success stories for 5'7-5'8 ladies...



  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    Hello :)

    I'm not really in the mood to figure out how to post pics again....but if you look at my profile I have a link to my success forum post. I've lost 50+ pounds, and I'm 5'7.5''. Starting weight was 222. current weight around 170. I'd like to lose another 15.

    It took me about a year to lose it...I work out a bunch, but I have a hard time saying no to food, so it comes off rather slow :)
  • christinamcglynn1
    christinamcglynn1 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'7'' and have been using MFP for a little over 2 weeks, and have already dropped 10lbs! I make better food choices, and have stopped snacking consistently throughout the day. I drink more water and use my elliptical 30 minutes 5 days a week. One thing that is crazy is the feeling of actually being hungry! I never really let myself GET hungry before. Now I realize just because I want to eat it, doesn't mean I should.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • sonpat10
    sonpat10 Posts: 1
    Your story is soo inspiring! I began MFP 4 weeks ago and I have lost 3 pounds so far. I am 43 yrs young, 5.7 and 172 pounds, my goal weight is 130. I need this type of success story to keep me motivated, especially since I work out 4 to 5 times a week and I often feel that I should be losing at a faster pace. Anyway, you have made me feel so much more hopeful and accepting that the slow and steady, will certainly win the race!:happy:
  • emmamaybear
    emmamaybear Posts: 50 Member
    Dated topic, but I want more 5'7''-8'' success stories ! :)
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 5'9 so I hope it's okay to reply to this!
    I love these success stories! I wonder where you all are now!
    I started January 16th last year and I've lost 16lbs so far and a couple of inches.
    I started at 170 and my GW is 135. Slowly but surely!
  • JudibugDesigns
    JudibugDesigns Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'6 1/2" but I feel taller :)

    Started my weight loss Journey Feb 1, 2013 and in 10 months I have lost 105lbs

  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I went from 220 down to 147. I've put about 10 back on, but I'm lifting heavy, and wearing a smaller size than I was at 147. I can wear a 4 or 6, depending on brand. I was wearing an 18 at my highest. I've kept it off for a year so far.
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member

    Im 5'8-5'9 (somewhere in between)

    My start weight was 177 back in January of 2013 by the time may came around i was down to 159 and maintained that weight for awhile even though it is not my goal weight. i just recently changed some medication and gained 7 lbs within this month. so i am now at 166 :/ So i need people to help keep me on track and motivated. Please feel free to add me on here if you feel like we can help each other! My goal is around 145 lbs ( the weight i was in my profile pic)

    I typically eat around 1300-1400 cals a day mostly healthy but it is the holiday season now! Hard to fight off all that junk food.
    I try to go to the gym three times per week but sometimes only make it twice.

    Love hearing the success stories!
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    I think I may have started as the "biggest" of the 5'7" - 5'8" ladies on her (UGH - but that's past - haha). I am soon to be 50 (1/14/14), I'm 5'7" and my starting weight in February 2013 was 348lbs. I lost 43lbs before MFP (gained 3 back before joining MFP on 9/27/13) and since September 27th have lost another 26 pounds.

    Initially it seemed like such a long journey, and I know it still is, but I look at it differently now. I don't think "oh, I have 120 lbs to lose" (or whatever #), I think more along the lines of "3lbs till it's 55lbs down" (or whatever the next milestone is). Right now I'm 66 down - so I have a post it on my computer that says 4 pounds to go (to hit 70 down)!! It's much easier to think of the smaller goal.

    I remember someone saying a longgg time ago about a difficult project we were working on: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Same scenario here - - one step at a time, one pound at a time.

    A few months ago I couldn't even walk (was in wheelchair for about a year if I had to go anywhere that required walking). I can now walk everywhere!!!

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :)
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm 5'8", started this MFP journey at 221 and am currently down 10lbs in 2 1/2 months. I too get discouraged but they do say that losing it slowly is the best way. I'm following this.

  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'7 1/2" I started in Feb. 2012. I have lost 88 lbs so far. I think that is pretty slow! I currently weigh 173. I'm wanting to loose another 20 lbs. I'm 52 years old. I'd like to loose the rest before my birthday in February. If not I'm ok with that, because I know one day I will be at my goal! You can do it!
  • I'm 5'8'' and have been on here for a year and working out for 7 months.
    I started ay 160 after going through recovery from an ED.
    The scale doesn't say too much but I wasn't overweight, loosing for me is like losing the last 10 pounds haha.

    I now weigh 150-155 post bulk. I did get down to 145 though. Ultimately I want to see the scale read 140, but I am not way to worried about that. I care more about what I see in the mirror.

