Reducing thigh muscle mass?



  • rvaug031
    rvaug031 Posts: 11 Member
    It's the curse of the equestrian. Do you, by any chance, ride Hunter Jumper? All that posting and two-point...! I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I've learned to love mine. They give the appearance of curves where Mother Nature did not give me any. :grumble: I guess you could do more bareback work or ride from your core a bit more. I know I've ridden proper dressage when my abs are sore the next day.

    I do ride hunter! It bugs me how I can be so curvy muscular wise yet there are other riders who are twigs! The curse of the equestrian is right, thanks for the tips!
  • rvaug031
    rvaug031 Posts: 11 Member
    Just looked in your pictures and there was one that sort of showed your leg. You DO NOT have big thighs. You might have a bit of body dysmorphia going on though.

    I will post another photo to show you :) The photo in sweats is very flattering, which is why I put it up hehe
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Muscle is good. Just because you don't look like a model doesn't mean you are disproportionate. A LOT of women have big thighs. I have a 28" waist, 40" and 24" thighs. I'm trying to reduce my body fat but I'd never try to lose muscle.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Just looked in your pictures and there was one that sort of showed your leg. You DO NOT have big thighs. You might have a bit of body dysmorphia going on though.

    I will post another photo to show you :) The photo in sweats is very flattering, which is why I put it up hehe

    I'm looking at your other photo. It's still a little hard to tell, but they look fine. What are your measurements?
  • IMD918
    IMD918 Posts: 49
    Ok, well maybe I'm wrong here, but I think it might be good to try to help her with getting what she wants rather than trying to change her opinion of herself. She wants smaller thighs. Is this achievable? The not so simple answer is MAYBE.

    It is true that genetics plays a part into the shape of your body, and it may be easier for you to have a lot of muscle mass in your thighs than the average girl. That being said, I think it is a little bit of a cop out to just tell you that you should just accept it, or change your own opinion, especially when you are having trouble finding comfortable pants. Personally, I happen to think a girl with muscular legs is sexy, but my opinion is not the one that matters here.

    It is also true that how you exercise can SOMEWHAT control the shape of your body. A girl that never skips leg day is probably going to have bigger leg muscles than one who skips it frequently, just as you as a horse rider are more likely to have larger thighs. I would suggest that you "lighten" your leg workouts. Try things with less intensity and resistance. Maybe walking over running, less/no weight on leg exercises. Less minutes/sets working out, or even skipping every other leg day. Those things and a caloric deficit may help your particular cause. Also, if you're taking in a lot of protein, you may consider replacing some of that with carbs instead, as they will burn faster, rather than build and restore muscle mass.

    Again, this is just my opinion of how it MAY be possible to achieve what you are talking about. Personally I think the leg muscles are sexy, but its your body, and you are the one that is going to have to be happy with it at the end of the day.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    @IMD918 - I get what you are saying, but I have to disagree.

    There are too many people that pass through here thinking that certain parts of their body are bulky and it turns out that they really just have a skewed view of their own bodies. And some of them end up hurting themselves to try to obtain whatever "image" of what the "perfect body/body part" is.

    So if someone starts claiming their thighs are huge, etc and wanting to reduce muscle mass...I'm not going to support something that is potentially harmful and unhealthy - mentally as well as physically.

    And sometimes, these people aren't aware that they may have some body dysmorphia issues. Sometimes, pointing it out and letting them "hear/see" opinions that inform them that things aren't what they were thinking....sometimes that helps them a lot more.
  • rvaug031
    rvaug031 Posts: 11 Member
    Ok, well maybe I'm wrong here, but I think it might be good to try to help her with getting what she wants rather than trying to change her opinion of herself. She wants smaller thighs. Is this achievable? The not so simple answer is MAYBE.

