HELP!! not losing weight lifting weights

Iam 50 and have been doing the ChaLean workout video since march1st. I really love it!!!! Its weight circuit trainging 3 times a week and cardio intervals 2 times a week. I have been doing it for 6 weeks now and I dont see the scale move... I feel better in my clothes and I notice my arms and legs are alot toner, but the rest of me seems the belly fat is still there... Im frustrated and sad when I get on the scale and it hasnt moved.. the 1st month was burn with low weights, this month is push with heavy weights.. Im just frustrated, my daughter tells me finish the 4 month program and see what happens then, and I have every intension of doing that, hell I get up at 4:30am just to do the videro, but would like the scale to move. Im also following weight watchers and fitness pal nutrition...


  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    Ignore the scale and do measurements. Muscle weighs more than fat so if you are lifting you won't see a change in the scale even if you have lost fat.
  • ajmiller1987
    ajmiller1987 Posts: 48 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat
    No, it doesn't. Muscle is DENSER than fat. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    The problem is most likely food related.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm doing CLX as well and am on week 2 of the Push phase. I'm also training for a half-marathon which takes place next month. No, I haven't lost any weight. BUT -- there is a lot of muscle now in places where there wasn't before, and that is a good thing! My clothes fit better, and my posterior looks better (or so says my DH). It's amazing what all those squats and lunges will do for you.

    CLX isn't really a weight loss program, per se, but more of a "building muscle for newbies" program. What you're describing with your clothes fitting better and definition in your arms/ legs is called changing your body composition (as opposed to losing weight), and that is AWESOME. A pound of muscle weights the same as a pound of fat, but the muscle takes up far less space. That is what you are seeing, and you should be very proud of yourself.

    If you really want to lose some pounds, you can add more cardio. But overall, like Melany says, please ignore the scale and just focus on your body composition. Take measurements and keep gauging how your clothes fit, etc.

    The point here is this: you've achieved a lot of victories since March 1 and you have to give yourself credit.

    Good luck!
  • Tggrtls
    Tggrtls Posts: 2
    Thank you,. Im going to stick with it, and maybe use a little heavier weights during this push month... I really love her workout. Im getting her turbo fire next :0)
  • marybowldseddington
    marybowldseddington Posts: 71 Member
    a feather made of lead would weigh more than a regular feather..given the same volume..Consider how many marshmellows does it take to make a lb vs how many m&m it takes to make a lb. Both junk foods weigh a lb but you the difference is in how you made the lb.

    Now apply it to muscle. A five ft tall gymnast with low body fat has dense muscle tissue but may weigh more than a five ft tall person with medium body fat.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, I'd pick either weight watchers or MFP.. not both.

    You may also be holding on to water as your muscles repair themselves, which would account for the scale not moving.
    Another option is you aren't tracking as close as you could be, and aren't eating in a deficit.

    Give it a little bit more time and see what happens, but you should be losing weight with CLX baring other issues.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I have been weight training for just over 2 months and my weight has not changed at all. I have, however, lost 4" off my middle and various other inches off other parts of me. LOVE the results...but something inside me still wants the damn scale to move, so I understand.

    Take your measurements and start tracking those too.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    It is common to stay at the same weight and/or gain weight when starting a new workout program. Your body has to get used to the idea of lifting weights. It's also important to understand that you are still doing Cardio (sorry whoever said this isnt a weight loss program)
    Although Chalean introduces the idea of weight lifting, it is not considered a "lifting" program. It is set up to introduce you to the idea of lifting weights and to get your heart rate up and moving (cardio like) by lifting something other than your own body weight.
    I've done Chalean extreme and i can tell you it is the baby steps to lifting. It's still Cardio. Don't listen to the its not a weight loss program, because, well ,it is.
    Stick to it and you will do fine.

    Wait a few more weeks and see if the scale moves. If your diet is okay, keep doing what you're doing. Make sure you are eating enough but not too much so that you are in a caloric surplus. I know from personal experience that Weight Watchers doesn't generally teach good eating habits or how to have a "healthy" relationship with food. They teach you to stay within points and unfortunately, you end up eating about 1200 calories a day which isn't enough, especially with a program that demands so much time. You're burning a lot of calories, so you have to keep your body fueled & fed so that it can easily let go of the fat.

    In the end, it is more important to watch the inches fall off than to focus on a number on the scale. The number on the scale is seen only by you and your Doctor. What you and others see (the inches that will fall off) is what is the goal ( I am assuming) Take pictures every 4 weeks and take your measurements weekly to bi-weekly.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    Although Chalean introduces the idea of weight lifting, it is not considered a "lifting" program....

    I've done Chalean extreme and i can tell you it is the baby steps to lifting. It's still Cardio. Don't listen to the its not a weight loss program, because, well ,it is.

    No disagreement here! I agree 100% that it serves as a first step on the road that is lifting. That is precisely what I meant when I wrote that it was a "building muscle for newbies" type program.

    I should have been more clear about my "not a weight loss program, per se" assertion. What I meant to convey was the idea that CLX's primary goal is changing body composition (you know how she's always talking about being "smaller, tighter, leaner" and so forth), which is often but not necessarily always accompanied by weight loss.
    In the end, it is more important to watch the inches fall off than to focus on a number on the scale. The number on the scale is seen only by you and your Doctor. What you and others see (the inches that will fall off) is what is the goal ( I am assuming) Take pictures every 4 weeks and take your measurements weekly to bi-weekly.

    THIS! Absolutely! :-)