    I lift 6 times a week and active rest the other day.

    My legs are solid and defined, my abs are getting defined, and my arms are my struggle point. I would post pictures but I am kind of tech impared.

    My advice to you and any other ladies is too not worry about the scale, skimp on the cardio, and hit the weight room.
  • emilyjobson7
    emilyjobson7 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'7" and started with MFP in about February. In January I was 179, lost 4 lbs. and joined MFP in February at 175. Today I weighed in at 150.8, so have essentially reached my first goal (my next goal is 145 with muscle build).

    I was pretty consistent with tracking calories most of that time except for a few months while working on my thesis field study (I'm a full time grad student and also work a very full time job) in the spring and my month long residency in October. The times I took off from MFP I remained active and ate healthy without counting calories and gained maybe two pounds, if that.

    I am very active and part of my goals relate to my competitive cycling. I'm a new Cat 5 road cyclist (last year was the first year I actually raced in a few races) and would like to drop weight and gain strength in addition to cardio capacity for next season. I am also training for a half marathon in February (my fifth over the years) and another half and possibly full in the summer. I try to throw in two weights/muscle building classes a week, and a yoga session if possible. So my schedule looks like this:

    Sun: Long run (currently 13 to 16 km's)
    Mon: MaxHIIT - weights and Tabata drills class for an hour
    Tues: Cycling training with my team for about 70 minutes (indoors, on my own bike, on a power trainer)
    Weds: Run intervals (usually around 7 or 8 km total) or indoor core/body weights class
    Thurs: Same as Tuesday
    Fri: Short, easy run
    Sat: 90 mins Hot yoga if I have time

    I also throw in a few other activities when they come up, like snowshoeing or stair repeats (if it's nice out - we have a great set of stairs here, 144 per set, that I try to do ~8 to 10 sets of on occasion).

    I have a history of ED's as well, so am being very careful about how I go about this. I at one point weighed in the low 120's, and I was very sick. I don't want to be there again, I want to be healthy.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm 5"7"
    Jan 1, 2013 = 188
    CW = 151

    I'm a classic pear shape, so my pants are still a sz 9/10.

    I'd like to lose enough and tone enough to fit comfortably in a med, 8/10. My loss this year was very slow, as I am diabetic and not able to always exercise or diet the way I would like due to blood sugar levels.

    I'm not always counting calories, just trying to eat cleanly 90% of the time, and allowing myself treats in small portions. I also do not get on the scale regularly, because seeing it go up discourages me, and then I eat things I shouldn't! I mainly go by how my pants fit.

    I like to walk, do my elliptical, or yoga. I'm trying to focus more on maintaining until after the holidays, and not straining myself, just getting out and moving around when I can.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I'm no where near the weight I need (want?) to be, but feel free to add me! I log daily, and exercise 6-7 times/week. Down 56lbs since early August!
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5"7 and currently around 150. I started in August 2012 at 210 lbs and just hit my goal a few of weeks ago. Slow and steady! So slow that I often don't feel like a success story.

    I log consistently, but I don't restrict myself too much. I lost most of my weight eating more than 2000 calories in a day. It has been great!

    I work out 5 days a week, plus daily dog walks, but other than that I spend most of my time at a desk. I started off by doing a lot of cardio, but really started seeing results once I started using weights.

    I have progress pics in my profile and a link to my 1 year anniversary below (I can't post pics while at work...boooo).
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm 5'8" and have lost 60 pounds since 2009.

    Starting weight (before MFP): 220lb

    Current weight: 159lb

    Goal weight: 155ish (I'm focused on re-comp: how i look, not the scale, now)

    As long as you make this a lifestyle change, you will be successful. Just keep working at it and don't worry about how long it takes. You'll get there as long as you keep working towards it.

    You can see some pics of me in my profile.:smile:
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I'm 5'7.75" and used to weight close to 260. Now I dance around 157-160.

    How was I successful? I switched to the TDEE-% eating method and didn't track exercise calories. And I started lifting heavy weights. Since I didn't cut too deep and lose all of my muscle via excessive cardio and zero strength training, I'm able to maintain my weight on 2700-3000 calories per day, depending on my activity. With NO intentional cardio yesterday, I took 17,000 steps and burned 3k. I am on my feet alot with kids and work. When I was completely sedentary for over a month, I was still burning 2,000+ per day. Don't be afraid of lifting and keeping your muscles. Eat the absolute MOST you can and still lose weight slowly.

    Worked for me.

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