

  • brooklyn030
    brooklyn030 Posts: 2 Member
    I get up every morning Monday-Monday 430a.m. I have to be at work by 7 and I also have a 30 min communte. After the 1st week it got easier. Then after the 1st month no alarm was needed and plus I started seeing the benefits of making it to the gym before work. I get in bed by 8-8:30p and Im smoothed knocked out by 9. You can do it!
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    I wake up at 5:00 am. Walk the dogs then feed them. Do 35-40 minutes of core yoga. Walk dogs again. Go out for a five miles power walk. Come back and walk the dogs again as a cool down. Shower and walk 50' to my office. (I work from home) I'm usually at my desk by 8:00 am give or take.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    *hisses and pulls the covers up*
  • Pixeebug
    Pixeebug Posts: 34 Member
    I get up at 3:40am to be at the gym no later than 4:15. It took me 2 weeks waking up that early before I was able to make it to the gym. Now it's just something I do. I get my clothes laid (the night before) out so I don't have to think about it. get up, get dressed, hit the gym. I am usually back home at 5:30 to get ready for work and out the door by 7:15.
  • BoohBaby
    BoohBaby Posts: 50 Member
    I've just started waking up early to get it in. It makes my day go smoother and I feel sooooo good all day!!! I TOTALLY recommend it!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Oh how I WISH I didnt have to be at work until 9am!
    I have to be at work at 7.


    I have to be at work at 7! with a 45 minute commute. 5:30 am is NOT my friend.
  • springs47
    springs47 Posts: 82 Member
    I've been conditioning myself in preparation to eventually get up at 4:45am. Currently I'm getting up around 5:10am. Every couple of days, I move my alarm so that it goes off about 10 minutes earlier. Ideally, I'd like to have an hour to work out and take a shower before going in to make breakfast and read the paper. I have to leave the house at by 6:25 or 6:30 to get to the office by 7.
  • Lorily96
    Lorily96 Posts: 12
    Agreed. My commute is an hour and I have to be there at 8:30. So I get my tail down to a fitness center near the office by 6:45 - 7 a.m. and work out an hour. It's routine now. I think my body responds like a robot!
  • bluezircon
    bluezircon Posts: 1 Member
    It will take commitment and about 3 weeks to get used to a new routine. I wake up at 5:30 M -F and have a 25 min commute. My day is split with two work sessions I begin work at 6:45 to 8:30 am, hit the gym at about 9 am and then back t work 12: to 6:00 pm. Plan ahead, I pack all lunches and pick out outfit the night before, place all backpacks and excercise bags by front door (think of everything you can do ahead of time). . We (me, husband and teenage son) wake up, dress, eat and are all out the door in a matter of 30 to 45 minutes. One more thing...Coffee helps alot!!! Good luck.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    I work at 8AM and have a 45 minute commute. I get up at 5:30 and I do workout videos at home until 6:15 or 6:30. I eat breakfast, then shower between 6:30 and 7. This works pretty well for me. It's only brutal when I don't go to bed early enough. I have to be in bed by 9:30 to feel strong enough to work out in the morning. If I'm doing a really intense cardio workout, I eat a tablespoon of peanut butter first, for fuel.
  • Rarasjourney
    Wow, you all make me sound bad. I work generally 4pm-11pm.... and don't usually get out of bed till 9, because when I get home, I can't fall asleep right away, so I am up until about 1am or 2am.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    getting up early is something you'll have to take Michael Jordan's advice on...JUST DO IT Lol!!!
    I'm normaly up by 5 AM and though I LOATHE/HATE it, I always feel btr once I'm up and moving around. One thing I do is set my alarm 30 minutes bf I actually wnt to get up so that by the umpteenth time the alarm has went off, I wl be awoke.