so down :(

i feel so defeated and wanting to give up on myself. i kept yo yoing the same 10-15 lbs for so long until recently i finally stuck with it and lost 30 pounds. well now ive gained back 15-20 lbs quickly and im so angry with myself. whats the point of losing it again when im probably just going to gain it back yet again. i feel gross with the amount of food ive been eating and none of my clothes are fitting anymore but i feel like i cant stop eating sugar (donuts, cookies etc are my weakness). even if i do decide to lose it again my body wont look nice from the constant fluctuations. it is going to take its toll on my body. i hope i can find motivation again somehow but right now im just so angry. all that hard just completely not caring.


  • futureshopaholic
    futureshopaholic Posts: 64 Member
    I understand completely! This is my first day back and I literally just made the decision to start again 15 minutes ago. You just gotta find what really motivates you. This may sound mean but this is what I went through. I was really bad with diet for about 3 weeks because I started working. I would get reminded of stuff like, Oh this would be so much easier if I was skinnier. And I finally decided that its so much easier doing the work then be sad for myself all the time. Like I want to find love and be able to do my work easier and that won't come to a 350 pound woman AT ALL. So I just gotta work as hard as I want to get what I want. Sometimes the body does that and you have no control over it. As long as you're eating healthy and exercising then you're on the right path! We can do this! =]
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    You both can do it. You need to remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. You have to pick yourself up and make the choice to move forward. You can't live in the past, it gains you nothing. You have to look ahead. I speak from experience, when I tell you to live in the present and quit beating yourself up about the past. Good luck.
  • JackiLean
    JackiLean Posts: 62 Member
    The fact that you realize sugar is your demise is a good first step. You know every time you look at that donut and want it, need it and eventually eat it, you are doing something wrong. Isn't that part of it? Acknowledgement? A desire for change? Don't give up! It will take one slap across the face one day to decide that the donut in your hand will not win this one. You are stronger than it.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I've lost 60 lbs and kept it off for well over a year now.

    Your weight is your decision. If you choose to be fat, you'll be fat.

    If you choose to be fit, you'll be fit.

    Edit to say: There is nothing wrong with cookies and donuts. And unless you have a medical condition there's no reason why you can't enjoy them in moderation. Enjoy your treats and stay in a calorie deficit. Plenty of people in great shape eat cookies and donuts.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    track track track. give yourself one month of 100% diligent tracking (food scale and all). i swear u will see results, and hopefully that will motivate u to continue
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    If you go to hardcore to lose weight you will not be able to stay that way. You will continue to yo-yo back and forth. Make small changes to your diet over time that you can sustain. Eat what you want but eat less and stay within your daily tracking goals. Don't make it harder then it has to be.

    I often eat ice cream and i am still losing. You have to enjoy your food but be smart enough to know when to say stop.
  • buffty
    buffty Posts: 83
    Have a cyber cuddle OP! Don't be so hard on yourself. I suspect you might be like me, you try to do everything perfect and then the slightest mistake and you totally crash in a spiral of sugary donut shame.

    Try not to be so hard on yourself, save enough calories each day for a little treat, set yourself little goals, take it a day at a time. Try not to let yourself get overwhelmed, frustrated or depressed. We're only human and we make mistakes. The trick is to pick yourself up and keep going.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Your weight is your decision. If you choose to be fat, you'll be fat.

    If you choose to be fit, you'll be fit.

    If only it was that simple for everyone. Don't get me wrong, for me it is, but for plenty of people that would be the equivalent of telling a crack addict 'just decide not to do drugs and then you won't'.

    I just finished reading a book where the woman's story was a lot like yours sounds. Maybe you could check it out if you like reading. Be warned though that it's a fairly detailed account of her struggles and there's no big happy ending.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    If a drug addict wanted to stop then the very first thing he would need to do is exactly what you reffered to. He would need to decide to do so. Evidence is clear that putting someone in rehap , or on a diet, is not effective unless the person decides to change on thier own.