So close to giving up.

I think I am due my time of the month as I am craving sugar and carbs more than ever, I feel like I HAVE to have them or I feel hungry and weak.

I had a bad weekend this weekend and ended up going up 2lbs by Monday.
I promised myself I'd be good this week but I have messed up again and ended up on a horrible binge tonight, I must have had about 2500 calories.

I am fed up of this cycle of having good days, then ruining my hard work by giving in.

I'm disgusting, and so close to just giving in.
I don't want to be depressed and miserable, I want to be happy and healthy.

How can I turn this around? :-(


  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Turn that negative attitude to a positive one. I am close to getting my time of month. But, it's just going to be another week plus cramps and migranes. You have the power to control your urges - self-control.

    All you need is belief in yourself.

    I'm here for you if anything

  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    Throw all the junk food away...if its there, you will eat it.
  • FrankieTrailBlazer
    FrankieTrailBlazer Posts: 124 Member
    @Charlixoxo & @itsjenetics1, u may want to find a naturopath in your area for some natural proven herbal solutions... While i dont recommend buying off the web this website gives reasonable descriptions of various herbal tinctures and there effects just to give you an idea ( ... I am using a personal herbal mixture of about 8 different items to keep my metabolism high while i lose weight... A properly designed personalized mix may work for you individual situations... As for me, it is part of my program which has lead to me losing about 30 pounds in 30 days (and still going!!) and feel great and full of energy...
  • Rhondaah
    Rhondaah Posts: 2
    I think you need to not be so hard on yourself. Its ok to have a bad week...if you beat youself up, then youll just have guilt to deal with. keep going, you have will power, or you wouldnt have made it this far..your human, and your allowed to make mistakes. It dosent make you disgusting! no matter what size you are you who are, the person inside is the same...your not disgusting...YOUR NOT DISGUSTING!
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    We really do all have those days when we feel like throwing in the towel. Don't give up...I got up this morning and because it is that time of month gained 2 lbs...but you know what I pick my self up and keep on getting it. One bad day or splurge isn't going to ruin things. I just try to focus on what I can do right today to make a difference; I can't change what I did yesterday. I found that I craved alot of sugar and snacks when I wasn't getting the right calorie intake and I was hungry all the time.....I bumped up my calories and am doing much better.

    Smile it will get better.
  • Tpope66
    Tpope66 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Charlie, it is very hard and you do not need to beat yourself up over eating bad. Like rocky said "It's not how hard you can hit, It's how hard you CAN get hit and get back up." I like that quote so much cause it is so very true, life is hard and there will always be miss ups or failure of some kind and you have to learn and keep moving forward never looking back. I like to workout super hard when I feel bad about myself or my actions (unhealthy eating) to get that work out high only after one hell of an intense workout;)

    We are all here to help and I hope this helps you.
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Have a look at your weekly goal. One bad day doesn't toast the week. Try to stick as close as possible to your weekly goal (without going crazy on reducing your calories below your usual level).
  • kwogni
    kwogni Posts: 18
    According to your profile Charli, you've lost 17 pounds already. That's quite an achievement. Don't be discouraged about what has happened. It happens most likely from a feeling of deprivation. If you want to keep losing the weight, you will have to research more about ways to fire up your metabolism. As you will ultimately become a nurse, this may be invaluable information to both you and your future profession.
  • cassieoscar
    I did the exact same would be "good" for 2 days then get tired or hungry and have a few "bad days" never moved an lb on the scale, I got so fed up I was at the stage you are now.....stuff this!

    I took a step back and realised I wasn't giving 100%, so I took one final "day off" indulged then got on it, I changed my eating to 3 meals a day clean foods, if I wanted something sweet it is a choc digestive with a coffee, don't get me wrong the first few days were harsh but now I see it as a way of life, and im not punishing myself if I have a choc biscuit or a packet of crisps because its just not worth it.

    Keep at it, it may be slow & you will feel low some times but keep positive as much as you can, it is doable.

    Good Luck
  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you to all the responders; very insightful. OP you are definitely not alone. Although I am a middle-aged married man and most MFP folks seem to be younger females and I have little in common with them, THIS is something I relate to and I believe I know EXACTLY how you feel.

    I self sabotage all the time. But I keep coming back and trying again. I can tell myself my bad choices are suicide on the installment plan and I still make hte poor choices. I believe it is an addition to sugar, in my case, and I learned in OA a long time ago if I get [processed] sugar free for three weeks, the cravings should subside. I also need to raise my eating awareness. I have a book called "Mindful Eating" that is very helpful - when I read it and do what it says. <sigh>

    It takes two to three weeks of discipline to make new habits and break old ones, so I am told. My job now is to stop making bad choices and start making the right ones (more often than not). I did give up alcohol (I tended to binge snack when drinking) and have been sober since October 13, 2012. If I can do that, then I must quit sugar.

    I think you and I and people like us need sponsors more than MFP friend support. Good luck!
  • meagank28
    meagank28 Posts: 52
    dont beat yourself up. my time of the month i am starving and too exhausted to do hardly anything. the weight i gain (usually between 2-4 lbs but sometimes more) is just water weight and it drops off in about a week after my time stops. DONT GIVE UP YOU HAVE COME SOOOO FAR! YOU ARE AWESOME!
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    messaging you what works for me :) but don't beat yourself up - most people on here are starving themselves anyway you need food to fuel your body you just have to make the right choices - I eat between 1600 and 1700 calories a day but with eaxercise I net between 1200 and 1300 and that is where you need to be but with protein and good carbs -
  • Melaney1
    Melaney1 Posts: 44 Member
    Everyone has those days. Hang in there, don't give up. Start each day as a new day.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The best advice I have received was to up my protein. That helped me get over my cravings for empty carbs and kept me feeling fuller for a longer period of time. I aim for 100 grams of protein each day. That also helps my muscle recovery. Good luck and what ever you do, don't stop just because you have gained 2 lbs. I can gain two pounds just from drinking my morning coffee. Two pounds is within a normal fluctuation range.
  • samara1981
    I love hot herbal tea that has fruit flavor so it is sweet and feels bad without being bad, plus it is warm and makes you feel cozy when you are cramping. The cycle does suck sometimes when you gain back a couple of pounds, but as long as you keep on it and don't give up you won't gain all of it back and then some. We all have days where we need something for some reason, but just keep yourself in check and you will bounce back.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Step back and take a deep breath. It's one meal, or one slip up. Try to make different choices for your next meal. As others have said, life is going to present challenges. Please don't give up on yourself. When you feel discouraged, come here for support, or look through the success stories. Possibly try to identify the time frames when you are more likely to have a harder time making better choices. For me, when I get home from work I want to eat - a lot! I have tried to schedule activities or errands during this time frame because I know it's a hard time of the day for me. I am stressed and exhausted from work. You'll often find me at the gym! :)