I don't want washboard abs.....



  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    I just want to wear a pair a of jeans without rolls hanging over them and to be able sit down without my stomach folding in half and making that ugly bulldog face. LOL
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I want to feel normal and not this American-30-lbs-over-weight normal
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i have a "goal weight" but it's more of a goal feeling. and it will be lifelong so that's what keeps me going. i want to be strong, muscular, fit, healthy, have amazing endurance and be able to one day run a marathon (half marathon first!), and feel comfortable in a bikini. what that'll look like, i have zero idea. but it's all about how i feel.

    i find it interesting, on a purely random note, how your post almost followed an inverted triangle shape...long paragraph, then shorter, then shorter, etc....just something i noticed (not sure if it caught anyone else's eye?).
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I want to be the best I can be.....

    each day that I continue progressing is getting me closer to it.
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    I want to be an old lady in excellent health - no cancer, no diabetes, no mobility problems. I want to enjoy my grandkids and great-grandkids. I want to travel into my late 80s or 90s - and no, its not too much to hope for, my granny put herself on a plane at age 87 and flew from Australia to Canada to visit her brother.

    I was on track for a long life hampered by ill health ... but now I am turning that around.


    My grandparents visited Antarctica in their late 70's, possibly early 80's. You have to commit to something like a two week stay to go to Antarctica. They routinely went to places like Whales and the Galopagus (Sp?) Islands into their eighties. So, I agree, it is not too much to hope for.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    When I started I just wanted to be able to walk up a hill without getting winded. I had, by my mid-30s, let myself get to the point where I was dangerously close to my father's size and knowing his health problems it scared the hell out of me.

    So I joined a gym and asked the really fit people around me what they were doing. I kept at it, started with the elliptical, messed around with weight lifting, and finally learned to run for the first time in my life (I'm asthmatic).

    Then the weight started to slowly come off, and the muscles finally started to grow just a little a bit. And you know what happened? My goals changed. I still don't have washboard abs. I will though.

    For the first time in my life, I feel great and am proud of the way I look. You absolutely have the right mind set, but push yourself and allow your goals to change with time, and you may just surprise yourself.

    Yup-totally agree.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    I just want a genie that can grant me three wishes. :bigsmile:
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I want to be the best I can be.....

    each day that I continue progressing is getting me closer to it.

    ^^THIS!! It was almost exactly what I was going to say! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunnyjb
    Sunnyjb Posts: 220
    Well, I want to be better, healthier, stronger and all that. But when it comes right down to it, I want to like my body, and I want to feel sexy. I will never feel that way if I don't like looking at myself
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I want to BE healthy. I want to FEEL healthy. And I want to LOOK healthy. So, those are my 3 main goals, in that order.

    Secondary goals -
    I want my body to be less squishy.
    I want to be able to run 5k straight, and feel like I could still do more.
    I want to be strong enough to easily lift anything I need to lift (including my growing kids).
    I want to be able to play outside WITH my kids, instead of just watching them.
    I want to be an awesome example for my kids as they grow up.
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I actually just wrote these down yesterday. Here they are, in order of importance (to me):

    - maintain functionality of my body to have longevity and endurance at my job
    - reduce stress, increase good mood through exercise
    - lift strong (ultimately, I would like to bench my weight, or something awesome like that)
    - lose weight

    I haven't weighed myself in a while. My husband's preoccupation with my higher butt and more shapely waist is all I need to know I am going in the right direction. :love: :smooched: :bigsmile:
  • DaniEdge9
    DaniEdge9 Posts: 34
    Great post! I agree with you, I think some of the posts on these boards get very focused with the ideal idea of a look, and maybe it's not always helpful to others.

    I would like to fit in a size 12 or 10 and just be more comfortable in my body, I would like my tummy to be less of a spare tire, more a small doughnut.

    I want to have strong arms and defined legs, and I really want my back fat to disappear, but I don't know if that will ever happen completely.
  • mebanwar
    mebanwar Posts: 9 Member
    No washboard abs for me either. That's just way more work than I'm willing to put in. My true goals are like most, I suppose:

    I want to be able to try on clothes in the store without getting completely depressed.
    I want to enjoy taking a nice long walk (longer than around the block).
    I want to get rid of jiggles of all body parts that really aren't meant to jiggle.
    I want to be able to wear an ATTRACTIVE bathing suit.
    I want to be able to play active games with my grandchildren without giving myself a heart attack.
    I want to get my cholesterol levels under control so I can stop taking medication for it.
    I want to avoid getting diabetes which is common in my family.
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    I want to get rid of my love handles. I want to outrun zombies.

    I also want to be perfect, but know that isn't attainable, so I'm focusing on outrunning the zombies.

    LOVE IT!!!