scottish female aged 49 needs pals..

I joined the site about a month ago and having got into the swing of logging (and losing yay), I am now engaging more with the community, reading and posting on the message boards and have found this to be really helpful.
I log in every day and would love to make friends with others who are on this path, I think the support and motivation could be invaluable.


  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Jullessi, I'm not Scottish (Aussie), but I'm almost 48 (good god where has that time gone). Feel free to friend me, I have some great MFPer's on here, and without them it'd be bloody hard work!
  • shamany6666
    Good for you and good luck
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    Hey, I'm in Edinburgh, feel free to add me :)
  • abadmum
    abadmum Posts: 39 Member
    Not scotland, (Sussex).. but add me if you like.
  • sarahxcx
    sarahxcx Posts: 26 Member
    Hey am in Lanarkshire, found this site a lot more useful since January when I started adding friends and using the boards.
    I log every day
    Feel free to add :smile:
  • Shirlls123
    Shirlls123 Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm in Scotland and I joined MFP 3 weeks ago and in that time I've lost 8 pounds.
  • TheDramaQueen
    Hi there, I've just started today and am the same age as you so would love to be pals if you want to add me (as I'm not sure yet how to do that lol)

    I'm hoping to lose about 2½ stone and am cal counting

    Jan x
  • MutterGans
    MutterGans Posts: 45 Member
    What a difference a bit of support makes. I joined a year ago...didnt want to use the boards etc, and failed miserably. This time, I'm throwing myself in with abandon, losing weight and eating healthily, with the odd minor derailment. Do add me...I've a heap of weight to lose so will be around for a while!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    hi, i'm in scotland too - feel free to add me :)
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome! Friend request sent if you would like to add me. Good luck on
    your weight loss journey!
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Hi, I've been here for a while - lost, gaine and losing again! done the 1200 kcals - didn't work for me. An ex-gym hater - I've seen the light and I now go the gym! LOL! I'm supportive to my mfp's - who all support me back! Add me if you like, I'm 46, mum, auntie and nurse, with 2 dogs, who I love to make happy and walk!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I'm Canadian, but you can add me. I've been here for over a year, daily.
  • billyboybalbo
    I'm Edinburgh, fit birds add me.
  • Jullessi
    Jullessi Posts: 38
    Sadly Billy I am far from being a fit bird lol
  • billyboybalbo
    Stick a pic up :)
  • oonaghmolly
    oonaghmolly Posts: 46 Member
    ^^^ Slut boy .. down down

    55 year old Scottish Mum, Nurse and fatty .. happy to help.

    My girl is hot tho ... lol !!
  • billyboybalbo
    ^^^ Slut boy .. down down

    55 year old Scottish Mum, Nurse and fatty .. happy to help.

    My girl is hot tho ... lol !!

    Being 55 aint going to keep me off ya ;) lol
  • oonaghmolly
    oonaghmolly Posts: 46 Member
    ^^^ Slut boy .. down down

    55 year old Scottish Mum, Nurse and fatty .. happy to help.

    My girl is hot tho ... lol !!

    Being 55 aint going to keep me off ya ;) lol

    You're breakfast boyo and the leavings widnae make a plate o' stovies <3
  • billyboybalbo
    ^^^ Slut boy .. down down

    55 year old Scottish Mum, Nurse and fatty .. happy to help.

    My girl is hot tho ... lol !!

    Being 55 aint going to keep me off ya ;) lol

    You're breakfast boyo and the leavings widnae make a plate o' stovies <3

    accept my friends request...we need to discus stuff.....things ;)
  • AshleyG31
    AshleyG31 Posts: 21
    I signed up last year but didnt get going good until now. Add me to your contacts we can support each other. Im in the USA.