For the functioning alcoholics...



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I like red wine, but I always measure it and have between 3 to 5 ounces, depending on what I have left to fit into my macros. I also like vodka and seltzer water with some lime. If I drink beer, I drink Guinness. And generally, I only drink on the weekends, typically one night but sometimes both. Apparently I need to try this Kim Crawford wine everyone speaks of :)

    I also drink red wine when I am out. Or a flavored martini (lemon drop or chocolate cherry).
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I've got a solution for you.

    First, go a full month without drinking. It allows your tolerance to go down.

    Then re-introduce drinks on weekends, and possibly even daily, but stick to one or two a day, and always drink with food or after a meal, not before. You'll find that with a reduced tolerance, even one drink can go a long way.

    I measure my drinks just like I measure my food--5 oz of wine is really 5 oz, and I know the volume of my beer glasses. At restaurants, you have to eyeball, but you get better at it with practice.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I actually have trouble drinking too much, and I thought this thread was going to be for people like me who live normal lives but struggle with a tendency to overdo it on a regular basis. Instead, I read about what sounds like highly responsible drinking. Oh well...

  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You can drink in a deficit.

    But your drinking may be worse than you think. You actually joined in September. LOL
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I actually have trouble drinking too much, and I thought this thread was going to be for people like me who live normal lives but struggle with a tendency to overdo it on a regular basis. Instead, I read about what sounds like highly responsible drinking. Oh well...


    This is "My Fitness Pal", not "My Drunken Debauchery Pal" :)
  • karisul1
    karisul1 Posts: 50
    Alcohol is my biggest weakness!! Nothing tastes better than a beer...or 5 after a long day at work...LOL
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I already know about Skinny Girl, and their wines are decent given the 100 calories a serving. What do other members do to enjoy a drink but keep on track?
    I eat less.

    I make and enjoy big beers, a couple of those and guess what, that's a full meal. Well, bummer. So I've completely dropped down my intake, but I do it when I feel like it. I'm not going to cut it out, because you know what? How can I keep up a healthy lifestyle by cutting out participating in and tasting the fruits of my own labors?

    So, gotta moderate. That's all, nothing magic.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I admit I'm a little dependent on two glasses of red wine a night before bed, otherwise I don't know how to get sleepy. I just figure it into my daily calories and I keep track of my Vitamin C to make sure I'm getting enough fruits and veggies in and not just eating protein and wine. (Probably not a healthy long term plan for the organs, the protein and wine plan.) Eventually as I get lower I'll probably have to give up one of those glasses of wine. But I don't do the low cal alcohol or diet soda and alcohol thing anymore. I'm trying to reduce the overall amount of toxins in my system and cutting back on diet soda is a part of that. (Got to kick that Diet Dr. Pepper Big Gulp monkey on my back, I blame the 7-11 down the street.)
  • Jobeth1961
    Jobeth1961 Posts: 40 Member
    I noticed you haven't a great amount to lose but that to-date, your tracker, says you've still not lost anything. I wonder if your drinking is more important to you than serious attempts to get the weight off? You look young in your photo, how will you be in 10 years from now? I gave alcohol up for 3 months to kick start what for me has been a life changing journey. Only you can decide where your own priorities lie.

    Gin & slimline tonic, small glasses of wine (with plenty of water between) are things I include occassionally NOT daily.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I admit I'm a little dependent on two glasses of red wine a night before bed, otherwise I don't know how to get sleepy. I just figure it into my daily calories and I keep track of my Vitamin C to make sure I'm getting enough fruits and veggies in and not just eating protein and wine. (Probably not a healthy long term plan for the organs, the protein and wine plan.) Eventually as I get lower I'll probably have to give up one of those glasses of wine. But I don't do the low cal alcohol or diet soda and alcohol thing anymore. I'm trying to reduce the overall amount of toxins in my system and cutting back on diet soda is a part of that. (Got to kick that Diet Dr. Pepper Big Gulp monkey on my back, I blame the 7-11 down the street.)

    Protein and wine--I think you should consider patenting that!

    Actually, jokes aside, there was this guy a while ago who basically advocated something very much like a protein and wine diet. Here's a link:

    It's not something *I* am suggesting anyone do, but it's been done.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I noticed you haven't a great amount to lose but that to-date, your tracker, says you've still not lost anything. I wonder if your drinking is more important to you than serious attempts to get the weight off? You look young in your photo, how will you be in 10 years from now? I gave alcohol up for 3 months to kick start what for me has been a life changing journey. Only you can decide where your own priorities lie.

