How many run moderately and lift?

I used to think I couldnt do both cuz Id end up super bulky if I lifted and couldnt run far or Id end up into a skinny little weakling from excessive running... do you guys think running 5 miles is too much if I just want to get cut - I used to be a heavy bulky lifter so I used to not run to avoid any muscle loss but I quit lifting and now im fat. Im starting to run again to lose the fat but I dont want to turn into a stick again.


  • mrydavis
    mrydavis Posts: 32 Member
    I run 3-4 miles 3-4 days a week and lift 2 days a week. There's nothing wrong with doing both. I like lifting because it uses the muscles I don't during running and it's how I work out my arms. I'm going to start training for a half marathon, but I will probably keep lifting to keep working those muscles. I'm not trying to bulk up, just make sure all my muscles are being used.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I do c25k 3-4 days a week and just started lifting 3 days a week. I'm not trying to bulk, just trying to keep muscle tone while I lose weight so I can minimize loose skin and avoid skinny fat
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    a nice balance is great. Just today I lifted and then ran 5k. My trainer is a tank, and he did cardio 2-3 times a week.
  • CBeland2013
    I do both and I see the results. Losing fat, gaining muscle - Getting muscle bulk in my arms, shoulders, and upper legs while still slimming down in my midsection. I run 2-3 miles, 2-3 times a week while I lift weights and do circuit training on the days in between.
  • jsblk3000
    Most of this is anecdotal but...

    I used to run about 20-30 miles a week a year ago and had a pretty successful weight lifting program. Although my strength gains might have been slower, I had to take one extra day off between lifting workouts. Currently I bike 40 miles about twice a week but don't run as much and I'm still seeing gains at the gym. I do feel weaker if I hit the weights the next day after a very long cardio session. It's important to keep up the calories and match close to what you burn otherwise progress stalls at the gym. It's completely doable, just expect slower results.

    BTW, if your focus is more on running don't focus on body building lifts like bicep curls and isolation sets. Either incorporate an endurance lifting/body weight routine with low weight high reps every other day (even if you run that day). Or a strength training program with high weight low reps every 3 days like (i.e. stronglifts, starting strength, texas method, ect.) and avoid running those days. If your focus is on body building don't do more than 30 mins of cardio is the basic rule of thumb for most people.
  • starvinkevin
    My goal is to lose as much fat as possible in 2 months - I've down excessive running + 1200 cal diet before, PSMF, and crash fasting diets and while I can usually get the weight down as much as 15 lbs in 3-4 weeks, I end up regaining everything and sometimes more... so this time I want to do it right but still fast! So Im thinking that if I want to run, I cant cut carbs too much, but I want muscle to burn more calories so...
  • starvinkevin
    What do you think will burn the most calories? Im thinking heavy lifting will because Ill be destroying my muscles more than rebuilding.
    Most of this is anecdotal but...

    I used to run about 20-30 miles a week a year ago and had a pretty successful weight lifting program. Although my strength gains might have been slower, I had to take one extra day off between lifting workouts. Currently I bike 40 miles about twice a week but don't run as much and I'm still seeing gains at the gym. I do feel weaker if I hit the weights the next day after a very long cardio session. It's important to keep up the calories and match close to what you burn otherwise progress stalls at the gym. It's completely doable, just expect slower results.

    BTW, if your focus is more on running don't focus on body building lifts like bicep curls and isolation sets. Either incorporate an endurance lifting/body weight routine with low weight high reps every other day (even if you run that day). Or a strength training program with high weight low reps every 3 days like (i.e. stronglifts, starting strength, texas method, ect.) and avoid running those days. If your focus is on body building don't do more than 30 mins of cardio is the basic rule of thumb for most people.