Girl Question



  • Have your thyroid checked. Mine last that long and that's my cause
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yep, hormonal issue. Dieting and exercising hard, suddenly, can screw with our hormones like that. You definitely need to see your doctor and have a blood test. In the meanwhile, I'd eat a bit more (you don't eat enough).
  • CarribeanBlueGirl
    CarribeanBlueGirl Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to clean up your diet! Any big change in diet can make our bodies confused for a short period of time ~ takes time for adjustment.

    Plant-based diets appear to offer relief from a variety of menstrual symptoms, including cramping, bloating, and breast pain (cyclical mastalgia) see the link:
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    idk if this helps but every girl i've been with ginger/red hair has had heavier periods than other girls ive been with
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Duuuude that sucks! I have the opposite problem, I miss my period a lot now.

    Talk to your doctor.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I don't think it has to do with exercise or diet even though you are not eating enough for how much you're working out. Usually if you get too malnourished, your periods will stop, not double up. I would see the gyno asap.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    10 days?? My dear you need to go see a gynecologist ASAP.
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Ok so since I started dieting and exercising I have been getting extremely long and painful periods twice a month lasting up to 10 days. It is causing me so much pain and fatigue and irritability that I just don't know what to do. What could be the cause of this and when will my periods go back to normal???

    My mom actually had the same thing happen to her last year. She had to go in and get her tubes tied because there was something wrong with her ovaries. I get period like cramps after I work out but no bleeding. Definitely consult your doc!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Your profile says you're 17. You're not even supposed to be on this website. Go talk to your mom about this.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    It would be normal for your cycle to improve (less bleeding, shorter, less pain) with a good diet and exercise. Get to the dr! And I'd agree, it could be low thyroid (if it is use Synthroid, not a generic--generics for everything else but not thyroid replacement). But whatever it is, get on it. Hang in there! It may take a bit to get in and get it all worked out, in the meanwhile, I'd agree that you should take iron and eat right. Exercise does help female problems, so I'd keep it up what I could without exhausting myself. And you may need some extra sleep while recovering (getting through) this. Just wanted to add another post to encourage you even though I think everything I've said has been said. Been there done that with the bad periods--it's miserable.
  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member
    Just be patient. I realize it must be frustrating, but you'll be into your GYN soon and you can get things checked out. No one ever died from heavy/irregular periods in a matter of a week. You'll make it 'til May 7. If you really think it has something to do with your new lifestyle (I don't) then just stop exercising and eat like you used to until you get in to see the doc. Good luck!

    P.S. I'm a medical student.
  • cjh022
    cjh022 Posts: 88 Member
    I agree you should eat more, I started at MFP's 1200 lost a few pounds in water weight, then I read the road map thread, upped it to 1850 and the pounds fell off... don't be afraid to try it, especially for the sake of your own health if your body is already acting differently.

    On a different note, when you get to see you gyn ask to try a different birth control, I was on a pill that had similar effects (though not the same) on my cycle (tons of pain, ever-changing timing etc). Once I switched, I am pain free and have 4 day max. periods (that NEVER happened even before bc).

    Good luck!:smile:
  • RecoveringToHealthy
    RecoveringToHealthy Posts: 51 Member
    idk if this helps but every girl i've been with ginger/red hair has had heavier periods than other girls ive been with


    It's the colour man. Too much blood in those hairs.
  • MrGrobbel
    MrGrobbel Posts: 35
    A few things, first off my hair is not red lol. Second even after reading up on it I don't see how upping my calorie intake will make me lose weight And lastly I don't really see how the age matters much on this website. Regardless I'm 18 in two weeks anyway -_-
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Because your body needs fuel. Right now its running on empty and eatin up whatever it can scavenge which it isn't gonna get much outta 1300 calories and all that excersising. I've done the whole 1200-1300 calorie loaded with 6 days cardio before in my younger days to. I remember those irregular and abnormal bleeding and cramping spells lasting up to 10 days to. Sometimes I bled for a day, sometimes I bled for 10 days. Scary stuff. Hey its your body not mine. We are all here just trying to tell you what's worked for us. You wanna tear up your body that's on you. Ask people who are healthy how much they eat. You'll get what were saying then.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Oops double post.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    A few things, first off my hair is not red lol. Second even after reading up on it I don't see how upping my calorie intake will make me lose weight And lastly I don't really see how the age matters much on this website. Regardless I'm 18 in two weeks anyway -_-

    Oh boy, you got a lot to learn.

    Either way, on topic: I don't think your dieting has anything to do with it... Hope you can make it through until May 7th, don't worry about it too much. Keep doing what you're doing and read up on losing weight the healthy weight (which does include upping your calories), but again: your diet (your low calories) probably doesn't have a lot to do with your periods.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    There are several things it could be, none of which are related to diet and excercise. Fibroids being one. I would see if you can get into another MD but its not an emergency unless you pass huge clots. At this point you are probably also anemic.
  • Are you on the pill form of birth control? Or do you use the patch or an IUD? If you're on the pill, then you shouldn't be getting your period twice a month unless you're taking the sugar pills every two weeks. If you're on the patch or an IUD, it very well could be caused by that. Also, are you sexually active? Is there any possibility that it could be linked to that at all?
  • MrGrobbel
    MrGrobbel Posts: 35
    I am on the pill. I take it at 9:30 on the dot every single day. I don't have the sugar pills at all.