The worst meal I ever had was...



  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    The roast beef at the Grandparents 50th Anniversary from the Hilton inn. It tasted great going down, but oh was that a mistake. I was violently ill for three days with food poisoning. Worst part is this is the third roast beef served at a hotel held party that has made me sick in my life.

    I threw up 8 times in two hours. I could not keep water down and my mother even considered driving me to the hospial for IV fluids. as a person who gets constipated easily and NEVER uses peptobismol, I ended up drinking peptobismol every few hours and living off jello and gatorade for 2 days.

    I will NEVER eat roast beef that is served at a wedding, funeral, baby shower, or anniversary EVER again. I only eat it if I prepare it myself.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    lunch that we tried at a place called 5 guys, the meal actually came out in a bag that was dripping with grease, the burgers were well done and all the juice had dripped out onto/into the bun and veggies, and the fries were so soggy from the grease that you could not even eat them. Needless to say we have never gone back again and tell all of our friends to stay away from that place but we have a few that actually like it

    Uh yeah. It's delicious. When you bite the fries they bite back.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    a jalapeno/chicken ravioli at a nice had potential to be great, but there was gristle in the chicken, i found three jalapeno stems, and the pasta was barely warm.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Most recently it was the chicken noodle soup from the Fred Meyer deli. It had the most awful after-taste, kind of metallic. I couldn't get past 3 or 4 sips.

    However, the day before that, I couldn't eat anything at all, nor could I keep water or ginger ale down, so maybe that had more to do with the after-taste than anything. Still, I will never buy deli soup again. I already won't eat canned soup.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member

    I think my worst meal was a pastaless veggie "lasagna" I got from Kraft's website. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. I took two bites and had to throw the rest out. I'm not picky at all, but it made me gag a little.

    What was gross about it? I wanna know!

    I think it was the texture. The vegetables were very mushy with the way the directions said to cook them, and the various ingredients didn't taste good together.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Jellied moose muzzle. And yes, I'm serious. Our family hunted moose regularly (we lived in Northern Ontario where that is practically a rite of passage) and my father thought he would try this bizarre recipe he found somewhere. That was 20 years ago and it still makes me feel queasy.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Once we got a smoothie maker and me and my sisters went a bit wild with it and started doing dares (we would have been early teens)
    We made a mushroom-vinegar-egg and something else probably smoothie
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    lunch that we tried at a place called 5 guys, the meal actually came out in a bag that was dripping with grease, the burgers were well done and all the juice had dripped out onto/into the bun and veggies, and the fries were so soggy from the grease that you could not even eat them. Needless to say we have never gone back again and tell all of our friends to stay away from that place but we have a few that actually like it

    Uh yeah. It's delicious. When you bite the fries they bite back.

    Right, I love Five Guys! Granted I don't eat it anymore, but I still crave it...
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Everything my mother in law has ever cooked for me. So much oil, crappin' for days.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Ketchup Chips.

    I haven't even had them yet, but I am pretty sure they are going to be terrible.

    Can't be much worse than the Chicken and Waffles chips. I tried one and spit it out....horrid!

    I decided to try the Tim's Cascade Vlasic dill pickle chips. I thought to myself, "I love Tim's Cascade chips and I love pickles. What could go wrong?" They're still sitting on my counter from when I bought them 2 months ago, only a small handful of chips missing. I suppose maybe I'll eat them if I'm desperate for chips... but I'd have to be really desperate.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Some dry chicken recipie my mother in law cooked. She is a sweet woman, just not much of a cook.
  • iamkass
    iamkass Posts: 122 Member
    Ketchup Chips.

    I haven't even had them yet, but I am pretty sure they are going to be terrible.

