I eat healthily – but I love wine



  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my wine & beer!!! I work it into my regular calories (most nights). Otherwise, I tend to use wine & beer as my cheat night :)
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I enjoy exercise – when I'm not on deadline and can find the time. And I eat healthily. What I've realised by being on myfitnesspal.com is that if I didn't drink as much wine as I do, I'd be losing weight much more rapidly.

    Anyone else having trouble with this?

    Any tips for how to phase too much wine out?

    Nope. I gave up wine for a weekend to see if it made a difference. It didnt at all. In fact, weeks Ive drank wine ive lost more weight than weeks that I did not. Hooray for meeeee
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    My auntie gained mass just by drinking wine it's got 500 cals a bottle so you can still have it just keep it in your macros xx
  • vhallam
    vhallam Posts: 4
    Wow, clearly you are not the only one who enjoys wine. Thank God I'm not alone too!
  • Pure sugar & empty calories. It really does add no benefit and all that effort dieting to be thrown out of the window in a couple of gulps.

    I used to drink out of boredom and habit and know its hard to give up.

    How about drinking that 1st glass later than usual. Instead of topping up the glass as you go along (if you do) take the bottle back to the fridge so you have to make a conscious effort to measure another full glass. That way you will keep track of exactly how much you are drinking instead of having an empty bottle the next day as evidence of over drinking.Once you get into the mood of drinking and get tipsy one can lose track of how much you've actually swilled down the gullet.

    You could also just have a drink only when you eat food (which is advisable anyway) and have a glass of water too as the Europeans do to prevent dehydrating, getting thirsty and reaching for another glass to quench your thirst only to get you more dehydrated. Just think of the hangover in the morning and how smug you will feel not having one because you didn't drink too much.

    Fizzy water fills you up more.

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    i love it....i fit it in....i won't give it up....
  • I used to drink a glass or two a night before MFP. I cut it out for two weeks completely and now I just have one glass once or twice a week. It actually has helped me enjoy the wine more and savor every last drop:-) Good luck!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    You are not alone my friend! Honestly, before I started back up on MFP I didn't really eat too bad... if I just cut out those bags of potato chips, fried chicken tenders and the BOTTLES of wine I would drink every night I probably wouldn't need to log at all!

    Since I've started back up logging and really trying to lose the weight I have limited myself to only 1 glass of wine a few nights a week... and I sip it (I drink water with my dinner - "washing" down the food tended to make me drink more). So... I can sip a glass all night and I am good :)

    I also try to only do it on the weekends when I have more free time to work out longer but that's just me :) Good luck!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Welcome to my fresh hell. But you know what? I'm not giving up wine. Eff that. I get to change my habits and still enjoy my life, damn it! Have a glass at dinner -- it's 100 calories at most (for a red; I don't know what you drink) and it's freaking delicious. If you make it fit into your daily calories,

  • mdinardo73
    mdinardo73 Posts: 15 Member
    This is a funny topic to come up today... Yesterday evening I commented on my profile "Today... my wine is calorie free". Clearly it's not, but I do believe that you have to enjoy the finer things or you will go MAD!! I can't ALWAYS get in extra exercise to allow for the calories in a glass... or two... of wine, but I try to do my best as often as possible... even if you just walk to run errands, or take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do stairs on your breaks, a quick 10 minutes a few times a day of Yoga Sun Salutations... and THERE, my friend, is your glass of wine :)
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Pure sugar & empty calories. It really does add no benefit and all that effort dieting to be thrown out of the window in a couple of gulps.

    Actually, a glass of RED wine is good for your heart and blood circulation! :) Ask any doctor or Nutritionist and they will tell you the same. The trick is 1 GLASS.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Double the amount of money per bottle you spend and drink half the amount you consume currently.
    Almost as much pleasure for half the calories. :drinker:

    Really it's making it a treat instead of a habit.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Pure sugar & empty calories. It really does add no benefit and all that effort dieting to be thrown out of the window in a couple of gulps.

    i don't know what kind of crappy wine you're drinking, but wine has great benefits. it has anti-oxidants and tannins that help reduce cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer.



    I used to drink out of boredom and habit and know its hard to give up.

