im new here and can really use some friends

Hello well about me I'm. 26 female I'm 5"6 and last time I weighd myself I weighed about 270 something. I'm big framed also. I've been struggling to loose weight for awhile my goal weight is somewhere around say I eat somewhat healthy I tend to eat a lot of salads fiance is a rather picky eater and doesn't like anything healthy its really hard to always eat healthy when everyone around me loves to eat crap prossed foods and I'm the oe who has to cook every thing..but now I'm trying to actually lose the weight and sence I don't have acess to a gym or people to walk with or any kind of motivation really ..I'm hoping my fitness pal can I guess I'm reaching for some help or advice thanks for reading my life story hahaha ann:smile:


  • deeds2785
    deeds2785 Posts: 70 Member
    Im 27, 5'3 and would like to lose AT LEAST 40lbs. Feel free to add me, id love to help keep you motivated and I can use all the support I can get :)
  • duckcom39
    duckcom39 Posts: 8 Member
    Eating healthy is a challenge especially if you do it alone. :) I'm 40 years old 228. down from 238. I have gone down further but gained back over the years. 3 kids. I know what I need to do but staying motivated is hard. Plus I have health issues and those make it even harder to lose.
  • sugababy6921
    sugababy6921 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ann... I have to say I am in a similar spot. I am also 26 and weigh about the same. Weight Loss has been something I have been trying to do for some time but it has never been easy because of the others around me eating. It is so hard to make two different meals for my boyfriend and me or even trying to find things he is willing to eat. I am just starting back up with tracking my food and trying to keep my calories down. Good luck and if you need anything let me know. I am willing to give any suggestions I may have to help you out.

  • I'm 33, mother of 1 and would like to be planning #2 in the near future. However, I REALLY want to get my body under control before I put it through another pregnancy. I only have about 20lbs to go, but I'm getting down there, so the weight is harder to shed.

    My husband is ok with "healthy" choices, but there is NO way he's restricting the "crap". My daughter has amazingly good eating habits for a 2 year old, she loves ALL of the fruit and veggies. So, I don't struggle too much to feed my family.

    I try to be very diligent in logging in and completing my diary every day and I always offer my MFP friends encouragement.

    Feel free to add me if you like. It would be great if I had some friends who offered the encouragement back to me. :happy:
  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    Eating healthy and getting exercise in can be super tough, my husband always eats whatever he wants and is a chocolate freak! But it comes down to bitting the bullet and making a commitment to yourself. No matter how hard it is.. the decision is up to you.. I too struggle ALL THE TIME lol I am 5'3 and need to lose about 60 pounds.. Ill send a friend request over.. Good luck!
  • Scraparella79
    Scraparella79 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel you! I am 33 and just weighed in at 235 and want to get down to 160 and it is hard when your family members don't want to eat healthy and always want to go out to eat. Well, I said "Enough Is Enough"! If they want me to cook dinner then they are going to get a healthy dinner that I want to eat. I have finally put myself first and it feels good! Not only do they eat what I cook but they also like it and are amazed that "Healthy" tastes so good. My 21 year old brother in law is living with me and I even have him on the healthy band wagon. You have nothing but friends here :)
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    i am 19 almost 20. 5'6 and i started out at 258 and am down to 246. you may add me too if you'd like. I try to encourage when i can and i also enjoy the occasional encouragement as well.
  • cosycorner
    cosycorner Posts: 9 Member
    I live alone also and plan I my meals first thing in the a.m. so I know what I need to prepare in advance. I always have boiled eggs made, so I can whip up something quick , instead of eating the wrong food choices and I cook my chicken, turkey or fish before my meal time. Cause if you get hungry then you are in trouble if not planned out. I do need help getting into the daily exercise plan, I need people to report too. I am best about 8-9 am to workout or I can't seem to get the routine back. Being retired I have too much time on my hands and not sleeping a full 8 hours these days is driving me crazy. Good luck with this adventure we are on to get healthy and rid that little voice in ours heads that stop us from reaching our goals.
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    sent you a friend request! :flowerforyou:
  • sidkrose
    sidkrose Posts: 35
    Feel free to add me :) I have a lot of weight to lose, and live with my bf.
  • I just want to say thank you for all the adds !!! It def is a big boost to things.. thank you everyone!!!
  • Lynds7128
    Lynds7128 Posts: 132
    Hi! I'd love to be friends with all! Add me & let's motivate and supprt eachother!
  • feel free to add me:flowerforyou:
  • Hi,

    im new here and i just hurt my knee, i have to be on bed rest for a month and i'm afraid i will start gaining weight.
  • Welcome Ann! Awesome job taking the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle! If you need any meal suggestions or work out tips, I'd love to help :)
  • Me too! I don't log my food or my excersize, but I blog and am always down for a chat :) I'm doing a 12 week challenge with my flatmate - her boyfriend lives with us too. We've made him take out all his naughty food from the pantry and put it in a seperate cupboard, and we make him eat what we do. Sometimes we'll cook extra things for him, but not often. The cool thing about MFP is that everyone is in the same boat and everyone's really nice - it's a brilliant motivator/supporter.
  • Sdaamve
    Sdaamve Posts: 1 Member
    I am also new 40 years old weighing 220 weight has gone up and down my whole life. Now is the time to lose for good!, will need support and motivation!
  • Hi! I'm here for my second time. I'm hoping that this site will help keep me motivated, as I promised to log in at least once a day.
  • Please add me if you like. I have struggled with my weight all my adult life, I have found by learning to cook delicious healthy meals. I started exercising very slowly and every day I increased what I did now I actually enjoy it. I still have a long way to go but since doing this I have lost a total of 16 kilos (35pounds) I started MFP in January and this has been such a great tool for me I log everything I eat or drink into it and it has made me so conscious of reading the labels on packaged food as even though some foods might say Low fat they can still be full of sugar. If I can help in any way please feel free to contact me.
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
    Hello and Welcome! The great thing about MFP is that there are no perfect people and all situations are welcome. OP I have sent you a friend request and anyone else is welcome to add me! :flowerforyou: