Stuck in a rut

Ever since this year started, I have been trying to lose weight. To say it has been easy and rewarding would be a lie. I am at the point where it is taking too long... I just want to be skinny. I hate my body so much. I am constantly thinking about food and my self esteem is in the gutter. I am so tired of being this big. I want it gone now...


  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Aww dont worry....keep logging and keep on the right track...youll get there...i sometimes feel this way myself and i have wanted to give up many times and i find my motivation going on and off at random times but think of it like didnt gain all the weight over night so its not going to come off over night...losing weight is a long journey...there are going to be ups and downs..but if you dont give up then you cant fail and eventually you will see results that make you happy..find ways to get motivated..look at success stories...add friends who help to push you..find a fun workout..keep your head up!
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I am sorry you feel that way. It does take time! Are you doing an exercise program also? I know it can be bothersom to want the results now and not be seeing them. I also am wanting an awesome transformation. It never happens quick enough for me. I am more mad at myself for letting myself get to this point....I used to be in such great shape....Well enough rambling. You can add me as a friend if you would like to .

    Keep your head high!
  • mrscarolbernard
    mrscarolbernard Posts: 32 Member
    I kinda felt the same way this morning but it is really helpful to read the Success Stories and use that for motivation to keep going and try even harder. You'll notice some people have amazing transformations but it took 6-12 months so don't give up. It takes time. It goes on slowly over time and it will come off slowly.
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I know how you feel because I've felt that way before. I know it's hard to wait, but it just takes time to lose weight the healthy way. We didn't gain all this weight overnight, so it's going to take a little time to come off.

    I've been looking at the success stories here for motivation, and I noticed that it took them months or even years to get back in shape. But, they did it, and we can do it too! *hugs*
  • bambee2013
    bambee2013 Posts: 49 Member
    I have recently not been able to take off weight. I am fed up, but not giving up!! So this week I cut down on carbs, no carbs for dinner. I bought a nutribullet. I am measuring everything and going to buy a food scale because it is hard to measure meat, etc.
    I am increasing my exercise, and need to sweat when I exercise. I am not starving myself, but I eat healthier so I feel better.
    Loving myself more. I am not going to look at the scale so much, but look to see if my measurements have changed. I will weight in and measure myself on Sunday to see there is an improvement. I have also found that when I do the exercise that I like to do, hiking and kickboxing, times goes by much faster. Treadmill is handy for bad weather, but it is so boring to me. Change, change, change, I hope this helps!
  • Lindley3
    Lindley3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 34 and have bounced between 170 & 190 for over six years after I had my first child. My motivation like many, has been to look good in a swimsuit! Being at the pool or on the beach and feeling like I look the worst in the crowd has literally brought me to tears. But after dieting and failing and dieting and failing then going back to the same old unhealthy ways, I'm now looking at the finish line. My sister invited a group of us into a weight loss competition using MFP in which we focus on God as our strength and collectively loose this weight for Him! In the process i came across a book, Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst and I now feel like I have the right sense of motivation. Not the one that will ultimately land me in another state of disappointment, but the motivation that will fill my life all around. We were created to crave...God!! Recognizing why I allowed myself to fail and what stood in my way, but now having realized the Truth, i feel free from what seemed to be a never ending battle! I wanted to share this on here because My Fitness Pal has certainly become one of my best friends, and I know you all have the same battles as me. I hope you will consider this book to understand what's really going on, find clarity, and find peace with something we all struggle so hard with.
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    I know how you feel! I get so impatient with this whole process. BUT sitting at home and being irritated WILL NOT get you where you want to be any faster.

    Stay strong and keep at it!!!