I hate being the fattest person at the gym.

I started going to the gym about a week ago. Every class I take or whenever I work out I am the fattest person there. I am embarrassed put I push through it and do what I have to do. I do not fit in at all. Almost everyone is in very good shape. Go figure, fit people at a gym. LOL I want to know where are all the people like me who need it? I will keep going because its the only way to get to my goals. I have always felt good afterwards too, I like the high I get. It definitely keeps me motivated, but I can't help thinking that there are people looking and laughing at my arss blocking their view of the hot chick in front of me. Oh well sorry!!


  • sarashiveley
    sarashiveley Posts: 25 Member
    girl! yor're there to work out not worry about someone looking at you!!!!! lol i do admit i stare at people sometimes but i dont wonder why are they here??? i usually think if they can do it i can too! no matter what size they are, how old they are! And if you keep it up you'll be the hot chick guys are staring at! :) you be you girl and just work it!
  • You are beautiful! Try to think of it this way: you are at the gym trying to get healthier. People aren't there to judge you, and if they are, boo to them! Don't let that discourage you, let it push you. Turn here for pep talks and motivation!

  • Npieces
    Npieces Posts: 24
    I know just how you feel. HOWEVER...others do not see you as being as big as you see yourself. PROMISE!!!
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    Ignore them, or better yet, use their bodies as motivation for what you will look like!!

    And in all honesty, NO ONE IS LOOKING AT YOU! Almost everyone is focused on they way they look themselves, and looking at themselves in the mirrors, which are there for a reason... ;-)

    If it makes you feel good to go to the gym, KEEP GOING and don't let them discourage you! You are there for YOU, not for them to possibly be judgmental! They should be impressed that you are motivated and doing whatever you can to get in shape!
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    I have found that when I do workout classes, people are great about helping with form. I went to a kickboxing class, where I was definitely the biggest person there. I thought I would be left behind, but instead everyone helped keep me going and gave me pointers on form. What you get out of it is what you put in. That's just my thought. I try not to worry about what people think, because honestly, I'm doing better than the person sitting at home on the couch!!!
  • I hear you...I feel the same way sometimes...but I am going to the gym for me...not them. You are too. That good you feel when you are done is the thing that keeps me going back! :flowerforyou:
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    You're probably worried about nothing. People in the gym can appreciate everyone in there, especially people who aren't as fit as most. Because you're in there to get work. A lot of people, especially women, can be self conscious, which is understandable. Just keep going and don't worry about how the other people look. What can they possibly try to say about you? I mean you're in the gym, they know you're in pursuit of getting lean and mean, slim and trim.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Bet you a buck that a good number of those beach bodies were in the same position as you at one time. They are just farther along in their journey. Do not let that discourage you. In fact, you should be inspired. I have been going to the gym recently and there is this woman who works out the same time as me. She is in amazing shape and she works out hard. I tell myself that I can be like her with diet and exercise.

    Edited to add: bet you another buck that as you continue going to the gym, people will notice your dedication and respect you for it.
  • HudaSaman
    HudaSaman Posts: 46
    I know how you feel. It is little bit disappointing.
    But you will not reach your goal unless you go through this, Try to make these situations push you forward to work harder. I never ever listen to what people say, or give attention to how they look at you... Do it for your self :) I really wish you good luck,, keep it up.. and always motivate your self ..
    Good luck :)
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I know how you feel as well. It will get better as you get healthier and stronger. I applaud you having the guts to do it. I took my first group fitness class about 6 weeks ago. I never would have done that at my high weight. I was still the biggest girl in there, lol. But, I don't worry so much anymore about what people think because I know that I am an athlete. Maybe they couldn't see it when I walked in there but they darn sure knew it when I left!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Don't let that stop you! I admire and respect the "larger" people at the gym working to get healthy.

    I used to the be one of the biggest....... now, I'm one of the biggest badasses. You'll get there!! :heart:
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I am almost always the fattest! On the very rare occasion (actually once, that I remember), that I've seen somebody fatter, I've just admired them! Don't let it put you off.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Didn't read post. Strictly going off the title of the topic my response is: THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! ;)
  • mitziku
    mitziku Posts: 22 Member
    I know how you feel, but you are there for you, not them. Maybe some of them are success stories that have already happened?

    I will admit, I still have anxiety about shopping in the "normal" clothing section. I keep waiting for the "fat" police to come out of the dressing room and shoo me back to the plus size area. Just remember to keep your chin up!
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    i was the fattest, i am no longer...still have a long way to go but love being at the gym and doing classes and have had so much positive feedback about how i'm doing. so stick it out if you want to be there - you will soon get over feeling self- conscious and realize no one is really looking at you, most people are at the gym to get fit and admire anyone else who is. Go for it!
  • I know.. It's easier said than done.. but try not to worry about it :) I know when *I'm* at the gym I drown my thoughts out with my music and the way I'm feeling, I pay no notice to a single soul around me.

    Think about it this way.. Anyone there who's actually judging the 'fat' person at the gym seriously has it all wrong [absolutely NO thought-process!] -- there's a reason you're there, right?

    Eventually you'll be another fit person there intimidating the out-of-shape ;)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Oh, I've been there alright. It took me a very long time to even get the courage to go to a class. I confined my workouts to the weight room and machines for a long time and even that was hard. There were so many times that I was the fattest person in the gym.

    And you know what? Now I'm one of the fittest. I look around during classes and I'm the only woman doing pushups without my knees on the ground. I can keep up while others are dropping like flies. I have impeccable squat and lunge form. I have energy left at the end of the class.

    Moral of the story: keep it up, and you won't be the fattest for long.

    Don't give a damn what people think of you. Do your thing. They'll do their thing. You'll get there.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Don't take this the wrong way - please - but it's not just about you. Keep in mind that a lot of "fit" people weren't always that way. I was overweight and unhealthy just a few years ago.....If I happen to stare at someone at the gym I'm usually thinking "Wow..good for him or her.." because I know what it takes. Don't be so quick to judge. Good luck to you.
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    girl! yor're there to work out not worry about someone looking at you!!!!! lol i do admit i stare at people sometimes but i dont wonder why are they here??? i usually think if they can do it i can too! no matter what size they are, how old they are! And if you keep it up you'll be the hot chick guys are staring at! :) you be you girl and just work it!

    I would come to conclusion that she is the hot chick that guys stare at now. You don't have to be in shape or fit to have someone else think you are attractive.

    Keep going to the gym and feel good about yourself. Remember we never lose weight for someone else, it is always about ourselves.
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    Trust me, most people are so concerned with their own workouts that they don't even really see you.

    Keep up the good work and before you know it YOU will be the most 'fit' person at the gym lol.