Bloating because of Ovulation?

Hi ladies,

Do you feel bloated and gain weight during ovulation time? This is my first month of tracking my weight and watching everything so closely. As per my period calendar, today is my ovulation day. I woke up 1 lb heavier and I feel terribly bloated, even though I ate well last night. I have been drinking lots of water. I am exercising regularly as well. I remember gaining a couple of pounds two weeks back when it was time for my period. I lost all that weight and an extra pound I believe. I've been stuck at 154.4 lbs since 10 days. Day before, I was up at 155 lbs because I ate a little too much the previous night. And today, I am at 156.

I exercise 5 to 6 times a week. I use 30 Day Shred or some other JM's DVD to exercise.

I just feel really irritated and mad today. I haven't seen the scale move down and it's really getting to me. Thankfully, I haven't made any stupid food choices...SO FAR. But it'll be nice to see the scale move. :(


  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    I get bloated too but dont know if its ovulation. I thought it was the extra water i've been drinking. I go to the sauna when i feel like that and it works. Try sweating a little more and check if its not water weight.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Not bloating. Cramping? Check! Breasts starting to swell (which I guess is some sort of fluid retention)? Check!

    So I suppose it's possible to be bloating as well. :(
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you're working out and not losing weight, you may be losing inches. Do your clothes fit any better? Keep in mind that the scale is not the only tool in our arsenal. Start measuring your waist, thighs and hips and track them along with your weight.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Between ovulation and menstruation, your body is preparing for pregnancy.

    Some women don't feel the effects of that preparation until the day before menstruation, some women don't feel the effects until a week before, and others feel it right away... and every other possible variation.

    Personally, since my pregnancy, I now get heartburn between the two dates. But I can certainly see bloating as a real issue for some.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    i get it all :-/ bloating, breast tenderness, migraines, back aches, cramps, all a week before I start my period. The weight gain is usually about three pounds more than my usual weight and I can feel the swelling from the water retention in my legs usually, ugh!
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Not bloating. Cramping? Check! Breasts starting to swell (which I guess is some sort of fluid retention)? Check!

    So I suppose it's possible to be bloating as well. :(

    Oh I got some terrible leg cramps this morning. They are gone now, but I still feel bloated. My breasts start to swell the week before periods! :(
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    When did you start your work-out? Did the weight gain coincide with that? If so, it's the retention of glycogen and water that occurs when you first start a new work-out. Give it a few more days and it should work itself out. I also agree that you should take measurements.
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I do...bloating, cramping, backache and *****Y on top of it! I almost feel worse the days before/during/after ovulation than I do when I get my period.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    When did you start your work-out? Did the weight gain coincide with that? If so, it's the retention of glycogen and water that occurs when you first start a new work-out. Give it a few more days and it should work itself out. I also agree that you should take measurements.

    I started my workout about 3 weeks back. Yeah, I planning on taking some measurements this weekend when I'm not feeling bloated.
  • daisypurple
    daisypurple Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah this is me today, I've had cramps for 2 days now, feel really hormonal and also gained a couple of lbs and I know I have not done anything to gain them, looks like its normal and temporary x
  • aliciabehr
    aliciabehr Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I will gain several pounds during menstruation and ovulation and lose them the day after. It's crazy! No amount of water seems to take it off either. So annoying! Also, I seem to lose weight in two week cycles. Scale doesn't budge for two weeks and then boom all of a sudden I drop two pounds! Stick with it. Eventually you'll figure out how your body works.
  • I hate that! I'll look in the mirror and just feel disgusting. I stick with healthy eating & maybe have a treat here and there, but I don't weigh myself because that water weight really shows and discourages me.
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    That would be my case, too. Bloating during ovulation and right before menstruation. It sucks.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Until I was 35 or so, I would have one week of bloating accompanied by a weight plateau or gain of 1-2 pounds. After age 35, it was 2 weeks of plateau or gain of 2-5 pounds!

    So, yes, ovulation caused bloat and weight gain for me.
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    This is me this week!! really sucks :cry:
  • VeeSecrets
    VeeSecrets Posts: 28 Member
    Me too I gain like 4-6lbs a week b4 my cycle. VERY frustrating
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i've seen the scale hop up 8 whole lbs the week before my period along with all the other yuckiness (cramps, wanting to stuff my face... crankiness...), but i press on... and a few days into my period that extra weight falls off and sometimes even an extra lb or two. this is one of the main reasons i weigh myself as often as i do.. at least a couple times a week. i'm able to more closely monitor and understand fluctuations in my weight and don't get too discouraged if i know i've been eating right and exercising.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    If you aren't already, weigh yourself naked, first thing in the morning after you go to the bathroom, before you eat or drink ANYTHING. That will give you the most consistent accurate weight. I find that I can hold onto my weight and then all of a sudden drop 3 pounds. Don't get frustrated.
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    Hi ladies,

    Do you feel bloated and gain weight during ovulation time? This is my first month of tracking my weight and watching everything so closely. As per my period calendar, today is my ovulation day. I woke up 1 lb heavier and I feel terribly bloated, even though I ate well last night. I have been drinking lots of water. I am exercising regularly as well. I remember gaining a couple of pounds two weeks back when it was time for my period. I lost all that weight and an extra pound I believe. I've been stuck at 154.4 lbs since 10 days. Day before, I was up at 155 lbs because I ate a little too much the previous night. And today, I am at 156.

    I exercise 5 to 6 times a week. I use 30 Day Shred or some other JM's DVD to exercise.

    I just feel really irritated and mad today. I haven't seen the scale move down and it's really getting to me. Thankfully, I haven't made any stupid food choices...SO FAR. But it'll be nice to see the scale move. :(

    dont always pay to close attention to the scale. sometimes the scale could be still but you could be losing inches!
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    I get bloated right after my Aunt Flow shows up. I don't really notice anything different during the ovulation cycle other than an occasional crap... Yep... I cramp before, during, and after... I guess my aunt and I don't get along, LOL!