This was hard for me to read.



  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I am a believer and also believe in healing. My own daughter was healed.....HOWEVER

    God gave us brains and common sense for a reason. He also gave doctors the ability to learn about how our bodies work for a reason.

    This is child neglect...bottom line.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I'm a Christian, and I believe in the power of prayer.

    I also believe that God put doctors on this earth and that I can pray for the doctor's hand as he treats my very ill child.
  • Heaffym
    Heaffym Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a Christian, although I'm just recently beginning to really read through the Bible and study it - but basically I think those people, obviously, took it to an extreme. I think that if you pray and have faith, things will happen, but it's not like magic. I think God did answer the prayer in a way because the people have resources. God can't go around healing every person that is ill that prays for it because if He did then it would be like a normal occurrence and no kind of miracle or something special. Instead we were given our brains and ability to think and make decisions on our own. Those people had/were given the resources to treat their child (the doctor) so, at least in my opinion, God was answering their prayer in a way, but the people just didn't realize what they should have been doing, I guess; the story is very upsetting and I feel awful for the poor kids ):

    Sorry for rambling; hope this made sense :')
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I am a Christian. I can find no Scripture supporting the actions of the parents. I believe that God allows events to happen on earth as a consequence of our actions. If we refuse to go the doctor for something he could give us medicine for and heal then the consequence will be not getting better. Its very sad to see children suffer as a consequence of their parents misguided fervor! there is nothing in the Bible against doctors. Luke was doctor.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I pray the guys pee pee falls off. He shouldnt be having any more kids.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    On another note. while acute healthcare is available to all Americans through the emergency room, many people die early due to lack of access to routine care and management of health and chronic conditions.
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    My brother joined a very similar church when he married. Tragedy has already visited their young family, but they say it is God's will. I am a born-again Christian and my pastor and my parents and I all believe that their church is a CULT. But we remain close to them, because we love them and we feel it is the best way to keep an eye on the health of my nieces and nephew. Avoiding medical care is not biblical. The verses they quote to me to justify their decision are 1) when Jesus told the man to stretch out his hand and it was no longer withered. And 2) there is a verse that says to "trust no man." But the author of the Gospel, Luke, was a doctor. And Paul told Timothy to take a little wine to heal his stomach. It is disheartening to hear that another little one has died at the hands of the very people God entrusted to take care of him. So sad. Makes me cry for my baby niece, who would be 8, if she had survived what should have been a normal birth. Thanks for listening.
  • wykyd
    wykyd Posts: 68 Member
    So I have no answer either. First, I'm not a Christian any more. I used to be. In fact, I used to be a minister so I was the one counseling folks to pray. However, even when I did so, I never even considered the idea of refraining from putting one foot in front of another to get where you need to go. Even when I was a believer, God provided the ability to get up off your *kitten* and do what needs to be done. Today, of course, I don't believe that comes from the God of the bible but of our own ability.

    All that said, IMHO, there is no one who can answer this. There is NO reason to abuse a child. Granted, there are passages in the bible that encourage all sorts of things (including child abuse, rape, murder, etc) but as a (semi) rational society, I cannot believe any (semi) sane person has not moved beyond that. And of course to contradict even myself, I once had a woman come to me to help me find the passage that gave her permission to murder her ex husband. I gave her several and then gave her several that clearly explained it was not a good thing to do (duh!) along with what was hopefully a valuable lesson in her own ability to discern right from wrong.

    Point is, perhaps the only thing we can do is grieve for these children and prevent these people from doing it again.
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    I do not belive in A God I belive in good and bad and trying to do your best to help others no matter how, I would die for my kids ( now teenagers) without blinking an eyelid as I do belive that we are more than the bodies we experience life in. Hurting children is the biggest crime on the planet as they cannot protect themselves and we as adults should be there for them even if they are not our own, just look at the little girl in india who was sexually abused at the age of 5 we should be ashamed of ourselves as a race for letting this happen.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I am a Bible based Christian and my answer to this is that it is inexcusable. Even the people in the Bible brought people to Jesus to be healed. We need to do our part with prayer but use the opportunities of modern science that we have available to us in this modern time. Not all prayers are answered the way we want anyway. AS far as I'm concerned they should be prosecuted for neglect.
    Jesus said let the little children come unto me( and that was while they were alive).
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Christianity is not the issue here. These people are mentally ill. I can't believe they were allowed to keep their kid after they let the other one die. They should be in a mental health facility, not jail or out on the streets either. They must be delusional to believe that their child doesn't need to get medical attention especially after one kid died already. I'm a Christian btw. There are a lot of people that make other Christians look bad because they are psychopaths.
  • wykyd
    wykyd Posts: 68 Member
    I pray the guys pee pee falls off. He shouldnt be having any more kids.

