Weight Gain!!!! Under cals and Gym...



  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Okay seriously, this is the last time I will say this: If your diary is not open, I CANNOT HELP YOU!!!!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Be patient.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates by a few lbs.

    Eat a little less, move a little more but expect it to take time.

    This is why you shouldn't weigh too much. I can go up and down by several lbs depending on the time of day in relation to how long it is since you consumed something (food or drinks) or go to the toilet, or lost water through sweating, or time of the month, or a whole host of other things.I stick to a once a week weighing, every Saturday morning before breakfast at about 8am. At least that way you have a chance of getting similar conditions. TThroughout the week I concentrate more on my weekly cumulation of calories rather than daily - if you go over by a little you can then plan in when you will be under to compensate for them.

    Lastly, as people have said, eat less and move more, which you are doing!!
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Be patient. I gained 2 pounds my first week on here and every time I start a new exercise routine I typically go up 2 pounds before losing again.

    I choose to weigh every day first thing. You can learn a lot this way but only if you can mentally handle the "up" days. Eventually you will see a pattern like up after a high sodium day etc. But that's just me. Lots of people weigh once a week or even once a month.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    Read this:


    Best thing I read here. I can fluctuate up to 5# in a single day depending on if I weigh myself directly after eating or not.
  • If you're just starting out, I'd give it at least two weeks. I know it's tough to stay away from the scale in the beginning, but you have to give your body time to realize that this isn't just a phase, that it's a permanent change. Keep at it and take note of how your clothes are fitting and how you're feeling. The scale will move if you are consistent....just be patient.

    I enjoy this answer :tongue: I agree. Time, consistency and patience. You JUST started. It will happen for you. Good luck.
  • Okay seriously, this is the last time I will say this: If your diary is not open, I CANNOT HELP YOU!!!!

    Hiya! Sorry I had no idea I'd set it to Friends only. It's public now. Many thanks

    H x
  • If you're just starting out, I'd give it at least two weeks. I know it's tough to stay away from the scale in the beginning, but you have to give your body time to realize that this isn't just a phase, that it's a permanent change. Keep at it and take note of how your clothes are fitting and how you're feeling. The scale will move if you are consistent....just be patient.

    I enjoy this answer :tongue: I agree. Time, consistency and patience. You JUST started. It will happen for you. Good luck.

    Thank you ^^
  • Okay seriously, this is the last time I will say this: If your diary is not open, I CANNOT HELP YOU!!!!

    Based on what the OP posted (time frame of how long she has been doing this for). There is really no need for her diary to be open for people to give her some good feedback/tips.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I realise it has only REALLY been since Sunday I started eating well and going to the Gym.
    However... I weighed in this morning and despite going to the gym every day since sunday and eating well, I have actually put ON 2lb.

    I know I shouldn't weigh mid-week, but my weigh in is on Saturday- I wanted to see if I was on the right track.

    I wasn't really expecting weight LOSS, maybe a slight nudge. I was expecting to really stay the same- but I've actually put on 2lb in the past 5 days despite this.

    Why has this happened? I should surely be staying the same or losing if I am using more calories than I am intaking?

    I'm a little disheartened and confused...!

    Maybe you should first tell us how you define "eating well"... How many calories are you eating?
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Scratch what I said above. I looked at your diary: watch your sodium intake, it is very high! You seem to be eating a LOT (lot lot lot!) of ready-made meals. These contain a lot of sodium usually. Try cooking from scratch!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    dont panic everytime you gain 1-5 pounds it willgo away if you drink lots of water and keep the sodium low
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member

    Read this and follow it, find out how many calories you should be eating stick with it and watch the weight fly off.

    your weight can fluctuate by anything up to 6lbs a day from large meals, sodium intake, water retention form training muscles ...

    I weigh in once a fortnight first thing friday morning after going to the bathroom and before i eat or drink but this is just for my eyes i prefer to use body fat % and measurements. WEight is going down steadily but inches are flying off and i'm getting stronger.

    The goal is to be come fit and healthy we want to lose fat and build muscle.

    Good luck and stick with it :P
  • I think your sodium is quite high, especially yesterday, that will make you retain water
  • chaoticgeek
    chaoticgeek Posts: 25 Member
    Also get a flexible measuring tape and take measurements. I got a cheap sewing one from walmart and that is a great way to track progress.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I agree with a few other posters - it's only been 4 or 5 days. My weight can fluctuate 4-6 lbs in either direction when I weigh daily. I only "officially" weigh in once a week, or about every 7-8 days and use that number. Especially when lifting weights and daily variation in nutrient intake, you can retain water. And if you eat a lot of prepackaged foods I bet your sodium or salt intake is on the high side. Try cooking more fresh foods to control what is in your meals.