    Gin & slimline tonic, small glasses of wine (with plenty of water between) are things I include occassionally NOT daily.

    OP did say that she only just started tracking, so it makes sense that she hasn't lost any weight. I wouldn't give her grief about that--and isn't one of the main points of tracking to find out exactly what is causing your weight gain? Sounds like she is right on track there and has identified a potential problem area.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Solution; don't drink.

    Empty calories suck for dieting.

    I'm not dieting, I'm making a healthy lifestyle, which is why I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and a cocktail or two on the weekends and not stress about it.

    THANK YOU! You said this much nicer than what I had drafted 3X and then deleted.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Vodka and diet for 64-69 calories a drink.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Drinking in moderation has been shown repeatedly to be correlated with better health and even weight control (mostly in observational studies, but still).

    OP, I recommend having a look at this:

    He even talks about how to prepare for a night of drinking without sacrificing your fat loss progress or athletic performance.
  • AlFreebs
    AlFreebs Posts: 24 Member
    I realized this was my weightloss problem too. I ate great and then topped my night off with a beer/glass of wine (or 2), thus drinking back all the calories I'd worked hard to skip throughout the day! So, I compromised with myself. No drinking during the week, especially if I'm just hanging at home. It has done wonders for my wallet, weightloss, and energy! When I do have a couple drinks on the weekends, I stick with wine or vodka/water + lime. It sounds dull, but it's better than 150 cal + beer, especially when you're having multiple! My personal trainer swears that beer is the devil and literally tells your body to stop burning fat. I think he was just trying to scare me...but it has worked so far! Good luck!!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I think you need to look up what it means to be a alcoholic (functioning or otherwise), and be more careful about throwing that word around.

    To answer your question, you can work the alcohol into your calorie goal. However, when your calories are restricted you might have a difficult time meeting minimum amounts for macro and micronutrients if alcohol takes up a considerable chunk of your calories.

    Depending on how low your calories are, you can really only afford for 10-20% of your calories to come from non-nutritive sources ("empty calories" like alcohol, which are essentially refined carbs) before you start sacrificing your health long-term.

    Agreed. Enjoying a glass of wine or a beer with dinner does not equal functioning alcoholic.

    A functioning alcoholic is someone who has to drink to live life. You may not know they are drinking, but they often are, in smaller amounts through the day. Usually from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep. Sure, they are driving, cleaning the house, working, and living life, but they are not sober for most of it.

    Please be a little more careful about using significant terms in regards to your moderate consumption of alcohol.
  • georgelachow
    georgelachow Posts: 2 Member
    There is no point to log if you're going to drink. Okay you like to drink, and I like to eat red-velvet cupcakes. Ask yourself, what do you want more? A drink or body?
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I realized this was my weightloss problem too. I ate great and then topped my night off with a beer/glass of wine (or 2), thus drinking back all the calories I'd worked hard to skip throughout the day! So, I compromised with myself. No drinking during the week, especially if I'm just hanging at home. It has done wonders for my wallet, weightloss, and energy! When I do have a couple drinks on the weekends, I stick with wine or vodka/water + lime. It sounds dull, but it's better than 150 cal + beer, especially when you're having multiple! My personal trainer swears that beer is the devil and literally tells your body to stop burning fat. I think he was just trying to scare me...but it has worked so far! Good luck!!

    It's not just beer--all alcohol is preferentially metabolized first, before fat. Have a look at the LeanGains link above--he talks about that. Some people vilify beer above all other beverages... I drink it regularly and am quite fit. As with all things, moderation is key. Also, drink better quality beer, and it will be a lot more satisfying.
  • jazzcat55
    jazzcat55 Posts: 164 Member
    I think the OP was just trying to be funny with "functioning alcoholics," isn't funny for anyone who has ever dealt with real drinking problems, either personally or with loved ones.

    Over the past couple years until I started MFP in January, I was drinking a lot due to 3 glasses of wine every night. It was THE reason I put on 20 lb. (Well, that and not exercising.) I was really starting to wonder if I had a drinking problem.

    I happy to say that I haven't had any wine this last 4 months. We do keep the ultra-light beers on hand. They are a shock to the system when you're used to the full-flavored microbrews, but we've gotten used to them. I'm sure that one of the reasons I feel so much better now is cutting out all that alcohol (in addition to eating much better and exercising). I'm also saving a ton of money!