"Divine Intervention" aka The Kindness of Others :)

Hello! My name is Cristin and I'm fairly new to MFP (2.5 weeks in). I've always had issues with my weight, lost it once 5 years ago but it's back with interest. I am pre-diabetic (have family members who are diabetic) and have reached a point where if I don't get healthy it will change my life and my husband's. I've been trying to find a solid push off point and doing little things here and there with no real affect.... Then came what I like to call my "divine intervention" :) I'm not sure who or what decided they'd give me the help I need but they did!

I have been getting to know a good friend at work over the last few months and she was listening to me about my health concerns and that I'm really afraid of what could happen, not just that I have to buy the next size up. So she surprised me and gave me two sessions with her amazing trainer who is also a nutritionist. After meeting with her the first time I was inspired that I could really do this! When I got back to work from meeting her on my lunch I spoke with another of my friends that I was fired up but worried about how much some of the "healthy" foods cost and what my husband and I could/couldn't afford. By the end of the day I found two bags of groceries on my desk with Almond Milk, chicken sausage, fresh fruits and vegetables, flax seed, etc. I told my parents about my day (they are retired down in Florida) and that I wanted to make this change happen! When I got home I had two e-mails from them...one for a subscription to "Eating Clean" and a year membership to Planet Fitness so that I can take a friend with me to any location, work and home. <3 My closest girlfriend has been pushing me to do 5k's with her and I have my second one coming up in two weeks. My husband? Well he's just awesome beyond words (and already athletic) so he's been my pillar for almost 5 years.

Am I lucky? You bet your shrinking butt I am! Am I thankful? BEYOND WORDS. It amazes me to have this support system when I need it most. I am presently .8 lbs from my 10 lb mark in 2.5 weeks! I've never been able to do that and do it the healthy way. I WANT TO PAY IT FORWARD! I would love to have more friends and to keep you and myself motivated. Having just one person tell you "good job" or "nice burn" means the WORLD :)

I wish you all the best of luck in your journey and would love to help if I can!!


  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    Cristin wow what a story! I look forward to watching you on your journey. So much so im sending you a FRIEND request. You have all the tools you need to get started on this journey. You did it BEFORE, im confident you can do it AGAIN!!!
  • luticiaf
    luticiaf Posts: 92 Member
    I am so moved by this story - the actions of those around you, and also your willingness to grab onto this opportunity and 'run' with it. You've changed my day, and so also the day of those around me, as i will endeavor to pay it forward also:)

    Thank you for your story, and all the best for your journey:)
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    BIG hugs.

    as far as clean good food versus snack/junk food, you will find that the cost is negligible..
    as for pre diabetes, i am sure the nutritionist told you, youre on the right path!!
    losing as little as 10% of TBW can reduce the risk of pre diabetes by over 30%!!!
    you CAN do this!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Cristin what a great story, you've got a great support system around you and on here as well. I would love to help support you on your journey. Best wishes!!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think thats awesome!...you have such a support system...I see good things for you as far as weight loss and getting healthy!
  • LavaLisa190
    You have a very amazing story. Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration to keep going. You obviously have people around you who care for and love you very much. You are blessed and you will reach your goals.
  • MandiJessica23
    MandiJessica23 Posts: 9 Member
    How lovely! I love pay it forward stories :) Certainly sounds like you're well on your way! Best of luck!
  • b3kah5
    b3kah5 Posts: 280 Member
    Friend request sent!!!
  • iDYG
    iDYG Posts: 15 Member
    wow, people around you are really nice! lol
  • SuckItUpKupcake
    SuckItUpKupcake Posts: 10 Member
    I'm excited that I've gotten so many requests for co-motivators! Thank you for reading my story and I look forward to sharing the journey with all of you!!!!! <3
