I hate being the fattest person at the gym.



  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Just remind yourself that some of those people started out just like you! I felt that way too when I first started. You don't know how many of the people around you have pushed through the embarassment and came out looking like they have always been fit. Maybe they are still feeling insecure about themselves, and aren't even noticing you. Or maybe they are seeing you and being happy for you that you took those steps and hoping that you stick with it like they did. Just enjoy yourself and don't worry about "them". Good luck!!! :-)
  • Khisalandra
    Khisalandra Posts: 100 Member
    I can totally relate. I just signed up at my local gym last Saturday, and have started going in the mornings before work. Luckily it's slow in the mornings, so there's not a lot of people for me to feel freaked out about. It was really hard to get on those machines the first time when the people who were there look like fitness models... but I did it. It was even harder putting on my suit to get into the pool while people with athletic bodies were doing fast laps in speedos. But I did it. Because I figure we're all there for the same reason... to be healthy and happy. Haven't had a single bad look (that I've seen) yet, and have had several people smile and greet me as we pass. Now if only that little voice inside my head would stop chanting at me that "they're all going to laugh at you!" Stupid junior high and high school PE flashbacks. heh.
  • bryt0412
    bryt0412 Posts: 32
    I know how you feel! But I try not to let it get to me,I also just started the gym and most of the time I spend most of my time in the cinema cardio room lol mostly cause its dark! Eventually, I will go out to the main room more often eventually but for now Im fine where Iam. Im working my way up to make it to a class just not sure which one yet.
  • DennyHodge
    DennyHodge Posts: 56 Member
    Remember that some of those "fit, in shape people" used to be overweight themselves. I have always admired people that had the guts to get in there and give it all they have, and most of those fit people are very supportive types when it comes to that. It's all about trying. That's inspiring to many people regardless of shape or weight.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    ...WOW!...that's a fabulous excuse not to go to the gym...think I'll use it next time I want to veg out on the couch watching reruns of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo while stuffing my pie-hole with pork rinds and yoohoo.

    Uh... you jumped the gun a little... read the post.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member

    This is a great read..... similar to what you are talking about. I read it once in awhile to remind myself....

    Thanks for that link, made me teary. That's me too. I'm slowly getting over it, I'm working with a trainer and he's good at just getting the job done. Today I did some 1 minute jogs on my walk around the lake, usually I wait till no one is around, but a couple was ahead and not moving fast so I said "okay" and jogged past them. OP I'm as self-conscious as they come, but I'm starting to lose some of that. It's a work in progress - it won't happen overnight. Don't give up. I'm not
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    When I started going to the gym I always saw this same incredibly fit lady whenever I would lift weights. One day I struck up a conversation with her and she told me she used to weigh 250 pounds and couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting out of breath. She finally decided to change her life and now looks like she does now, which is amazing great.

    That was a big inspiration to me because my weight wasn't too far off from that. So when I see the fit people at the gym and I feel like the only fatty around, I think that maybe those people were once in my shoes and by keeping at it, someday I'll have that body too and then when I strike up a conversation with another heavy person at the gym maybe I can inspire them like that lady inspired me.

    But I do know how you feel - I went to a kickboxing class recently and I was one of three fluffy people in that class - the rest of them were about 25 of the fittest ladies I've ever seen who all knew what to do. But it just inspired me to work harder toward my goal.
  • kbalut
    kbalut Posts: 5 Member
    Do you want to know what everyone at the gym is thinking? "Good for her"! and "way to go" and "hope she sticks with it" and "I looked like her a couple of months ago" and "I used to be as determined as her"....KEEP GOING! Never Ever Give up!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I went to a new class last night that was similar to Crossfit (aka HOLY CRAP). I was by far the biggest one in the room, BUT as I looked around I noticed I was not the least fit. Being smaller doesn't mean being more fit, and as you keep going you will eventually get past those thoughts and only be focused on how YOU can become the one that the others envy.

    I'm not saying it's easy and I constantly have those moments of wondering what people think of me, but the smaller, stronger and more fit I get, the easier it gets.

    Good luck!
  • unapologetically_crystal
    kudos for you to going even if you feel that way. but here is an idea.. maybe they were exactly in your place one day? its a possibility. remember that you are there for YOU not them.. try to forget that they are there. but seriously not everyone was born with those bodies.. if any of them.. they have put in time and dedication JUST LIKE YOU are doing right now. & actually they probably feel out of place sometimes too. we are all more alike then we will ever realize. stay strong and do you. =)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Maybe it isn't the right gym for you. We have a wide range of shapes and fitness levels at my local gym. It would be hard to say who is the fattest.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    It suck being the fattest person at the gym, but after a while you get into a zone and forget about everything else except what you're focused on..

    This video sums it up best.

  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    Many of those people were once bigger themselves. We all have to start somewhere.

    I was once one of the bigger guys at mine as well. Now I am one of the fittest and hardest working. Just worry about youself and your goals. This is about you, not anyone else.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    would you rather be the fatest person alone on the couch crying into a tub of ice cream??

    trust me, i've seen some heavy people at my gym. you know what i do? i throw them the gym nod. you know, the nod that says "hey, good work, keep it up. i'll see you tomorrow."

    yeah, a lot can be said in a nod.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I was just crying about this the other day. I try not to let it bother me, even though it's not easy.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I started going to the gym about a week ago. Every class I take or whenever I work out I am the fattest person there. I am embarrassed put I push through it and do what I have to do. I do not fit in at all. Almost everyone is in very good shape. Go figure, fit people at a gym. LOL I want to know where are all the people like me who need it? I will keep going because its the only way to get to my goals. I have always felt good afterwards too, I like the high I get. It definitely keeps me motivated, but I can't help thinking that there are people looking and laughing at my arss blocking their view of the hot chick in front of me. Oh well sorry!!

    but but but...if you keep going...soon you won't be...you will be one of the healthiest...

    (caveat: as long as you employ a caloric deficit)
  • eperezamora
    eperezamora Posts: 42 Member
    I sometimes feel them looking at me, and that only motivates me to continue pushing myslef, so they cant say, ' the fat girl stopped cause she couldnt do it' . but overall, I feel that they encourage me, on the way in saying hi and on the way out, saying bye.. just the acknowledgment that I am there, makes a difference
  • ThinkThin85
    ThinkThin85 Posts: 150 Member
    When I read your post I could really relate. I always go to the gym and there is NEVER any other pleasantly plump people, it is a university gym so maybe that has something to do with it. I used to feel so self conscious because I'm a big time sweater and when I start to feel self conscious I just remind myself that others are not the ones that have to live with being fat, I do. So I stop worrying about them and push myself. Because I want to be fit too! You are doing great by going to the gym, keep it up :)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    When I go to Jazzercise, I am often both the heaviest and the Oldest, but the good news is, the people there are so welcoming and so much fun that it doesn't matter.
    I've learned how to modify the dance moves when I need to, and no one stares or judges. Many started there too.
    There are friendly people out there, and I hope you find them where you live too.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    When I read your post I could really relate. I always go to the gym and there is NEVER any other pleasantly plump people, it is a university gym so maybe that has something to do with it. I used to feel so self conscious because I'm a big time sweater and when I start to feel self conscious I just remind myself that others are not the ones that have to live with being fat, I do. So I stop worrying about them and push myself. Because I want to be fit too! You are doing great by going to the gym, keep it up :)
    When I sweat a lot from running, it actually flings off my body. So I hope that makes you feel better :)