


  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for replying ~ I never would have thought to include gardening or raking or any of those outside activities.

    Congrats on the weight loss... I see you are almost to your goal based on your ticker!
    I do not log cleaning. I was surely fat and overweight while cleaning before. It's just a normal day to day thing that burns minimal calories. I would not count that. Mow a yard...count that! Garden....count that. Play softball....count that. Not cleaning.
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the reminder - raking and cleaning up the yard are on my "to-do" list this weekend if the weather is good...
    I eat between a range of calories 1500-1700. I don't log my exercise. I just mention it in the exercise notes so I know what I did when I look back.

    If I were to log exercise calories, I would only log activities that I do specifically for weight loss. Anything else is a bonus, except raking leaves. I burn killer calories that need to be replaced when I rake.

    Raking is a completely underestimated chore. i will have to try to rake up all the dead grass from the winter, and that is HARD.
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    I don't count cleaning... much like another poster - I consider it a bonus is I happen to get a burn from it. In a few weekends I will be digging a patio, and laying brick all day.. I count something like as its not an everyday type of thing. But I'd error on the side of just not counting it.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: i count it when i am doing a once a week moving furniture & cleaning under cabinets & in cabinets where i am climbing up & down, scrubbing bathrooms polishing floors, scrubbing ovens, cleaning fridge, changing bed linens, washing clothes & pulling on wet clothes. all this activity that lasts for hours on end yes that counts!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I also never understood why others count it as exercise, just like some that count cooking as exercise??
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I mean I like at it like this, Cleaning the house is a part of life, I have been doing it for years...yet I am still overweight, therefore if it truely where a means of weight loss I would look great ha-ha!! But its good that you track wii fit :)

    This does not compute. Yes, I've been cleaning all my adult life, but I was also overeating. Correcting the overeating part of the equation should give cleaning calories better effect. Isn't it said that losing weight is 80% diet?

    I found logging cleaning to be great motivation to do more cleaning of both yard and garden.
  • luticiaf
    luticiaf Posts: 92 Member
    :flowerforyou: i count it when i am doing a once a week moving furniture & cleaning under cabinets & in cabinets where i am climbing up & down, scrubbing bathrooms polishing floors, scrubbing ovens, cleaning fridge, changing bed linens, washing clothes & pulling on wet clothes. all this activity that lasts for hours on end yes that counts!

    Agreed. I think any activity that gets your heart rate up for an extended period is worth logging:)
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    There's only one type of cleaning worth logging as exercise...
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    I only use heavy/vigorous if I feel like I'm going to be sore from it the next day. I think that's happened twice in the past year. I use light/moderate for almost everything.

    I log cleaning and eat back the calories and it has not hampered my progress (my activity level is set to sedentary). It's been an extremely positive experience for me because it's encouraged me to spend more time cleaning, which results in a cleaner house and more time spent being active.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Thanks for replying ~ I never would have thought to include gardening or raking or any of those outside activities.

    Congrats on the weight loss... I see you are almost to your goal based on your ticker!
    I do not log cleaning. I was surely fat and overweight while cleaning before. It's just a normal day to day thing that burns minimal calories. I would not count that. Mow a yard...count that! Garden....count that. Play softball....count that. Not cleaning.

    Thank you! I am there...just decided to keep going a bit further.
  • Blueyedtine
    Blueyedtine Posts: 52 Member
    :flowerforyou: i count it when i am doing a once a week moving furniture & cleaning under cabinets & in cabinets where i am climbing up & down, scrubbing bathrooms polishing floors, scrubbing ovens, cleaning fridge, changing bed linens, washing clothes & pulling on wet clothes. all this activity that lasts for hours on end yes that counts!

    Same as here. And I always count it as "light". Hey some days that is all you have time for and I'm set to sedentary activity level.
  • airant
    airant Posts: 146 Member
    Seriously... what? I know some people track it, as I have seen it on their journals. So, I was curious how many people do and how they dedicate it....
    Light/Moderate VS Heavy/Vigorous....

    In your opinion - how do you differentiate when trying to calculate your exercise for the day?

  • xkdrowex
    xkdrowex Posts: 107 Member
    omg, when i'm on one of my 'weekend missions', THAT counts as a workout, and for sure I log it! When we're talking handwashing and scrubbing floors, washing walls, vacuuming stairs, cleaning out the pantry/garage/basement, and climbing the stairs countless times, you bet i'm sweating and huffing and puffing. do that for 3 hours straight, you feel it, so heck yes, log it!

    swiffer/sweeping/regular mealtime cleaning doesn't count lol...

    ^ this. My hubby is a neatfreak we clean the whole house daily. On Thursdays I clean my cousins house which takes me a minimum of 4 hours it is huge with wood floors and marble everywhere. I do log that. Well.. I used to but now I just let my fitbit make the calorie adjustment for the steps which is usually pretty close to if I logged it as light/moderate. I also don't think we should log "food preparation". o.O
  • airant
    airant Posts: 146 Member
    Seriously... what? I know some people track it, as I have seen it on their journals. So, I was curious how many people do and how they dedicate it....
    Light/Moderate VS Heavy/Vigorous....

    In your opinion - how do you differentiate when trying to calculate your exercise for the day?

    I count it on saturdays when i do my heavy cleaning, no to eat it back just to keep track and make sure i dont under eat, since im set up as sedentary, and eventhoe i do track it i steel workout ...

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Seriously... what? I know some people track it, as I have seen it on their journals. So, I was curious how many people do and how they dedicate it....
    Light/Moderate VS Heavy/Vigorous....

    In your opinion - how do you differentiate when trying to calculate your exercise for the day?

    I count it on saturdays when i do my heavy cleaning, no to eat it back just to keep track and make sure i dont under eat, since im set up as sedentary, and eventhoe i do track it i steel workout ...

  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I log cleaning only when it is something well beyond ordinary daily or weekly cleaning, AND it goes on for an extended period of time. I have logged cleaning as exercise maybe twice in the last four months.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    How about not logging calories since HRM's are only marginally accurate anyway and don't account for the period post-exercise in which you're metabolism is still on overdrive, use the TDEE method of calculating your calories, and simplify your lives by not worrying about logging exercise and crap like "oh I swept up cat litter and picked up my husbands dirty drawers off the ground, that's worth 100 calories right?" TDEE is so much easier and just as accurate folks, if not more accurate.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Now if the OP has rigged up an olympic bar to have either a mop or broom I might count it, otherwise sounds a whole lot like one might be trying to justify stuffing some extra food down.
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    Not at all trying to justify overeating... Simply curious that is all! Like I said to other people who have responded... I was looking to hear from those that do count it and if they do how they determine how to count it. Simply curious.... nothing more, nothing less....
    Now if the OP has rigged up an olympic bar to have either a mop or broom I might count it, otherwise sounds a whole lot like one might be trying to justify stuffing some extra food down.
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    Can you enlighten me... what is the TDEE method? I don't think I have heard of that before and would be interested in learning more.....
    How about not logging calories since HRM's are only marginally accurate anyway and don't account for the period post-exercise in which you're metabolism is still on overdrive, use the TDEE method of calculating your calories, and simplify your lives by not worrying about logging exercise and crap like "oh I swept up cat litter and picked up my husbands dirty drawers off the ground, that's worth 100 calories right?" TDEE is so much easier and just as accurate folks, if not more accurate.