hump vs lump

Ok so i'm pretty much just venting....I am now finally starting to notice areas that are slimming....I have a long ways to go, 135lbs to be exact; anywho, i was walking in front of my building i work in which is completely covered in windows but the external view looks like mirrors, anywho, i noticed my top lump is still not close to matching my bottom hump....its frustrating....i am starting to look deformed......thank God for the weight lost so far, but i wish i'd even out a little.


  • Shelley99
    Shelley99 Posts: 5
    ok i'm confused. which body part is the lump and which is the hump? :blushing:
  • Precious_Nissa
    well my body forms what they call 2 the top of my stomach is bigger than my bottom a big woman, i've always wore clothes to hide that...well know its getting hard because the bottom is slimming quicker than the top :(