Very Frustrated with no lack of progress!



  • I am in agreement with the response below. That's typical progress. Usually you won't see more than 2 lbs per week unless you are working out for hours and hours at a time and that's not recommended if you can't maintain that. I would say continue what you are doing and just understand that your current weight loss is progress. You didn't gain weight over night so don't expect to lose it that quickly either. Also, closely monitor your sodium and sugar intake. Just because mfp says you can have a certain amount, doesn't mean that you should have that amount. Salt makes you retain fat and sugar makes it harder for your body to burn fat. Think clean eating and healthy lifestyle changes rather than temporary dieting and temporary exercise programs. Do what you can maintain. I hope that helps! Great job on all of your hard work thus far!
    Your ticker says you've lost 7 pounds. You claim you have been doing this for 1 month or 4 weeks. That's an average of 1.75lbs a week. What are you unhappy about - that's great loss.

    Just because you workout and eat better (less and better) doesn't mean all the weight will just fall off in a given time. It takes patience, endurance and overall lifestyle changes to get it off slowly and keep it off. You are doing great! Most people would say add in some weight training but I lost my first 25 without exercising at all (I needed to get control of my eating before I changed something else).
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    No lack of progress = progress. Might want to reword the title.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I think I'm just agreeing with the consensus here, but I'd say that 1600 cals is how much you need to maintain weight while doing nothing.
    Eating under that, and adding in exercise as well means you're holding on to most of the weight.

    Like the others have said, find out your TDEE and eat 20% less than that. If you're still maintaining, take off a little more until you start losing. Just a guess, but about 1800+ on workout days works a lot better...

    With that said, Under 2lb a week is fantastic, so congrats on the 7lb loss.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Your ticker says you've lost 7 pounds. You claim you have been doing this for 1 month or 4 weeks. That's an average of 1.75lbs a week. What are you unhappy about - that's great loss.

    Just because you workout and eat better (less and better) doesn't mean all the weight will just fall off in a given time. It takes patience, endurance and overall lifestyle changes to get it off slowly and keep it off. You are doing great! Most people would say add in some weight training but I lost my first 25 without exercising at all (I needed to get control of my eating before I changed something else).

    My thoughts exactly.