heart rate

I am confused on this, when doing the ellyptical it has a heart rate monitor and it says if I keep it in between the 120-130 I'm burning fat, but If I go over 130 its considered cardio/aerobic. I'm not suppose to go over 153 for my age and weight but sometimes that can't be helped.

My question is, don't you burn fat just doing exercise or do I really need to focus on keeping my HR between the 120-130 to do that, and if I go over my suggested HR, is that "bad" for me and the calories burned don't count? I have a friend that says when I go over my HR I could be hurting my muscles? is that true?

I want my time on the machines to count to lose as much body fat as possible and burn as many calories also while doing them so please help!!!


  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    When you are in the fat burning zone, you are burning fat calories at your most efficient level. In other words you can work out the longest and burn the most fat calories at this level. Once you get to the cardio, aerobic and anaerobic zones your body starts to use energy stored in muscle to fuel your workout as it cannot process the fat fast enough. Hopefully this helps.
  • bornnslippy
    bornnslippy Posts: 36 Member
    Im interested in this as i always go over my Fat Burning zone, but a lot of people say its better to work out in the anaerobic zone for fat burning as u burn more fat when u have stopped exercising