    How about drinking that 1st glass later than usual. Instead of topping up the glass as you go along (if you do) take the bottle back to the fridge so you have to make a conscious effort to measure another full glass. That way you will keep track of exactly how much you are drinking instead of having an empty bottle the next day as evidence of over drinking.Once you get into the mood of drinking and get tipsy one can lose track of how much you've actually swilled down the gullet.

    You could also just have a drink only when you eat food (which is advisable anyway) and have a glass of water too as the Europeans do to prevent dehydrating, getting thirsty and reaching for another glass to quench your thirst only to get you more dehydrated. Just think of the hangover in the morning and how smug you will feel not having one because you didn't drink too much.

    Fizzy water fills you up more.


    however, i agree with these suggestions. don't have the first glass of wine before dinner. and don't have one after. try and drink a little more water while you are enjoying that wine as well.
  • hfester
    hfester Posts: 114 Member
    There are those who will claim that as long as it fits your calorie goal for the day, go ahead and indulge. I cannot do that! I WISH I could do that! I have learned over the years that alcohol stalls my weight loss if I do not limit my consumption. So what I do now is limit myself to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for alcohol (read wine) drinking. Sometimes I make it fit my cals, sometimes I indulge. Overall, I've found that my weight loss is much steadier when I limit alcohol to two or three days a week.
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    Would you consider abstaining, at least for a short period? Here's why I bring this up:

    A couple girlfriends and I cut out all alcohol for approximately one month (April 14-May 10). Obviously, this saves me money and calories. I am also pleasantly surprised by how much more energy and time I have each evening. Instead of finishing dishes/chores and then winding down with a glass of wine or a cocktail, which was basically a trigger to sit on my *kitten* and be done for the night, I am finding myself extremely productive in the evenings. I've rearranged cupboards, cleaned more, etc.

    Just a suggestion. You might realize how much the 1-2 glasses of wine a night habit is really costing you on several levels. Then you can use this information to fold it back into your life at a rate and in a manner which more closely suits your goals.

    Please note, I do not look down on people who drink. I am one of you! :smile:
  • kelso235
    kelso235 Posts: 7
    I used to have a big issue with this as well! My wake up call of how many calories I was consuming in alcohol actually came just over a year ago. When I was in school I would drink probably 4 days a week because I felt like I deserved a break. Not binge drinking by any means but a drink or two each of those nights.

    If you like white wine, try adding some club soda and making it a spritzer. Skinnygirl has some lower calorie wines if you prefer red. I would really recommend trying to drink fewer times a week though and if you do, work out before hand. My rule for myself now is that if I know I'm going to drink I always work out first. I do not drink if I've skipped a workout for whatever reason. Even then I will measure out 5 oz with a measuring cup (I don't know about you but I have some pretty large wine glasses - some can easily hold up to 12 oz!).

    A big problem in this was also friends, being at home and drinking wine, going out for dinner, going to a party, etc. Once you explain about how you're really working on your health it just becomes a common thing so they don't think twice about it. Some of my friends have actually stopped drinking on weeknights as well because I've openly talked about it with them.

    I truly believe in not cutting any food or drink out completely if you enjoy it, just measuring it out and being conscious of how frequently you have it is key!

    Good luck!!
  • Yep love my wine too! I definitely found that when I put more time into working out and taking care of my body I started drinking less and less each week. There's always lots of wine that are healthier alternatives! Like sometimes I'll get wine that's 80 cals per 175 ml serving. Not great, but not as bad!
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Water, lemon water, water with orange squeeze :smile: .... the sugar content of wine is blocking your progress (probably)... :yawn:
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I used to make fun of this drink, but now I swear by wine spritzers. Good for the pocketbook, because you can get away with cheap wine that would not be good on its own, and cuts down on consumption because you can enjoy a few drinks at half or less than half the calories. After working all day, working out, working in the garden and fixing dinner, I want to spend what's left of my evening with a drink in my hand, and this is a good sippin' drink. I like pinot grigio with sparkling water. Of course, I still enjoy straight wine, just try to leave that to the weekends. Then again, I'm not losing any weight so I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about.

    Hilarious! And I think you TOTALLY know what you're talking about! :drinker:
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    Double the amount of money per bottle you spend and drink half the amount you consume currently.
    Almost as much pleasure for half the calories. :drinker:

    Really it's making it a treat instead of a habit.

    I'll admit... I never thought of this. It's actually a genius suggestion.