Couch to 5K starting July 11 Who wants to do it with me



  • TerraEarth
    TerraEarth Posts: 16 Member
    I am totally in! The coolrunning website was recommended to me last week! I started on Thursday and will be doing my second day today! I am so excited to find a group to do this with. I can't wait to actually know that I can run. Just the thought is amazing to me!
  • TerraEarth
    TerraEarth Posts: 16 Member
    TaraArriola- You did your best right? That is awesome. I expect to take a bit longer too. But will just keep chugging along until I get there too. Congrats on taking the first steps! You can do it!:flowerforyou:
    Also, thanks for leading me to this thread, its because you are here that it popped right up on my screen at just the right time!
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    After my W3D2 run Friday, I decided to add some squats and lunges to tone my thighs. I stretched thoroughly, but my legs got soooooooo tight!! So I have to hold off until today hopefully. I can do day 3.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I'm in. Starting over for the second time. I never could quite finish it. I need to make it a priority, and stop whining about the heat!

    About the iphone app, does that work with the Nike+ too, or can they not run simultaneously? Thanks.

    I don't have Nike+, but the c25k help page says yes, they can work together and it gives instructions on how to work them together
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I am in. I started the c25k before and got to week 6 but had to stop when I hurt my back and then my little girl got really sick. So needless to say I had to stop but now I am back at it. I started week 2 today and this time the c25k seem to be a lot easyer this time and I can get my treadmill at a much higher spead this time. I hope every one is doing wounderful and we can all do this togather.
  • I did day one yesterday! It really wasn't too bad.. I had to catch my breath a couple times but it was definitely do-able! I started out with my doggy but he wouldn't jog one more step about half way through haha..
  • W1D1 - Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to start C25k til today, but I think I did pretty good. It wasn't until half way to Run 6/9 that I started to burn out. I ran [joghed for me lol] at a steady pace. I think I only skipped about 30 seconds total from Run 7-9 though. I think that's pretty good progress for Day 1.
  • W1D1 - Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to start C25k til today, but I think I did pretty good. It wasn't until half way to Run 6/9 that I started to burn out. I ran [joghed for me lol] at a steady pace. I think I only skipped about 30 seconds total from Run 7-9 though. I think that's pretty good progress for Day 1.
  • jaglover04
    jaglover04 Posts: 82 Member
    SO AWESOME i'm just seeing this post, but i just started this program Monday!! I had heard about it on here before when i first joined, but just recently decided to look into running....i always said there would have to be someone chasing me to get me to run haha!! But then went and got my first pair of running shoes and have been motivated since! I hope everyone does great!
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    Keep up the great work everyone... hang in there... week one is almost over.... if you have to repeat week one.... i will post week twos program soon....
  • did week one day 2 yesterday :) good job everyone!
  • MCH7912
    MCH7912 Posts: 13
    I have not been able to start yet, but y'all are doing great! I am in school and working full time, so i feel like I can barely make time to sleep! :( I am hoping to start this weekend, I will be a week late in starting!

    Everyone Keep up the good work!!
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    ugh. Week one run three was a day late due to a very tricky week of shift work and overtime, which was bad enough, and then I had a really piggy junky dinner last night, but now a revelation:

    if you were ever in any doubt as to the benefits of a healthy diet, go for a morning run after a night on the pizza!
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Just finished my last run this morning for week number one. Ready to go on to week number two. Starting on Monday.
    My run days are Monday/Thursday and Saturday. I am just going to post when my week ends.

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    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • TerraEarth
    TerraEarth Posts: 16 Member
    Great job everyone! Week one was tough at the beginning to me, so I did it 5 days/week instead of just 3. By the end, I was doing great. My last run/walk was a bust though- my ipod wasn't charged enough. What a difference music makes!!!
    I am usually a fan of the mello acustic singer songwriter stuff, but that's not working out when I am trying to run- anyone have any suggestions on great music to work out to?
    Good Luck on week 2 everyone!!! I will be working out on Monday/Wed/Fri.
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    sorry this is late.. but i ended up having to work today....

    here is this weeks plan

    Brisk five-minute warmup walk.
    Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging
    and two minutes of walking
    for a total of 20 minutes
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I am usually a fan of the mello acustic singer songwriter stuff, but that's not working out when I am trying to run- anyone have any suggestions on great music to work out to?

    me too, but that just won't do! you need something fast paced with a bit of bass, and some very upbeat stuff. I'm listening to a lot of muse, a little queen ('don't stop me now' and 'I want to break free') some hilltop hoods (Aussie hiphop), some glee, and some seriously daggy 80s stuff. Only problem is sometimes I want to sing along, but you look a bit foolish singing on a treadmill and I need all my breath for breathing!!
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    forgot to add, I read somewhere that running to loud (but not too loud - ears are delicate flowers) bassy music makes you run better (faster and for longer) because your body interprets the beat as your heart racing in fear, assumes you're being chased, and cranks out adrenaline.

    Works for me!!
  • just finished week 2 day 1.. i was able to finish it but i'm not gonna lie i was breathing pretty hard! how is everyone else doing?
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    just finished week 2 day 1.. i was able to finish it but i'm not gonna lie i was breathing pretty hard! how is everyone else doing?

    well done! the first day of a new week's hardest, but now you've got through it you can tell yourself 'i did it once, I can do it again!'. At least, that's how I do it, and I try to make the first run a little easier so the odds are stacked in my favour - i use a treadmill and I'll generally run the first one for a new week a little slower. Running's a bit of a psychological challenge for me - I know I'm fit enough to run a few minutes, but as soon as I start my mind starts going 'holy crap I'm running. I should be puffed. Better start gasping!'
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