    As a Canadian, I love ketchup chips. It's like one of the standards you get for a party. They don't actually taste like ketchup on chips, but even if they did... ketchup and potato products just work together.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    My mom used to make this God awful casserole dish...we grew up poor and on food stamps, so she reallllly tried to stretch what she could, and knew nothing about health and nutrition. She used to make this rice dish, it was white rice (not bad), chicken breast (pretty good), peas (yum!), mushrooms (I can live without 'em, but they're good for ya) and cheez wiz....wait, what? Yep, alllll of those things mixed into one gloppy heap. It was/is DISGUSTING. She thought it was relatively healthy (did I mention she's over 400 lbs?) and all the ingredients were pretty cheap, so she made it often and made it in big batches for leftovers. Needless to say we ate it because that was what was for dinner, and no one ever said anything about it, but I think we all agreed it was disgusting. I shudder at the thought...
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    This horrible barley dish a nice host served us in Moscow. (I really didn't want to offend her, since there had been a very good chance of living with her in her house for the next three months.) Not sure what it was exactly, but it was all I could do to not gag with every bite.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    And the 'spaghetti' my then boyfriend made me which consisted of 2 minute noodles topped with ketchup and plastic cheese singles.

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Naaaasty.

    My worst meal? Probably when I tried Walden Farms 0 calorie dressing on an amazing salad. I threw out the whole salad because the dressing made me gag. Needless to say, the whole bottle of the dressing was in the garbage that afternoon.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Everything my mother in law has ever cooked for me. So much oil, crappin' for days.

    my husband said he would divorce me if i ever cooked his moms recipes. she suggested i make his all time fave cookies with carob chips, wheat germ, applesauce, and vitamin powder.

    my husband is 5'11" and 137lbs-he NEEDS the butter!

    another one was her cauliflower crust, barely baked, vegan cheese, ketchup sauce pizza. no.

    and we were so broke growing up that i can attest-rice, beans, ground beef, onions, and cheese slices in a casserole tastes ecactly like poverty.
  • RichOC
    RichOC Posts: 243 Member
    lunch that we tried at a place called 5 guys, the meal actually came out in a bag that was dripping with grease, the burgers were well done and all the juice had dripped out onto/into the bun and veggies, and the fries were so soggy from the grease that you could not even eat them. Needless to say we have never gone back again and tell all of our friends to stay away from that place but we have a few that actually like it

    This reminds me of a few years ago when they were building a new 5 Guys over by where I used to live. My wife and I were driving by the new location and there was a large sign that read, "5 Guys Coming Soon!". I looked at my wife and said, "Remind me to stay out of there, that could get messy." We still laugh about it to this day. I mean, seriously, who approves that sign???
  • seths_wife
    seths_wife Posts: 76 Member
    lunch that we tried at a place called 5 guys, the meal actually came out in a bag that was dripping with grease, the burgers were well done and all the juice had dripped out onto/into the bun and veggies, and the fries were so soggy from the grease that you could not even eat them. Needless to say we have never gone back again and tell all of our friends to stay away from that place but we have a few that actually like it

    Ew I HATE that place. Of course my husband loves it. :noway:
  • My husband's best friend's ex girlfriend fancied herself a "cook."

    She made a monstrosity that was prepared 100% in the crock pot -
    Frozen meatballs
    cream of XYZ soup
    canned green beans
    frozen pea/carrot/corn medley
    dehydrated onion
    like 4 tablespoons of garlic powder
    dried parsley

    She called it goulash. With all of the sodium I'm sure all of that **** contained, plus the huge amount of garlic powder, I was amazed at how little it tasted like anything. Biting into the meatballs was like biting into a wet sponge. She thought it was good, which I guess explains why she didn't like my caesar dressing from scratch or properly cooked chicken breast.
  • lunch that we tried at a place called 5 guys, the meal actually came out in a bag that was dripping with grease, the burgers were well done and all the juice had dripped out onto/into the bun and veggies, and the fries were so soggy from the grease that you could not even eat them. Needless to say we have never gone back again and tell all of our friends to stay away from that place but we have a few that actually like it

    Ew I HATE that place. Of course my husband loves it. :noway:

    We have a 5 guys near our house. The fries suck. I am a fan of their burgers though!