Down a pound and then back up?

I weigh myself on Thursdays and record it each week. Last week I was at 189.4 and was OK with that, as I was 190.2 the Thursday before. Well, today I'm right back up to 190.2...WTH? I've been religiously counting my calories and logging anything that passes my lips, and what's worse, is I checked my weight each day of the week as a "keep on track" and was totally fine, down to 189.0 as of Wednesday , then back up today? >.< Angry face! I'm not sure if it's because I had a lot of sodium yesterday, that I have aunt flo visiting this week or what, but it has been super discouraging. My breakfasts consist of an EAS carb control shake every morning now, lunch kind of depends but we go to restaurants most of the time that are on the food list so I add from there, and dinner is homemade meat and vegetables each night typically. Yesterday I had an enchilada for lunch along with cheesy hashbrowns , both of which are high in sodium, but last night's dinner was a hand pattie'd hamburger, just one, on a bun with cheese, and I drank water with that even.

I think I'm just looking for a "keep on it, you're doing fine" because right now, even though I'm ticked about my lack of weight loss, I'm proud that I stopped myself from throwing in the towel after stepping off the scale this morning. My gut reaction was a scoop of peanut butter, a huge glass of milk and a handful of oreos. What really happened? I went back to bed to get away from the temptation. Now I'm drinking my coffee, my shake is ready to go, and I'm trying to stay positive, but think I need a bit of help :(


  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Since we get about 500 of these types of posts on MFP, I am going to ask you: do you know why you shouldn't weigh every day if you can't take the fluctuations?

    Read your post again, you answer your own questions.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    "Keep on it, you're doing fine." :) Those %$#!& hormones are probably messing with you. Typically, I gain several pounds right before my time, and it all comes off by the time I'm finished (every stinkin' month). For me, I try to up my water intake and pray that I just maintain when it's all over because I do give in to cravings more than I should...
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I weigh myself on Thursdays and record it each week. Last week I was at 189.4 and was OK with that, as I was 190.2 the Thursday before. Well, today I'm right back up to 190.2...WTH? I've been religiously counting my calories and logging anything that passes my lips, and what's worse, is I checked my weight each day of the week as a "keep on track" and was totally fine, down to 189.0 as of Wednesday , then back up today? >.< Angry face! I'm not sure if it's because I had a lot of sodium yesterday, that I have aunt flo visiting this week or what, but it has been super discouraging. My breakfasts consist of an EAS carb control shake every morning now, lunch kind of depends but we go to restaurants most of the time that are on the food list so I add from there, and dinner is homemade meat and vegetables each night typically. Yesterday I had an enchilada for lunch along with cheesy hashbrowns , both of which are high in sodium, but last night's dinner was a hand pattie'd hamburger, just one, on a bun with cheese, and I drank water with that even.

    I think I'm just looking for a "keep on it, you're doing fine" because right now, even though I'm ticked about my lack of weight loss, I'm proud that I stopped myself from throwing in the towel after stepping off the scale this morning. My gut reaction was a scoop of peanut butter, a huge glass of milk and a handful of oreos. What really happened? I went back to bed to get away from the temptation. Now I'm drinking my coffee, my shake is ready to go, and I'm trying to stay positive, but think I need a bit of help :(

    I just highlighted some things for ya ;) Cut back on the restaurant lunches - loooots of sodium and other cr*p you don't even know what is in there. Your weight is dropping, fluctuations are normal, don't get on the scale every day, honey, it'll drive you mad! Trust me, been there, done that.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yes... your weight goes up and down from day to day.... Even hour to hour. So, yes, you're doing fine. :)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I wouldn't worry too much about the scale and focus more on how clothes are fitting.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I have no idea how much I actually weight because it changes between 128-132 every day. I wouldn't worry too much about it, probably has to do with retaining water.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. If it were, then there wouldn't be fluctuations.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    I weigh myself on Thursdays and record it each week. Last week I was at 189.4 and was OK with that, as I was 190.2 the Thursday before. Well, today I'm right back up to 190.2...WTH? I've been religiously counting my calories and logging anything that passes my lips, and what's worse, is I checked my weight each day of the week as a "keep on track" and was totally fine, down to 189.0 as of Wednesday , then back up today? >.< Angry face! I'm not sure if it's because I had a lot of sodium yesterday, that I have aunt flo visiting this week or what, but it has been super discouraging. My breakfasts consist of an EAS carb control shake every morning now, lunch kind of depends but we go to restaurants most of the time that are on the food list so I add from there, and dinner is homemade meat and vegetables each night typically. Yesterday I had an enchilada for lunch along with cheesy hashbrowns , both of which are high in sodium, but last night's dinner was a hand pattie'd hamburger, just one, on a bun with cheese, and I drank water with that even.

    I think I'm just looking for a "keep on it, you're doing fine" because right now, even though I'm ticked about my lack of weight loss, I'm proud that I stopped myself from throwing in the towel after stepping off the scale this morning. My gut reaction was a scoop of peanut butter, a huge glass of milk and a handful of oreos. What really happened? I went back to bed to get away from the temptation. Now I'm drinking my coffee, my shake is ready to go, and I'm trying to stay positive, but think I need a bit of help :(

    I just highlighted some things for ya ;) Cut back on the restaurant lunches - loooots of sodium and other cr*p you don't even know what is in there. Your weight is dropping, fluctuations are normal, don't get on the scale every day, honey, it'll drive you mad! Trust me, been there, done that.