    Keep your head up, you are just getting started! :-)
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I realise it has only REALLY been since Sunday I started eating well and going to the Gym.
    However... I weighed in this morning and despite going to the gym every day since sunday and eating well, I have actually put ON 2lb.

    I know I shouldn't weigh mid-week, but my weigh in is on Saturday- I wanted to see if I was on the right track.

    I wasn't really expecting weight LOSS, maybe a slight nudge. I was expecting to really stay the same- but I've actually put on 2lb in the past 5 days despite this.

    Why has this happened? I should surely be staying the same or losing if I am using more calories than I am intaking?

    I'm a little disheartened and confused...!

    Your weight can possibly be fluctuating depending on food, water, ect in your stomach/body. Measuring inches instead of pounds is more accurate.
  • Hi Guys,

    I realise it has only REALLY been since Sunday I started eating well and going to the Gym.
    However... I weighed in this morning and despite going to the gym every day since sunday and eating well, I have actually put ON 2lb.

    I know I shouldn't weigh mid-week, but my weigh in is on Saturday- I wanted to see if I was on the right track.

    I wasn't really expecting weight LOSS, maybe a slight nudge. I was expecting to really stay the same- but I've actually put on 2lb in the past 5 days despite this.

    Why has this happened? I should surely be staying the same or losing if I am using more calories than I am intaking?

    I'm a little disheartened and confused...!

    Keep at it, change won't happen over night. Also, in looking at your food diary it looks like you consume a HUGE amount of sodium. Cut back on that a lot and you'll probably retain less water.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Hope you don't mind but I took a look at your Diary for this week and noticed 2 things that may play into the gain...
    1. Sodium = water weight
    2. Carbs - try staying around 150 in carbs.
    Resently went to Dr's and showed them my MFP logging, I go to the gym at least 4-6 times a week, stay under cals and try not to go into my workout cals, she noticed that MFP was allotting me around 330 in carbs a day when I worked out. She said if I stayed around 150 in carbs and stay in the 2500 for sodium that I would see a difference. A week later after seeing .5-.7 lbs losses, I lost 2.2 lbs! My Husband lost 6! This morning I took a sneak peek (our weigh ins are on sat mornings ) and it said -2 lbs, so i'm hoping to see that or more this saturday since I have 2 more workouts before I weigh in offically. Good luck and I hope this helps!
  • hjcopeland
    hjcopeland Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with weighing in more frequently (if you choose to weigh in weekly or monthly or whatever, that's fine, no judgment here).

    By frequently, I mean daily at most, at the same time of day (usually first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking).

    You can learn a lot about your body by weighing in daily.

    For example, after a strenuous workout (i.e. running or lifting), it is not uncommon to gain a couple of pounds in retained water. Sore muscles can and do retain water (this is not a myth).

    Water weighs over 8 lbs per gallon, so how much you drink can play a huge role as well. Drink two quarts of water, and you just "gained" 4 pounds (temporarily anyway).

    You definitely need to stay hydrated, but by better understanding how your body reacts to and retains water, you can relax a little bit about what the scale says and learn to think longer term.

    So, ironically, by weighing in daily and better understanding your body's normal weight fluctations, you can learn to stress less about what the scale actually says, and instead think a little more about why it says what it says, and stay focused on your long term fitness goals.

    And, like several other posters mentioned, your sodium intake plays a huge role in how much water you retain. I have gained several (3-5) pounds in a single day just by blowing it on sodium intake (pizza, wings, or whatever). You can set sodium as one of the nutrients you track on your home page diary in MFP by clicking on the "Food" tab above, then "Settings".

    The good news is the water weight goes away failry quickly.

    But only by monitoring your weight relative to your diet can you learn how your body react to these things.
  • Ahhhh please don’t get down about your weight, what you are on is a long journey that sometimes speeds up and sometimes get’s stuck in traffic.
    When I first changed my lifestyle back in 2008 I did not loose a pound for 3 weeks and then BOOM! (but I was very overweight).
    Sometimes it’s hard when your trying not to feel disappointed but don’t do the following:
    *Stress – It can cause bloating/comfort eating
    *Give up - (So what if it takes time/you cheat)
    *Beat yourself up - by reducing calories too low/skipping meals
    *Freak out over water retention – It’s normal!

    More than anything eat healthy as a way of life and make work outs fun because that way you’ll stick to it and keep weight off which is the hardest part.

    Good luck and keep smiling!