Getting fit while pregnant? stories and pics please!!!!!

So, I just recently found out I was pregnant it was a huge surprise, so I had my mind set into the weightloss/excersise, getting to my goal weight and now to have to change from that to hey you're growing a baby is hard and I still can't see not still being able to get fit, I know I'm not trying to lose the weight right now, I know that wouldn't want to be healthy but I still think I could make my body look better with exercise while I'm pregnant not to just maintain what I look like now, so have any of you not reached your goal weight before you got pregnant and still kept up getting fit and looking great I would love to hear about what you did, how much you ate, and if you have pics showing your progress that would be great. Thanks!!


  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm interested in the responses/photos you receive--you and I have something in common. I've been on MFP since Apr 2012, loss 53lbs, bt am now 15wks pregnant. I've bn trying to stay w/i my recommended calories bt nt always sucessful YET I'm hanging in there. This site motivates me; can't wait to view your responses.
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    I haven't been in exactly the same position as you but I thought I'd share my story and maybe you can take something from it.

    I was trying to lose weight after my first baby was born (I had just reached pre-preggo weigth actually) when by surprise I got pregnant with my second (my first was 12 months old at the time). I stopped tracking but was very active as I had a toddler to look after. I ended up gaining more than I did with my first (with DD I gained 56 lbs and with DS I gained 70 lbs!!!) but I looked great and had an overall very different pregnancy. Just keep in mind that the priority is heath at this point, yours and the baby's. Follow your body's cues. Stay as active as you can and eat really well. With my first pregnancy I was very active, doing yoga etc. until in my second trimester I started spotting so then I had to stop all activity. So safety and heath is paramount here. You can and will lose all the weight after the baby is born with patience and diligence.

    Congrats by the way!!!
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I haven't been in exactly the same position as you but I thought I'd share my story and maybe you can take something from it.

    I was trying to lose weight after my first baby was born (I had just reached pre-preggo weigth actually) when by surprise I got pregnant with my second (my first was 12 months old at the time). I stopped tracking but was very active as I had a toddler to look after. I ended up gaining more than I did with my first (with DD I gained 56 lbs and with DS I gained 70 lbs!!!) but I looked great and had an overall very different pregnancy. Just keep in mind that the priority is heath at this point, yours and the baby's. Follow your body's cues. Stay as active as you can and eat really well. With my first pregnancy I was very active, doing yoga etc. until in my second trimester I started spotting so then I had to stop all activity. So safety and heath is paramount here. You can and will lose all the weight after the baby is born with patience and diligence.

    Congrats by the way!!!

    Thank you for the tips, hopefully I will stay really active
  • mcn79
    mcn79 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm not pregnant but hope to be in the next year or so which will also still be in the midst of my journey. I'm definitely interested in hearing what women have to say. It seems like what Lilli said makes sense... as long as we stay active and remember what we've learned, I think we'll be ok! Congratulations to on your baby!
  • vanessapetit
    vanessapetit Posts: 4 Member
    congratulations!! I would start by having a chat with my doctor before doing anything. They usually recommend that you keep up the exercise you did before getting pregnant during your pregnancy (well to a certain limit of course). If you weren't exercising you can look for prenatal fitness classes in your area, they are great! You can also change your diet without necessarily limiting your calorie intake, just eat good calories not bad ones. Good luck! :)
  • xoyasminxo
    xoyasminxo Posts: 132
    If you have been exercising regularly, then you should be able to continue what you've been doing throughout your pregnancy.but ALWAYS ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!! It can be dangerous to just decide to start working out once you find out your pregnant. Also, you don't have to eat double your calories (eating for two), its usually just about 300-500/day extra for the whole pregnancy. Educate yourself and CONSULT DOCTOR. Not every person is the same.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    When I got pregnant with my last, I was overweight and I did not want to gain the typical (for me, anyway) 40-45 pounds. I talked with my OB, and he agreed that a 15-25 pound gain would be ideal for where I was. I walked through most of the pregnancy, swam through the last trimester (it was summer) and logged food here - my goal was to eat 2000-2250 calories, but I usually didn't get all of them in; still, it was very helpful to be aware of what I was putting in my mouth, rather than the "I'm eating for 2 so I can have more" mentality. I ended up gaining 17 pounds total, with 6 pounds being baby (and most of the rest being the "essentials" like placenta, fluids, increased blood volume, etc). So it's really doable to keep it down :)

