Am I doing it right? Or am I totally Lost

I have recently restarted my journey towards being fit and healthy, this time more determined than ever.
I started at 132kg (291pounds)and in the last 2 weeks have dropped to 128 kg (282 pounds). Obviously I am VERY unfit as exercise was not a part of my previous lifestyle. I have since started walking around the neighborhood in the evening after work with my husband. The problem is that my husband who is also over weight (138kg) is fitter than I am and is convinced that I am not walking enough and not walking fast enough (I am averaging 1.5km (1mile)per evening in 20 minutes). one night I tried to walk further with him and ended up walking 2.9km (1.8miles), however I was severe pain in my lower back (the muscles just above/side of the buttocks), I walked much slower and was practically in tears by the time we finished. Last night we had a huge argument, because I say at least I am doing more exercise than I was before and he is saying that it doesn't help if I am walking such a little and so slowly. I have now told him to walk on his own and I will do my walking on my own.

I would just like your opinion,
1. should I be walking more and faster as my husband says and pushing myself harder or am I right in walking what is comfortable to me and building up my fittness level and work from there.

2. What could I do to help with the muscle pain in my lower back (the muscles just above/side of the buttocks) this only occurs once I have been walking for a while and especially up hills, once I have finished walking and had a shower it is a bit stiff but goes away.

Your opinions would be much appreciated


  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    First of all, good on you for making the decision to become fit and healthy :smile: So far you have done really well!!

    Secondly, you should do what you can do. Don't push yourself too far too early or you'll burn out and it'll all be over - we don't want that! The point is that you're out there walking - go at your own pace and as far as you are comfortable. It will get easier and you will cover the same distance in less time before long at all. Just work from there. Back pain is never pleasant. I don't know what would be causing it, but listen to your body.

    Good luck!!
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    You are doing well so far! Your speed and distance will improve naturally over time, you will suddenly realise one day that you feel you can do more. At the moment, when your body tells you you've had enough, listen to it. It WILL get easier. I hope your hubby becomes more supportive as he sees you sticking to it. Hugs :)
  • Montarosa456
    Auw I feel for you because my bf and I fall out when we run together because he constantly pushes sprints, I know it's not like walking but the analogy is there.
    Start steady and ease up when you feel ready, if 1 mile feels good to you then keep at that and then in a month (or whatever time you feel is right) move up to 1.5miles and before you know if that'll be comfortable and you'll be getting fitter/faster naturally and keep building up.
    Your speed will improve and on evenings you just want to get home you'll naturally just speed up (honest!) plus if you feel comfortable/enjoy it your more likely to continue than give up. One mile is better than no miles, always! :)
    As I'm not qualified/knowledgeable I can't comment on the back pain, sorry.
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    I had similar difficulties when I started a plan of running with my other half. We then repeated the process when we tried jump rope at home. We both stopped exercising as each session ended in tears (mine).

    I knew he was trying to encourage me the only way that he knew how but our exercise styles were very different.

    At his encouragement I joined a gym, and a few weeks later I brought him a trial membership at a kick-boxing centre. Working out separately works for both of us.

    For me the first step was just to make the effort and take the time to exercise. Increasing the intensity came later as did calorie counting (earning extra calories was a big motivator for me).

    Good luck.
  • Robin_Anne
    If you can, get a heart monitor that will show you how hard you're working and if you're in the aerobic range or even higher. I'm heavy, too, and like you, just started to walk for exercise. I do intervals on the treadmill of moderate (for me) and then do a period of minutes slightly faster. When I walk outside I used to count driveways. So, maybe go fast for three driveways (if you're walking in a neighborhood) and then slower for five....or whatever works. It gives you a break but also puts a little intensity in which burns calories.

    Also, maybe add a single minute each time you go. You say you did a 20 minute mile? That's awesome!! The next day try 21 minutes, then the next time try 22 minutes. Little by little you'll build endurance without getting frustrated or hurt.

    Everyone is at a different fitness level and the way to make this a habit that you enjoy is that you compete with yourself. Also, if your husband is on your case about moving too slow (which is all relative), then show him the heart monitor. It's dangerous to push yourself where your heart can't take it. The great thing is the body's ability to respond to exercise! You'll be shocked to see how much improvement you'll make with even reduced heart rate going the same speed--which means your heart is getting stronger.

    Don't give up! This is a great time of year to get in shape with the flowers and trees with color.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    Good onyu girl for your new lifestyle, keep it up.

    I love quote they help me stay on track

    "If you did have a million-dollar racehorse, would you let him stay up half the night drinking coffee and booze, smoking cigarettes and eating junk food?" Next question: "Would you treat a 10-dollar dog or a 5-dollar cat that way? What about a billion-dollar body?"

    as far as walking go as far as you can you will get better, try walk short twice a day if the longer is too much


    "One day I'll comfortably sit and look back at all the ups, and all the downs, and smile knowing that I achieved what I set out to. Blood, sweat & tears. It's all a part of the journey. "

    as far as back pain not sure if it is joint pain or muscle, try get some muscle warming cream, if you are worried see a physo
    if it is joint fish oils help, kelp oil is the best one

    good luck and keep up the good work

    "Everyday you have the choice to get closer to your goals or farther away from them. You have the choice. It's up to you and only you.

    good on you for getting closer
  • Leesel66
    Leesel66 Posts: 67 Member
    Good on you firstly for getting back into it.

    I have only started MFP last Friday afternoon with my weigh in on Saturday. I have only walked 3 times this week, 30mins and that's what I feel comfortable with at the moment, because I have a prolapsed dsc in my neck, so to me, 30 mins is better than no minutes or no exercise. I always remember what was said at a WW class/meeting, walk 15mins, turn around and walk home. You soon will build your minutes up.

    In a book I've just read from my physio, this is what I will have to do after surgery, walk 10-15 mins 4 times a day. That's a 40mins or 1 hr of exercise of steady walking. If you work through the day if you do 2 15min walks that's your 30min exercise for the day.

    Unsure on your pain, maybe see a physio or your GP.

    Keep up the good steps to begin with.
  • PatriciaS76
    Thank You:flowerforyou: