Any 30 Day shred results with pics?! Need motivation! = ]



  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Just completed the 3rd round of 30DS L1, not done it since November and my fitness has certainly improved.

    May have to order the other DVD's. Does anyone recommend any of the others that she has done?

    I'm currently doing Extreme Shed and Shred - it's 2 levels - she recommends them together. Together it's 80 minutes total from warm up to cool down. If you do the levels individually, Level one from warm up to cool down is 36 minutes - Level two from warm up to cool down is 51 minutes. It's a good workout. I've been doing both levels together. She claims they are 30 minutes a piece, that's a lie. FYI :)

    Also tried ripped in 30 today - I liked that too! I only did it to see what it was. Very similar to 30DS
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Just completed the 3rd round of 30DS L1, not done it since November and my fitness has certainly improved.

    May have to order the other DVD's. Does anyone recommend any of the others that she has done?

    Also you could try it with heavier weights and even add in ankle weights :)
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for the advise, unfortunately time is limited, that's why I like the 30DS, short and (not so) sweet!!!
  • jesikald
    jesikald Posts: 3
    Jillian annoys me, so I play music while I do it so I don't have to listen to her. I'm on L1d10; my daughter hid my tape measure so I don't know why my stats are so far, but I definitely feel better and smaller. The befit channel on youtube has 30 day shred and a million other dvd's if you want to try something new without paying for it.
  • Thenewme31
    Thenewme31 Posts: 50 Member



    these were just 10 days almost have my 20 day photos soon and it's 6.5lbs and 5.5 inches all over
  • groovyreba
    groovyreba Posts: 72 Member
    I've been doing level 1 for about 2 1/2 weeks. I am not counting Day # at all - just working out. I've lost 8 pounds and 5 inches all around in the last 2 1/2 weeks. I think it's awesome, but I do have to modify a couple of exercises due to arthritis issues, but I'm amazed at my energy levels.
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member



    these were just 10 days almost have my 20 day photos soon and it's 6.5lbs and 5.5 inches all over

    awesome results! I cant believe this is only day 10! I start day 6 tomorrow and hope I have the same results. Keep up the good work!
  • IlyanaRose
    IlyanaRose Posts: 21 Member
    I just did L1D2 today, so I'm still at the very start. I hurt, everywhere!

    I'm going to take some before photos at the weekend; if I want to give up, then hopefully seeing some progress will keep me going. I plan on interspersing the 30DS with jogging, and I'm trying not to eat back my exercise calories.

    Best of luck with it, let's hope we get some great results :)
  • jenlayport
    jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
    I just did L1D2 today, so I'm still at the very start. I hurt, everywhere!

    I'm going to take some before photos at the weekend; if I want to give up, then hopefully seeing some progress will keep me going. I plan on interspersing the 30DS with jogging, and I'm trying not to eat back my exercise calories.

    Best of luck with it, let's hope we get some great results :)

    Good luck! Day 2 I felt like I was hit by a train. It took every ounce of energy I had to put that dvd in and start working. It gets easier. I finished day 8 today and I feel amazing! Not achy anymore at all.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Stick with it, everyone gets such great results! Just finished, here are my results:
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday. My arms are still all pumped up from those lunge+arm raise thingys! I love to see the results everyone gets!! I need to lose inches off my tummy, so I'm excited to see what I look like in 30 days.

    I've also heard great things about Ripped in 30. :)
  • KandFsMomma
    Subbing, I'll post my pics and stats when I'm done as well. I just started 2 days ago, and I am so sore I don't want to keep going, but I will...

    I keep thinking about what to do after the 30DS to keep up the results!
  • belligerent599
    Don't get discouraged if you also don't see results. I saw so many victorious threads here, I thought I'd try it. I'm on Day 22 (with added lifting 3DAW and cardio) and haven't lost anything scale-wise or inches-wise. I'm about .2%BF down, which is negligible. If you're already very conditioned, I'm not sure it will do much for you.

    Just wanted to throw another experience into the mix since I don't see too many with the same one.
  • MummyMikaela
    MummyMikaela Posts: 130 Member
    Just 2more great to go! I'll pst hen I finish!
  • MummyMikaela
    MummyMikaela Posts: 130 Member

    My results;

    10lbs lost!
    3 inches from my waist
    2 inches from my hips
    an inch from each arm
    and 2 inches from my bum!

    hope anyone just starting see its through...i thought I'd die but i made it!
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member



    these were just 10 days almost have my 20 day photos soon and it's 6.5lbs and 5.5 inches all over

    Okay this right here just pushed me over the edge to order 30DS online. Amazing results - you look great!!!
  • Kimmywells
    Kimmywells Posts: 85 Member
    I too just started doing the 30 day shed as of Monday. Level 1 Day 1-ok Day 2- I was sore Day 3- little bit easier Day 4 - so much easier, I can see a little difference and I feel much better ever day, can't wait to see the changes in body & weight and mind at the end of the 30 days. I would like to see 10 lbs lose and a few inches all over wish me luck. I trying to decide if I should stay at Level 1 for another week or change to Level 2 and then @ Level 3 do this work out for 2 weeks straight. Then move on to her next 30 day shed or one of her other work out. Any suggest????

    Thank you everyone for the great feed back.
  • Kimmywells
    Kimmywells Posts: 85 Member
    I hear ya, I too am sweating & breathing like a dog. The other girls name I think is Anita.
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