    Umm - she didn't say she got on the scale everyday. She weighs on Thursdays...I think she is just on here for some support. Isn't that what this section is for on MFP?
  • ScorpioSista
    Don't get discouraged, I went through the same thing about three weeks ago. My weight went back up by a pound and a half. Try changes up the shakes, I was drinking those too, a lot of sodium. You are seeing the water weit gain from retaining that sodium. Try to eat as much "home prepared" food as possible and when you go out to eat avoid the cheesy meals, I like to order either a grilled chicken salad or a meat with lots of steamed veggies. For breakfast I have Cheerios and almond milk or if I'm in a rush I'll get a veggie wrap from dunkin donuts, not bad at all on the sodium. We're all struggling together, I know it's not easy! Keep up the good work.,
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks everyone, and yes, it's true that we fluctuate daily, and I'm OK with that. I didn't say that "I weighed 189.0 yesterday, and now I"m 190.2 so I"m mad". I said "I weighed 189.4 last Thursday, and this Thursday I'm 190.2 so I'm confused" basically. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I've been weaning myself off of going out to lunch, eating leftovers from dinner more often, but it's super difficult because I work with my husband (not just us, we're in an office with others), and every day he goes to lunch with them and guilt trips me if I don't go with him.

    He's accepted my weight, I think because he thinks I'm amazing in pretty much everything and can not do wrong. Which is endearing but not helpful when it comes to changing something about myself lol! I'm going to have to get that man off my case, I cannot wait until it's warm enough to start walking on my lunch breaks. Last summer that's how I got out of the lunches, I'd go walking for 45 minutes instead, and DH hates walking, so he left me to it! lol.

    I'm reading others' struggles today to keep me focused on this is not just me, that everyone goes through things like this, and that I will get past it!
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks so much ;) I'll try my cereal (plain raisin bran sound ok?) for a couple days, what does almond milk taste like? Is it similar to like, soy milk in taste? coconut milk etc? I've never tried any of them for fear of taste, I'm such a wimp!

    OMG I just looked at my shake, 360mg of sodium *face palm* thanks for mentioning that, totally didn' consider sodium in my shakes :(
  • dianeb613
    dianeb613 Posts: 121 Member
    stop weighing yourself every day. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day. Take one day a week, same time, and weigh yourself.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Dont let a single pound bring you down. Weight fluctuates like that. I fluctuated 16 pounds over the span of a day! Be sure to get your water. Very important. 8+ cups a day. More if your sodium is real high.

    Also try spreading the weigh ins out a little more try every two weeks or every half way point in the month. That is normally my approach.
  • ScorpioSista
    I get Blue Diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk, I won't lie it's not as good a regular milk but works good in cereal and is lactose free. I challenge you to try it!! Ha. You get used to it. Drink lots and lots of water too, you'll be down in no time.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    If fluctuating by 1lb causes that reaction just wait til you get nearer to goal :flowerforyou:
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Haha good point ! Alright Mary, I'll try almond milk when I get back into town on Sunday. I have to go grocery shopping anyways at least to get me through to PayDay (pay day is next Tuesday) so I'll grab a half gallon and see how it goes ;)

    Faye: Thanks for the chuckle! You're totally right though. I had dropped to 160.2 last summer (Ideal Protein, wouldn't recommend it, I started losing my hair after 2 months...) and I was a rock star, albeit a wimpy rock star since I never exercised.

    I have my boss sweet talked into getting me and ergonomic desk so I can stand up at work whenever I want (it raises and lowers), but I won't be getting it until sometime mid-june, and will have my walking lunches probably starting within a week or two (south dakota april = blizzard, then a high of 75, then another blizzard, then a rainstorm...we believe in consistency).

    Brown: I might try cutting back to weighing only once every other week, or not at all the weeks of PMS/aunt flo, since as mentioned the hormones wreck havoc with that. And I'll add more water, I know I am only getting probably 5 glasses in a day right now (16 oz at home and 24 oz at work).

    I think my daily weighing was a way to make sure I was staying on track, so if I had a mystery gain, even if it was just from water retention etc. I'd focus very hard the next day to stay on point. I hate head games, why do I play them on myself?

    Thanks again guys :)
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    That happens to me some weeks too. Then a week or two later I will lose two pounds instead of my goal of one pound. So far it has averaged out to a pound/week for the last 15 weeks.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    it happens, dont worry. ill lose weeekly, then have 2 or 3 weeks with no movement, then boom!!! ill have a week with a 2 or 4 pound drop... it all works itself out. just keep doing what your doing!
  • lisa9700134
    lisa9700134 Posts: 3 Member
    Walking is great, but ADD SOME STRENGTH TRAINING! You can do this at home with a $20 investment at Target for some 5 lb dumbbells if you dont belong to a gym...My weight loss did not take off until I did this, was walking for years and got allows you to burn more calories all day long, not just while you are doing it, like walking does...mix up your excercises with walking, weights, maybe add some bike riding for something fun...
    Dine out no more than 2x a week..even good choices loaded with salt....get a salad and you dont know whats in their dressing, ect..
    Get used to the fluctuations...perfecy normal..even after an awesomly on track day, TMI maybe, but maybe if you did not have a regular #2 (sorry!) that day, it can make you up a pound or 2...sorry, just something I have noticed!

    Good luck! I am new to here this week but have lost 50 over the past 2 years...oh, and slow and steady wins the race!:smile: