesterday for today and tomorrow.

    That is wonderful advice! "it is important to remember what is important to you so that you can gain your composure, move on and rectify the problem so you don't go backwards too far into yesterday for today and tomorrow" ... words that I need to remember when I feel like demolishing a bag of chocolates!!! Good luck everyone!!! I know I need it... BADLY!!!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Here are your options:

    1) Cut off your hands

    2) Sew your mouth shut

    3) Take your emotions out on other people rather than on food
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Totally emo, dude.

  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    Def am an emotional eater! I've learned taking a nice walk always seems to ease my mind.
  • mariabraceyrobinson
    mariabraceyrobinson Posts: 94 Member
    I know you are out there!

    Anyone else get frustrated or upset and reach for the bad food??


    What are your tips for battling this??

    I have gotten a million times better with this. My go to food was chocolate. I keep on hand 100 calorie packs of stuff when I get the urge. I have also learned to walk. I feel myself slipping & want to reach for something, I go for a walk in the neighborhood.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I too am an emotional eater, always have been. I like to drown my sorrow in food. My new attack is to go to the gym and take my frustration out on what every piece of equipment that I can. When I am done I don't feel like eating anymore. I also try to take a step back and remind myself how far I have come and do I want to just throw it all away. Because the person I am hurting the most is myself and not whoever, or whatever I may be angry with.
  • Liz71459
    Liz71459 Posts: 15 Member
    I think emotional eating is 90% of my problem. I can actually tell when I am doing it and still not be able to stop. It's like I'm looking for an Aha! moment and them I wont do it anymore. The reality is I will always have to keep it in check. It's very sad to emotionally depend on food.
  • tbullucks06
    tbullucks06 Posts: 128
    Story of my life!!!!!! I haven't figured out how not to do it yet. My brain goes into F* it mode and that's it.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Try to act as if. Meaning, when you are reaching for that emotional snack, say "Nope, I don't do that anymore. I will eat it when I'm actually hungry." It's possible that eventually it will become habit, and then you won't be an emotional eater anymore.

    This has helped me a great deal with my emotional eating. (It also helped with my quitting smoking years ago)
  • jotrier
    jotrier Posts: 7
    i know, I'm huge stress/emotional eater. Student loans, money issues, kids stress, marriage. It all gets to me.
  • I am SO with you
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Yep. Marriage, college, kid etc
  • diliveslife
    diliveslife Posts: 42 Member
    All the time- the only thing that helps me is getting in the gym. Fixes it right away and after a really good sweat my whole mentality changes.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member

    Try to get your mind off of it by going for a walk, or indulge yourself with a cup of tea or something else that's low/0 cal.

    Keep healthy snacks around... that way you're binging on a case of oranges instead of a box of girl scout cookies (I've been there!).