Tummy Tucks... was it worth it?

This is a question for those of you who have had a tummy tuck... was it worth it? how painful was it afterwards and do u ever regret it?

I already have loose skin on my tummy from my back to back pregnancies.. I know that with exercise I will get some tone back but being real with myself I know that if I want to get rid of all of my hanging skin, I more than likely will need a tummy tuck. So I am just curious about how others who have had one.. now feel about it :)


  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
  • kmjacobs93
    kmjacobs93 Posts: 46 Member
    Also bump
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    curious also.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    haven't had one myself but my friend has. it made a huge difference to her confidence. IMO she has a very noticeable scar, but for her this is a huge improvement on the 'apron' she had previously.
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.

    well said.
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    I havent had one but I have went in for the consultation. I was actually going to do it but the doctors availability never matched my work schedule availability. Honestly 2 of my closest friends have had them and they look amazing. I can tell you my friend told me that it sucked as far as recovery time and that she had to wear her drainage bag a little longer than the norm. After 2 weeks she was back at work but she said it took more than that before she could fully function. They gave her vicodin I believe and the garments wear somewhat uncomfortable. I went to the same doc for my consultation that did hers. Do your research and consult with a few docs to see who youd be more comfortable with. She had her husbands help because they had small kids. She has a flat stomach now and aside from a noticeable scar she says it was worth it. The doc told me however that just being black the scar would be more noticeable so I wouldnt count that as a negative. I wish you good luck and hope that if thats what you want it will work out for you.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    I am a nurse ... so with that being said I am fully aware of the risks.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    I get irritated when someone comes and hijacks a post.. did you have the surgery done? No.. then please don't lecture me. Am I willing to work hard and exhaust all options before I consider surgery, absolutely. I am pretty sure that i stated that in my original post. I am a highly educated person, so please don't talk to me like I am stupid. I know the risks, I would never even consider anything without fully researching it.
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Yes worth it! I opted to have mine in conjunction with a hysterectomy about 15 years ago. Hard to separate the the aftercare from 2 procedures, but yes I was sore, had a tube sticking out, and walked tenderly for a few weeks. They took all my excess belly skin and left a big scar (but really low and not viewable). In the intervening years, I am still glad I did it. It completely changed my mid-section. I always had excess belly skin and it always bothered me. Even gaining and losing weight over the years, I am happier with my body. Hope this helps.
  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    Go to realself.com There are reviews/photos on various procedures. Very informative.
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    Do a search for tummy tucks on MFP. You will find some informative conversations. :)

    Below is a question I answered about 6 months ago on MFP....

    "I'm considering this treatment (tummy tuck) for myself but was wondering what it was like to have it done from a patient's perspective. Does anyone have any before and after pictures after their tummy tuck?"

    My answer....

    I am a mother of 5. My last 3 were triplets. I gained 100 lbs with their pregnancy. I was a mess. I had a full tummy tuck. They sewed up all my muscles and took off a ton of skin. I also had umbilical hernia. Everything look pretty awful. When the triplets were two we hired a nanny and I had the surgery. I will be honest....it was difficult for me. I had an easier time recoverying from 3 c-sections than I did the tummy tuck. BUT I am so glad that I had it done!! My stomach is very, very flat. My belly button looks very tiny and a little strange. The Dr. explained that it was because of the hernia. He couldn't do much to "save" it and make it look natural. But I don't wear bikinis so it's not important.

    I do not have any pictures to share. Sorry about that. If you get the surgery be sure to take it easy and block out a lot of time to recover!!
  • india20021
    india20021 Posts: 2 Member
    I had one three weeks ago and It was so worth it for me. I had 4 kids and didn't need to lose weight but my stomach was a mess..loose skin and stretch marks..now my stomach looks perfect and I'm still swollen. It's not for weight loss though, I only lost like 2 pounds. As far as pain..I just set my phone alarm for every 4 hours and took my meds on time..only needed them for 3 days. It feels like you did way to many sit ups. The incision never hurt,just the fixing of my torn muscles. the drains sucked though..had them for 2 weeks...one was hitting a nerve so it hurt when I drained it. did not hurt when they were pulled them out... just felt weird for a second. I was so scared to get it done but so glad I just went ahead and did it!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I always have concerns about people subjecting themselves to any surgery that is not absolutely necessary. Especially these days when hospital infection rates are up and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant.

    I don't think people realize how dangerous anesthesia itself it, either. Sure, lots of people have surgery and everything is fine and I am not suggesting for one minute that you avoid a surgery that is necessary for your health and well being. I am, however, suggesting you reconsider something done for vanity, especially if you have not exhausted all other possible options.

    Surgery always carries risks, some major. Ask yourself if you are willing to put your life in jeopardy for the sake of some loose skin.

    How would you know whether or not it's necessary? Some people have enough of an apron that it gets infected easily down there. It's also I imagine something a person is grossed out by. I don't know anyone that would want to carry that much loose skin so much that it gets infected frequently and is an embarrassment if they say want to go to the beach. If someone has worked hard to lose that much weight then I think they deserve to have the surgery without people passing judgement especially people that most likely will never be in a position to figure out if it's necessary or not.
  • juleskitcat
    juleskitcat Posts: 35 Member
    I have just started reading your post and the replies and don't understand why you were/are so defensive at some helpful replies? I did not read anyone lecturing your or belittling your amazing intelligence or education. Why so negative to perfect strangers?
  • islandlifenc
    islandlifenc Posts: 107 Member
    I have just started reading your post and the replies and don't understand why you were/are so defensive at some helpful replies? I did not read anyone lecturing your or belittling your amazing intelligence or education. Why so negative to perfect strangers?

    Agreed. I was thinking the same thing.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I have not had one yet, but I plan on it once I reach my goal. I have a bunch of loose skin & an "apron". My sister lost a lot of weight--about 150 lbs. & she had surgery to get rid of her extra skin--full body lift (so the scar runs all around her torso), upper arms to get rid of the bat wings, & breast lift & reduction. She looks sooo great. It took her a couple of weeks to recover. She only needed someone to stay with her for 1 week to help out. She only took Tylenol for the pain. I think the drains were the worst part for her--she had so many of them since she did everything at once. She says it was definitely worth it & would do it again.
  • cacleghorn
    cacleghorn Posts: 61 Member

    This is a really informative/interesting account from a person only a few weeks post-op, with lots of photos.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member

    This is a really informative/interesting account from a person only a few weeks post-op, with lots of photos.

    She looks really great! Wow! It's amazing the difference age & 4 babies makes. I still have 20-30 lbs. to lose, so I still have some fat in my baggy skin, but I'd definitely take her "before" tummy & stretch marks over mine any day :happy: .
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    Go to realself.com There are reviews/photos on various procedures. Very informative.

    This is an IMMENSELY helpful site. Thank you!!