Craving Sugar?

I have a horrible sweet tooth, which has def died down since I started eating healthier. It took about 4 days of headache withdrawals to actually be completely free of the once every hour craving. My dad told me he heard from either dr oz (I know I know.....everyone on here hates him it seems, but I actually like him) or the doctors that if you are having a horrible sugar craving to get just a cube of sugar and let it dissolve in your mouth, and you can even have 2 if you feel the need because a cube only has 15 cals and will ease that sweet monster inside your brain. He also said they suggested drinking a cup of orange juice, or eating an orange, because there is natural sugars in it that help as well.

Anyone else have any sugar craving tips?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Will power.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Will power.

    I wish I had iron will power like some people on here! btw you look AH mazing!
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Dark choc. squares
    sugar free jello dark chocolate mousse
    sugar free fudge pops

    are a few ideas
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    Personally I like the brown packets of sugar in the raw. It's tastier than white sugar. I use them in place of glucose tablets when I have a hypoglycemic episode. It's only 4 grams of sugar each which is 2 percent of my daily carbohydrate intake and less than 1 percent of my total calories . It's insignificant, especially if you're active
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Will power is definitely needed. Throughout life, my weakness has always been snacks but I have learned to say no after having a small amount each day. My favorite is a 170 calorie cocoa Swiss roll cake. Out of 2500 total calories, I learned that 170 is nothing to worry about.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I just find it easier to not eat sugar -- eat protein instead. Plenty of natural sugars in fruit, milk, etc. Sugar sets off craving in me, and I want more, like the sugar monster. I think we are all different in this regard. Sugar just doesn't work for me. Wish I could just eat a little. Interesting research on how sugar (and refined carbs in general) activate the dopamine pathways in the brain like alcohol and cocaine. So for me I just abstain. If I ate a sugar cube it would set me off like a drug.
  • dyermatt5
    dyermatt5 Posts: 21 Member
    Eat fruit! Stay away from drinks with sugar. I just read the list posted of the 5 things to stay away from and orange juice was one of them and concetrated juices. This was a video posted on here from a nutritionalist.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Will power.

    Having said that, if I eat sugar, especially pure sugar like a sugar cube, I only want more. It only makes my craving so much worse and then my will power takes a nose-dive!

    I also can't eat fruit alone, or I crave more sweet. However, if I eat some protein, such as a little cheese, with it, I'm fine. The protein makes all the difference in the world for me.
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    Try to distract yourself. Tell yourself, I'll have that sweet after I finish (folding the clothes, making the beds, whatever...) A lot of times, the craving will be gone by the time you've finished whatever distraction you've given yourself. It's a battle, but the cravings actually do get less and less and less as you train yourself to distract/delay/replace what you're craving. This strategy is what worked for me. I almost never get sweet cravings any more.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    When I get a sugar craving I eat ice cream. I'm particularly fond of Breyer's Girl Scout's Thin Mint, Rocky Road, Natural Chocolate, Cookies & Cream, Oreos, Moose Trax, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Oh, I also like dark chocolate (75% and above), and Krispy Kreme donuts. Sometimes I even put a donut in my ice cream and smother it with Hershey's syrup and whipped cream.

    Of course, I also make sure that the portion that I eat fits within my calorie and macros goals for the day.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    To the person that satisfies their sugar craving with ice cream -- so happy you can eat sugar and stay within your calorie and macro goals. But don't be naive. Not everyone is like you. Some people (and it isn't a question of will power because such people often have incredible will power in other areas of their lives) do not have your physiology and are not able to stop at one bowl, or one cookie, or one whatever. If you are confused what your physiology is just try controlled eating of sugar. If you find that a reasonable amount doesn't satisfy you but instead sets off your craving for more sugar, and you eat the box or carton instead of one, then maybe abstinence is the cure for you. That is my experience, and it usually takes a least 30 days for me to get over the craving, and then life gets simpler, and I can enjoy my weight loss, and feeeling healthier. I also find foods high in natural sugars (like pineapple or watermelon) set off craving and I don't eat them either. Love strawberries though. Who needs ice cream if I can have greek yogurt and frozen strawberries instead!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    To the person that satisfies their sugar craving with ice cream -- so happy you can eat sugar and stay within your calorie and macro goals. But don't be naive. Not everyone is like you. Some people (and it isn't a question of will power because such people often have incredible will power in other areas of their lives) do not have your physiology and are not able to stop at one bowl, or one cookie, or one whatever. I

    LOL! Thanks for the lesson in self delusion and excuses. Most people can develop their self control.

