Weight Gain!!!! Under cals and Gym...

Hi Guys,

I realise it has only REALLY been since Sunday I started eating well and going to the Gym.
However... I weighed in this morning and despite going to the gym every day since sunday and eating well, I have actually put ON 2lb.

I know I shouldn't weigh mid-week, but my weigh in is on Saturday- I wanted to see if I was on the right track.

I wasn't really expecting weight LOSS, maybe a slight nudge. I was expecting to really stay the same- but I've actually put on 2lb in the past 5 days despite this.

Why has this happened? I should surely be staying the same or losing if I am using more calories than I am intaking?

I'm a little disheartened and confused...!


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    It took three months of logging my food and exercise before I saw any movement on the scale. Granted, I'm older than you but you have to give it longer than 4 days before you decide what you're doing isn't working. Stick with it!
  • dupaboo
    dupaboo Posts: 174 Member
    If you're just starting out, I'd give it at least two weeks. I know it's tough to stay away from the scale in the beginning, but you have to give your body time to realize that this isn't just a phase, that it's a permanent change. Keep at it and take note of how your clothes are fitting and how you're feeling. The scale will move if you are consistent....just be patient.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    Don't stress. It's water weight.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Be patient.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates by a few lbs.

    Eat a little less, move a little more but expect it to take time.
  • BossBich
    BossBich Posts: 65 Member
    Awwwwww don't be discouraged it's probably just water retention.....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    have you calculated properly your calories you should be eating?
    I agree you need to give it some time for sure. But you want to do it safely too.
    I have an equation that you can have to calculate what you should be eating for weight loss based on your body makeup/age and the type of activity you are doing.
  • you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day

    Hello thank you for the reply.

    Sorry to sound stupid- why should you weigh after a rest day? Is it something to do with using muscles at the Gym?
  • have you calculated properly your calories you should be eating?
    I agree you need to give it some time for sure. But you want to do it safely too.
    I have an equation that you can have to calculate what you should be eating for weight loss based on your body makeup/age and the type of activity you are doing.


    Well I am using MFP's calculator and burning off what I eat exercise wise- but not to an extreme degree.
    I do think maybe I need to wait- I just thought I'd at least stay the same if I'm eating well and exercising but I didn't even think of water weight!.
    hannah x
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    LOL, my weight fluctuates daily +/- up to 5lbs.

    If working out is relatively new to your routine then you are experiencing water retention in your muscles. Don't sweat it. Give yourself AT LEAST 4 weeks (really should be more like 6-8 weeks) of consistency with a moderate deficit and working out (preferably lifting with a little cardio) 3-5 times a week and then see what happens.

    Also, take measurements. They can help when the scale is not budging... might be losing inches in addition to lbs in the next 4 weeks. And about that scale... try to not step on it daily until you can handle, even laugh at, its daily changes. Try once a week if you can.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member


    Well I am using MFP's calculator and burning off what I eat exercise wise- but not to an extreme degree.
    I do think maybe I need to wait- I just thought I'd at least stay the same if I'm eating well and exercising but I didn't even think of water weight!.
    hannah x

    what do you mean by burning off what you eat? you should EAT BACK exercise cals if you are following MFP correctly?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day

    Hello thank you for the reply.

    Sorry to sound stupid- why should you weigh after a rest day? Is it something to do with using muscles at the Gym?

    When you workout your muscle retain water to aid in recovery and to protect them from damage caused by exercise. Once you get use to the workouts or take a break your muscles will shed the unneeded water.
  • What time of the day did you weigh? Typically people will weigh may if they weigh themselves mid day vs first thing in the morning. What are you doing at the gym? If you're doing any sort of weights it may be that. Now, I'm not saying you put on muscle that fast. Me personally, I tend to weigh more the day after I do any sort of weights on any part of my body, but the following day I'm back down. My muscles just needed.a rest day. Don't give up. Its hard and takes dedication.
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day

    Hello thank you for the reply.

    Sorry to sound stupid- why should you weigh after a rest day? Is it something to do with using muscles at the Gym?

    You have water retention from using your muscles and then repairing themselves. After a rest day your water retention should go down= lose lbs (or kg)

    I wasn't "losing" any weight so i added a rest and then the pounds started to come off slowly but surely
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it takes your body four to six weeks to adjust to a new program and then start seeing results from said program.

    four days is NOTHING..some of us - myself included - have been at this for four years + ...

    It is a marathon not a sprint...

    So buckle down, ditch the scale except for every three weeks, eat less, exercise, and make this change for life...

    Oh and learn compound lifts and incorporate them into your exercise regimen...
  • Thanks all,

    I suppose I didn't think about water weight. I have been using this site for a while but really thought I'd give the weight loss a proper go this time.

    I know four/five days is hardly anything, I was just hoping a bit too much I suppose!
    Thank you! x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day

    Hello thank you for the reply.

    Sorry to sound stupid- why should you weigh after a rest day? Is it something to do with using muscles at the Gym?

    your muscles retain water when they're sore, so if you have been to the gym a lot, then they will probably be retaining water.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    have you calculated properly your calories you should be eating?
    I agree you need to give it some time for sure. But you want to do it safely too.
    I have an equation that you can have to calculate what you should be eating for weight loss based on your body makeup/age and the type of activity you are doing.


    Well I am using MFP's calculator and burning off what I eat exercise wise- but not to an extreme degree.
    I do think maybe I need to wait- I just thought I'd at least stay the same if I'm eating well and exercising but I didn't even think of water weight!.
    hannah x

    Start here for understanding calories, why your body needs them and why not eating enough can hinder your weight loss and fitness: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937712-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day

    Hello thank you for the reply.

    Sorry to sound stupid- why should you weigh after a rest day? Is it something to do with using muscles at the Gym?

    No. This is myth. Weigh in once a week, the same time every week. I weigh every Friday, first thing in the morning, before I eat or drink anything.

    why is it a myth?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you have been to the gym 5 days in a row.... you should weigh after your rest day

    Hello thank you for the reply.

    Sorry to sound stupid- why should you weigh after a rest day? Is it something to do with using muscles at the Gym?

    No. This is myth. Weigh in once a week, the same time every week. I weigh every Friday, first thing in the morning, before I eat or drink anything.

    water retention in muscles is a myth?????