    I would suggest talking to your OB to find out what kind of gain you should aim for (it depends on your starting weight - it would be 20, it could be 10, it could be maintain) and how many calories you should aim for to do that.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Keep in mind that you really don't have to eat for 2 but don't deprive yourself either. Eat healthy and WALK! I walked every day up a hilly country road when I was pregnant (many years ago) and kept very fit. Getting and keeping fit will also benefit you when it is delivery time. If there are specific exercises you want to do and are concerned about, ask your doctor. The response that I always got was "if you could do it before, there is no reason you can't do it now".
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    I am currently pregnant. I was on MFP before I got pregnant and the pregnancy was a surprise. I have been trying to walk 30 minutes a day. I usually break it up in to two 15 minute walks. If you aren't used to exercising at all, that would be a great place to start. It is fine to exercise when you are pregnant but you don't want to overdo it, especially if you are not used to it. I have not been logging my food really since I got pregnant because I have been very busy and quite frankly I don't always make the best choices. I do try to choose more wisely now though most of the time. However, you don't want to look at my diary today. LOL. I still have cravings and yes, I give in to them sometimes. But so far I think I am doing good. My doctor said my weight/size was right on track at my last appt which was at 25 weeks. I am carrying all my weight in my belly. My legs are pretty, arms, etc. are pretty much the same size. I have felt good most of my pregnancy. I am 27 weeks as of today and starting to feel tired. I am wondering though if I might be anemic. I go for my glucose/anemia test on May 7th so we will see. I try to drink plenty of water too. I can't really tell you what I weighed before I got pregnant. I was 8 weeks pregnant before I found out. I think I weighed about 120 lbs but my scale was broken so I wasn't checking. At my last appt I weighed 133 lbs. I have not had any morning sickness at all. Also, the walking really relieves my back aches.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    BTW, I am also 41 years old. So I have the age factor on top of being pregnant! :) But I figured if I stay active now, maybe I can keep up with a toddler!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    Ditto to woodwardthm. I walked and swam with both of my daughters and no, you dont have to eat for two - but you DO have to eat and eat healthy. Lots of water. I was very active when I got pregnant with my girls - played tennis probably 6 days a week. There are some things they would prefer you stay away from like heavy lifting but truthfully use common sense and talk to your Doctor. You will feel so much better at delivery and post if you keep at it and you might be surprised at how the weight comes off. I had a c-section with my second daughter (both my kids were over 10 lbs) but I was on the treadmill the day before.
  • AllThatWeightlossJazz
    I lost 40 pounds while pregnant with my daughter simply by drinking only milk or water and making "clean" choices with my eating. I wasn't trying to lose weight but rather make healthy choices for me and baby.

    Congrats. Good luck!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    BTW, I am also 41 years old. So I have the age factor on top of being pregnant! :) But I figured if I stay active now, maybe I can keep up with a toddler!

    I was 37 going on 38 when I had my second. so it can be done
  • iaminspired127
    iaminspired127 Posts: 12 Member
    I just had my 2nd almost a year ago, (she will be One on Saturday). After I had my first it took me a while to recuperate and I was a little heavier when I had my first so losing the weight was hard afterwards. Before I had my second I got pretty low, but not at goal weight, I was exercising a few days per week and eating pretty clean. While I was pregnant with my daughter I went on short walks but that's the most exercise I did, I didn't count calories but I made sure what I consumed was good, except for the milkshake cravings. After I had my daughter it was alot easier to lose the weight, I just went back to exercising and eating clean (and breastfeeding helped). Right now, I am below pre-pregnancy weight. I was 142 when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter and I am 133 now. (But I still need the toning for sure, My goal is 130, back then my goal was 135)

    I don't know how to post pictures, I wish I did
  • ScottishMrs
    ScottishMrs Posts: 254 Member
    I recently had a miscarriage before the 5wk mark but before that happened I found this group that you might be interested in: Congratulations on your pregnancy!
  • harmonyh10
    harmonyh10 Posts: 58 Member
    If you are interested in continuing tracking I would suggest setting your goal at maintaining until you are in your late 2nd term/3rd term and then add in another roughly 300 calories a day. It is also really good to increase your protein intake and not to track your sodium, unless your provide suggest otherwise. (During pregnancy its important that you body has enough sodium to retain fluid for your body and baby).

    I would also suggest walking, walking, walking as long as your provider oks it.

    And if possible take a Bradley class, best childbirth class ever!
  • smadacarlyle
    smadacarlyle Posts: 26 Member
    i ditto the walking routine. walk as much as you can. If it is too hot, walk in the mall. If it is too cold, walk in the mall (shopping helps pregnancy... :bigsmile: )
    Also, drink lots of water, and make sure that you are eating fruits and veggies that will provide your vitamins and iron intake. I did not take any pill/gummy vitamins but i did make sure to have a spinach salad 4-5 times a week and lots of fruits and veggies.
    I was working out a lot prior to getting pregnant, but found that after the 3 months i could not handle the hard workouts (side note - i was working out for about 6 months before getting pregnant, so my body was still not "used" to exercise). I changed jobs that allowed an hour lunch break, so i would walk around the city all summer long, about 1-2 miles a day. I walked slower the bigger i got, but walking helped my hips and helped with ease of delivery/recovery (Delivery it self was not easy, but it could have been a lot worse!).
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    When my son was about 1 1/2 I started running to support my sister in law, we signed up for two 5 km runs, about 2 1/2 months apart from each other. Well, in the middle of training for my first 5km, I found out that I was pregnant. My Dr. told me to continue as I was, so long as I paid close attention to how I was feeling, making sure not to push myself too hard. I was 13 weeks pregnant when I completed my first 5km in 35 mins along side my sister in law. I thought about not doing my second 5km, but I felt good, so I kept running. I did my second 5km as scheduled (ran and walked, because it was hot!), and while I was walking at about the 4km mark, a lady stopped and walked with me and said that she was trying to keep up with me during the entire race, and that if "that pregnant lady" could do it, so could she. She told me that I inspired her, and I will never forget her, or the way that she made me feel. In that moment, I knew I was a runner. I finished that 5km in 41 mins. After that, I jogged and walked almost everyday until I was too big and was uncomfortable; my Dr approved that this activity was fit for me, and I always listened to my body. I completely agree with the other posters that have recommended you talk to your Dr about what kind of weight gain is appropriate for you, and what type of exercises are appropriate as well. Stay active, have fun, and enjoy your pregnancy! :flowerforyou:
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Bump- very interesting. I want to come back and read all the responses later.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I am surprised by the amount of weight gain by some people when they are pregnant. I gained 22 pounds with my baby and lost all but 3 before I left the hospital.... I did have some belly flab that I worked off after the ok from doctor.... So now many women gain 50 pounds???? I just ate the good stuff and "treated" myself every now and then with ice cream,etc....
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