    Or this :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Faith isn't exclusively about prayer, that isn't and never has been how God works/ed. You have to have faith, but you have to know when to heed the voice moving you towards the solution. There is an applicable story I heard once, I looked for it online and snagged it off some random website, but this about sums it up:

    While out to sea, a large boat became shipwrecked and there was only a single survivor. This man prayed and asked God to save his life. Soon thereafter, another boat came by and offered the man some help.

    "No thanks," he said. "I'm waiting for God to save me."

    The men on the boat shrugged their shoulders and continued. As the man became more deeply concerned, another boat came by. Again, the people aboard offered this man some help, and again he politely decline. "I'm waiting for God to save me," he said again.

    After some time, the man began to lose his faith, and soon after that he died. Upon reaching Heaven, he had a chance to speak with God briefly.

    "Why did you let me die? Why didn't you answer my prayers?"

    "Dummy, I sent you two boats!"

    God is always watching out for the best interests of our spiritual evolution, even when we are too narrowly focused to see all the other opportunities it presents us. Sometimes, all that is needed is a change of perspective.
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    I am a Christian and this is so wrong to me. I believe God gives people gifts and talents and the ability to use those gifts and talents to help other people. Bringing their child to the doctor could have answered their prayers, I'm sure there was a doctor or a nurse that had the ability to help them.

    yep, this
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I am a Christian, so I can offer my input. I feel these parents were very confused about how faith and asking for God's help works.

    Ever heard the little kids' tale about the man who was shipwrecked and floating in the ocean? Every day he prayed to God to be saved. Soon a fishing boat sailed by. He turned down their help, saying, "God will save me." The next day a cruise ship sailed by. He passed on their assistance, saying "God will save me." The next day an aircraft carrier went by, and he said the same thing, "God will save me". The next day he drowned. When he met God, he asked him why he didn't help. God said to him, "I sent a sailboat, a cruise liner, and even a whole aircraft carrier to save you! Why did you turn them down?"

    ^^I think that's what's happening, here.

    I believe God means other people to help us. (In this case, DOCTORS) From a Christian standpoint, God wouldn't not have made antibiotics and modern medicine available to us if we were just supposed to use prayer to cure maladies. Pretty sure these parents had a few screws loose.. It people like those that makes the rest of the world think Christians are nuts. :/
  • BlessedOne2019
    BlessedOne2019 Posts: 41 Member
    Being a Christian myself, I very much believe in the power of prayer! With that being said, prayer is only part of the equation...if we pray and ask God to heal, He expects that we are going to do our part. Whether that be resting, eating right, or even going to the Dr. There are Christian doctors out there, that will pray for you. There are, I'm sure, that will pray with you. "With God, nothing is impossible..." but not at the expense of such a gift as a child! Plain and simple, that was neglect!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Christianity is not the issue here. These people are mentally ill. I can't believe they were allowed to keep their kid after they let the other one die. They should be in a mental health facility, not jail or out on the streets either. They must be delusional to believe that their child doesn't need to get medical attention especially after one kid died already. I'm a Christian btw. There are a lot of people that make other Christians look bad because they are psychopaths.

  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Oops - someone else posted the same story/parable....
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Sorry. I had an after thought. This is man's stupidity not God's. So no one should be blaming Him for these bad choices.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I am a Christian and this is so wrong to me. I believe God gives people gifts and talents and the ability to use those gifts and talents to help other people. Bringing their child to the doctor could have answered their prayers, I'm sure there was a doctor or a nurse that had the ability to help them.

    ^^This. I am a believer but what these people did was wrong. The article mentions the church that they go to and the website for the church has a sermon/article about healing and God. No-where in scripture does it say that we cannot seek aid from doctors. God works through people. We are just not to depend ONLY on doctors.
    At my church, when people are sick or having surgery, we often pray for God to guide the doctors hands in surgery and give wisdom in treatments.
    Some people like this couple believe that if you pray for healing and it doesn't come, you didn't have enough faith. Faith isn't from self, it is from and of God. It is so sad to see that they have allowed now 2 children to die when it was not necessary.
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