    OP - seriously, focus on self control. If for whatever reason you can't exercise self control and enjoy a reasonable portion of something, then by all means cut it out of your diet entirely. I will say that portion control works, and if you want to live a normal life, eat normal food, and yet still be in great shape, it is absolutely essential.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Will power plus once it out of your system you won't crave it as much. 85% or 90% chocolate is sweet to me now...
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Sometimes I suck on hard candies...they have sugar, are sweet and can take a while to eat. Brachs is a good brand.
  • teehee1211
    sugar free wether's original candy!
  • jnc2490
    jnc2490 Posts: 4
    I let myself have a treat every once in awhile. Like on Tuesdays I go out with one of my friends and get some ice cream cause it is college night. Knowing that I will get the treat on Tuesday usually keeps me focused the rest of the week. I also really like Cascadia dark chocolate almond organic granola. It only has a little chocolate in it but it is very satisfying. I also recently found a recipe for chia seed "pudding." If you google it you will find recipes for it and chia seeds are great for you!
  • Laurel0724
    Laurel0724 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! How I wish I could eat sugar in moderation! On too many occasions I've tried it "just this time" and end up eating a lot more than I intended. I knew I had to give up sugar once and for all when I ate one dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. (I deluded myself into thinking I was taking them home to my family?!) Believe it or not, that wasn't it.....I got a hot fudge sundae. Needless to say I was sicker than a dog the next morning and felt exactly like an alcoholic who went on a bender. "I'll never do that again," only to eat three cheese danish for at my birthday breakfast the next week.

    Yes, I have come to the conclusion that I do not have willpower in this area of my life, even though I have it in a lot of other areas in my life. There is a line from the Big Book of Alcoholics which describes EXACTLY how I am with sugar and potato chips:

    It is an ALLERGY of the body and an OBSESSION of the mind.

    There are plenty that don't agree and that's just fine by me. God bless you, if you can eat sugar. I wish I could, but my life is in the toilet when I do. Now that I have not had a drop of sugar free for ten (10) days, the mental fog I was always under is finally lifting, and I feel better (mood and energy) than I have in 25 years!

    Thank you for being here! Thank you for bring up the topic.
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    sugar free double chocolate pudding with strawberries! tastes like chocolate dipped strawberries :)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    To the person that satisfies their sugar craving with ice cream -- so happy you can eat sugar and stay within your calorie and macro goals. But don't be naive. Not everyone is like you. Some people (and it isn't a question of will power because such people often have incredible will power in other areas of their lives) do not have your physiology and are not able to stop at one bowl, or one cookie, or one whatever. I

    LOL! Thanks for the lesson in self delusion and excuses. Most people can develop their self control.

    OP - seriously, focus on self control. If for whatever reason you can't exercise self control and enjoy a reasonable portion of something, then by all means cut it out of your diet entirely. I will say that portion control works, and if you want to live a normal life, eat normal food, and yet still be in great shape, it is absolutely essential.

    well this is my dilemma, I do plan on eating icecream and cake and all the other goodies, but right now I can't really do much cardio because im so out of shape! I do what I can, but its the burn of my muscles that gets to me. So for now, I can't eat back 500 cals that I burnt doing the elliptical or whatever because quite frankly I don't have the stamina to last that long aaand I can't just have the 2/3 cup portion size or 1/2 cup whatever it is portion size. BUT you better bet your bottom dollar that when I can spend an hour on my elliptical or even do a round of insanity that I will enjoy me some ben n jerrys.
  • Robin_Anne
    I know that like you, I'm needing to modify my sugar habits. Plus, it's everywhere. I noticed that tracking it on my food diary tool on MFP has really surprised me in a couple of ways. 1) How "little" we're supposed to eat per day 2) how quickly it adds up!

    The fruit suggestion is a great one, that another person mentioned above. I've heard the best way to have sugar is the way nature intended (with fiber). Sugar in fruit is good as long as one is eating the fruit in Its natural state (ie not juiced) because it slows the spike in glucose and the volume of fiber fills the stomach.

    Does aversion therapy work for you? Here's a great video lecture about how sugar (not fat) causes heart disease and obesity. It blew my mind when I saw it. I probably need to re-watch it as I had ice cream sandwiches tonight (ate within daily caloric range). :tongue:

    Here's a link to the video: Sugar the Bitter Truth

    Love to know what you all think...