    Thank you for your detailed reply, and I think it's a two step process for me. One, I always strive for better fitness and health goals, and I like to have that mindset for an overall healthy lifestyle. It has never been about a short term goal. Second, I have to work on my self image, because being constantly unhappy about myself is not healthy. So for fitness goals AND for self image sake, I would like to at least work for a small change that could make a big difference in the long run :)
  • rvaug031
    rvaug031 Posts: 11 Member

    I'm looking at your other photo. It's still a little hard to tell, but they look fine. What are your measurements?

    @Joy_Joy_ My measurements are 27" waist, 32" hips, 37" butt, and 23.5" thighs (around the largest part)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    The OP has the same measurements as my wife. That bikini picture is more about angle and lighting than actual bigness. She looks great. If she wants to tighten up, that's her call. But shrink muscle is nuts and fueled by too many photoshopped magazine images.
  • IMD918
    IMD918 Posts: 49
    @ Joy_Joy, I also understand what you're saying, and yes, it would be better if she just liked her own image more. That being said, she didn't come here asking for self image help. She came here to find out how to get smaller thighs. And I didn't suggest anything that would be considered unhealthy. But nobody really knows if what she wants is truly possible, but making a few simple changes isn't going to hurt her to try.

    I'm trying to see things from her side. If I go to forums asking how to get bigger biceps, i don't want a bunch of people telling me that I should just love them the way they are, or telling me that I need to change the way I see my own body.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Asking how to build muscle is different than asking how to lose muscle in my opinion. But each their own approach.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Asking how to build muscle is different than asking how to lose muscle in my opinion. But each their own approach.

    agreed. if she asked "how do i shed fat from my thighs" we would have screamed "no targeting!" but at least shedding fat is considered a healthy goal. anytime someone asks how to strip muscle away from their bones the red flags go up. if someone asks for help in an activity that we deem to be detrimental we are not obligated to blindly give advice.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    I'm looking at your other photo. It's still a little hard to tell, but they look fine. What are your measurements?

    @Joy_Joy_ My measurements are 27" waist, 32" hips, 37" butt, and 23.5" thighs (around the largest part)

    I don't understand what you think is so awful about those measurements. After finishing a recent fat loss challenge and ending up with a lower half that I am very proud of, those are nearly the exact measurements that I had. It would be exact had you said your butt was 36.5", but hey, what's half and inch around the rear, lol?

    Are you just trying to squish into a smaller size than you should and getting frustrated? Personally, I like things to fit low on the waist and comfortably on the hips...and I don't buy a bigger size and tack it up with a belt?

    I'm gonna have to agree with Joy_Joy_ and ask you to look into body dysmorphia, cause by your standards, I have huge legs too...even though I look at my legs and say, "Wow, I look hot!" :drinker:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I just checked out your pictures, and I have to honestly say that in those last 2 pictures that are nothing but your legs...

    Your legs look gorgeous! I feel sorry for them because you hate them and want them to atrophy. :brokenheart: There is seriously nothing wrong with your legs. At all.
  • IN to nuke another thread where a thin woman claims to have to much muscle and wants to find a way to reduce muscle mass


    Yup, I'm with you ^^ ^^ 19, a body like that and you still find something to be unhappy with? There is no hope.....
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    maybe just try a different brand of jeans, or take them to a tailor and have the waists taken in?
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    also I would suggest rowing machine over running but then you might build more upper body muscle,

    the same with swimming (and a lot of swimmers have large-ish legs tot)
    the problem is getting your muscles to atrophy while maintaining your current active lifestyle and while not building your upper body...
    While I understand your desire for smaller thighs I think you will just have to embrace yourself for what you are - a fit, sporty person!
  • Run, endurance runners have very low muscle bulk and I have noticed my thighs shrink with running (I'm a horse rider too). But you need to build slowly to long distances. Stuff that you can't do fast. You will probably always have muscular thighs but this just strips them down a bit.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Better to reduce your negative self talk, I think. Your thighs are muscular--be happy and love them! You look strong and sexy, a look many of us here on MFP admire very much.

    I get the weirdness with the other riders looking skinny and you feeling big by comparison. But you really can't compare yourself to them.

  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    I also have the same thing. Embrace it :) that's what I did