Stomping out self sabotage

I'm starting to self sabotage. In the past, as soon as my efforts became "public" to those around me, this has been a problem, and I've allowed it to stop me each time. Anyone else experience this?

I'm determined to nip it in the bud, but I can see that I'm starting to make excuses and allowing poor choices to become too frequent again. Time to exercise is getting "harder" to find, my splurges are becoming too frequent.

I have to push through this wall, and not let it get me this time. Today, I'm going to boost the self-esteem by making good choices. Just today. Then tomorrow, I'll have the same chat with myself, but for today, I'm only going to concentrate on Thursday.


  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    They say that Brick walls are there to keep out the people who don't want things as much as you do. Just keep pushing and it will eventually fall! Take things one day at a time and just keep reminding yourself that tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to do better. I am in the exact same situation as you and that's what I keep reminding myself of too.
  • smp0723
    smp0723 Posts: 88
    I am having the same exact problem! I just start to get going & start losing weight...someone notices....and I start eating junk and stop exercising-so aggravated with myself!!

    I woke up this morning with a new determination. Instead of thinking "I am going to get to my goal weight by my November cruise--I've decided I'm going to lose 5 lbs and exercise at least 3 times a week beginning today through May 12th--my daughters college graduation. I will then set a new goal on that date. Maybe baby steps is the way to go.

    We can do this!!! Feel free to friend me if you would like to motivate each other!
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    It's a start that you realize what's triggering your sabotage. Remind yourself of the progress that you've made so far. Try asking yourself why the 'attention' 'derails' you. Everytime someone notices your weight loss, remember that it's an opportunity to break the cycle of self sabotage. Self sabotage is a hard one, but you can do it. One day at a time.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    My mother does this. I think it is survivors guilt in a way. You need to remember you are working hard for this and earning every mile stone. Keep your success and push for more!
  • SusieDerkinsRocks
    SusieDerkinsRocks Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the pep talk. It's hard to admit when I'm heading the wrong direction, but being honest about it is progress in itself. You all are absolutely right. I have been working hard, and I deserve more than the opportunities that I've allowed to pass by in the past.

    I think a new short term goal is in order. May 12th sounds like a date to work towards. I can do it - I've proven that to myself the last few months. I just can't give up on me. Today - will be a busy day, but I WILL workout and I'll ignore the junky junk.
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    I completely understand your frustrations! My personal one is if I have a week without much, or any change, I get mad, and then I get "fat", as in, I eat whatever I want for the next 2-3 days, not counting anything as everything is available to me and I'm fed up. Then comes the guilt, oh joy...the guilt! I spend the next 4 days hating myself for splurging for those 3 days before, eating way less than I should , depressed and miserable. Then it's been a week, I'm back on the scale, and have had a loss. Then the cycle repeats.

    It seems a little vicious of a cycle, like a cycle with razerblades lining the walls if we ever miss a step it hurts like an SOB.

    Sorry for the poetry, thanks for your post. Sometimes, all it takes is knowing I'm not alone in this!
  • turtlepace
    turtlepace Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ladies for the motivation. Self sabotage is my worst enemy!
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I'm starting to self sabotage. In the past, as soon as my efforts became "public" to those around me, this has been a problem, and I've allowed it to stop me each time. Anyone else experience this?

    It's happening to me right now. The moment my co-workers found out I wanted to lose weight, they started "encouraging" me to self-sabotage. They would bring in treats, offer me money for the vending machines, etc. This has caused me to sabotage myself a few times already. My father isn't helping either, but that's a long story.