SO SORE (I feel like I can't move!) *30 Day Shred Related*

I am not overweight but apparently out of shape! I am not sure what to do. I am only on Day 2 of The 30 Day Shred and my muscles are so sore I am having trouble moving around today! Any ideas what to do to soothe my poor muscles? I do the warm up exercises before and the cool down stretches after! I don't want to have to give up on Day 3 but I feel like I won't be able to move at all tomorrow at this point!


  • jainm1234
    jainm1234 Posts: 49 Member
    OMG! Me too! I just got done doing day 2 too and I quit saying "I'll just be fat." I have the same fear as you but I am planning on drinking some fresh OJ today and if that doesn't help with the burn tomorrow. I am going to take some meds. I know it isn't a good idea but I need to be able to move.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    The general consensus (myself included when I did it) is that the soreness lasts about 4 days. I just pushed through it when I did it and I started as a complete beginner (never had exercised) with the 30DS dvd. You can do it. As long as it's just soreness and not an injury, just push through it.
  • RiesigJay
    RiesigJay Posts: 151 Member
    For me, the 2nd day after a workout is the worse.

    Best solution is to move around - go for a walk or light bike ride.
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    The general consensus (myself included when I did it) is that the soreness lasts about 4 days. I just pushed through it when I did it and I started as a complete beginner (never had exercised) with the 30DS dvd. You can do it. As long as it's just soreness and not an injury, just push through it.
    Agreed. After three days my soreness passes. I had to just push through.
  • MarshCat79
    MarshCat79 Posts: 14 Member
    I did day one of 30DS a few weeks ago and while i was fine during it, thinking "This isn't so bad" i woke up the next two days dying of soreness. My trunk/core was the worst so any movement was awful. I haven't started back yet but I've been doing some more core exercise at the gym. Will try again soon! I did get some advice to relieve soreness. Plenty of protein, Aleve, bananas for potassium and a bath with Epsom salts. Good luck! Take a day or so off but don't quit like i did!
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Your body has just had one heck of a shock, called Jillian. It's good that you're sore, it means you worked hard.
    Quitting won't get you results. You'll just have to push through and get it done. It goes away after about 4 days, until you start level 2.
  • zianazim1025
    zianazim1025 Posts: 15 Member
    i am on level 2 day 1 and it def kicks your butt even more! but just push threw the soreness it goes away! i swear
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    If you need to take a day off for recovery, do it, but don't go without any activity. Do some light stretching and take a walk to loosen up. I took a leisurely warm bath on the nights that I was sore and did some movements (stretching) in the warm water. It's better to take a day to recover than to just give up!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Do some gentle stretches and just push on through! Muscle soreness is good!
  • RiesigJay
    RiesigJay Posts: 151 Member
    Oh, by the way the soreness is known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS

    Wikipedia entry on DOMS treatment -->
  • Moviegal77
    Moviegal77 Posts: 65 Member
    After a workout I stretch all my muscles for a good 5-10 mins, and then protein, usually some sort of healthy shake or chocolate milk, it's to help repair the muscle tissue.

    I found this online:

    "Muscles need protein for recovery and growth, and the best time to deliver protein appears to be right after exercise. Providing high-quality protein after exercise gives your muscles the fuel and the building blocks needed for both repair and for growth.

    Protein shakes and powders carry a certain allure, but your muscles don’t care if the protein comes from a hard-boiled egg, glass of chocolate milk or whey protein shake. Whatever you choose, more isn’t better -- only 10 to 20 grams of protein is needed to provide amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to muscles."

    Don't quit before giving this a try, your muscles will adjust.

    Good luck.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    For me, the 2nd day after a workout is the worse.

    Best solution is to move around - go for a walk or light bike ride.

    And drink lots of water...take some tylenol or ibuprofen...and a take a hot bath or shower. Trust me , it gets easier as you go.
  • Yetserday was my 1st day doing the 30DS and today I feel a little sore, but I am planning to push through it and try to do it again today after work. I feel your PAIN!!! :=). Hope you feel better.
  • Take a bath with some epsom salts.It helped me quite a bit. I also agree with stretching, and light activity to help you loosen up. It will pass!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I was sore at first but I happen to enjoy muscle soreness. I persitsted and it went away, I'm sorry to say. Try a hot bath.
  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    If you need to take a day off for recovery, do it, but don't go without any activity. Do some light stretching and take a walk to loosen up. I took a leisurely warm bath on the nights that I was sore and did some movements (stretching) in the warm water. It's better to take a day to recover than to just give up!

    I agree with this!
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    when i started 30 day shred for the first time i made it to day 3 and then was literally in so much pain. i remember it was terrible, i could barely walk up the stairs with out crying. i took a two day break and then started up again, and had no pain! i think maybe my body just needed to get use to the work out!
  • I did the beginner's 30-day shred for two days and put it aside for a week or so - almost gave up on it, but decided to go back and give it a try again.

    Best thing to do after some intense exercise is to do a light walk, bike ride or some other kind of "active recovery / active rest", otherwise the soreness will last even longer - something about the lactic acid build up in the muscles.

    I've done run/walk for several half marathons and as painful as it might seem, walking the next day (mile or two) really helps in the recovery 24-72 hours later. It's far worse to do nothing the following day than to do some light activity. Warm bath in epson salts was helpful for me right after before the soreness hit me...

    Here's article on active recovery/rest that you might find helpful:

    Good luck and as everyone else says, don't give up!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I was sore the first few days but now it is much easier. I just finished Day 10 Level 1...looking forward to moving on to the next level. Best of luck to you and most of all NEVER GIVE UP!
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    Eat a banana for the potassium and soreness/stiffness... :wink: