You won't lose until you really WANT it!

So often I find myself wondering and complaining why I just won't lose weight... after all I exercise, I don't eat horrible. Well, until I joined this site a week ago I did not realize how my eating good, wasn't so great after all. I consumed too much sugar for sure, and I would go all day without eating and then eat all my calories in one sitting. If I found myself emotional/stressed, I found myself at the pantry. The truth is, and I knew this already, you will not lose until you are ready to strap yourself down and make it happen! You really have to commit, you really have to want it. I might be 10 lbs lighter than when I got pregnant with my second baby, but it has been 8 months since I have had her and I am really tired of hearing, "well Ashley, you did just have a baby." It's not baby weight, it's just tubbiness, lol. I am finally ready to stop complaining and just do it.... the right way!

:wink: :wink: 2angelsl8r


  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    That's true. People harassed me for years and years, and I got down on myself for years and years. Finally, one day, I simply "woke up".

    This is why I keep telling people that harassing an obese person about their weight isn't going to change their mind overnight. It's not like they don't realize they're fat, and pointing it out to them and harassing them about it can sometimes lead them to eat more (due to depression). Every time someone nagged me about my weight, it made me want to hide in my room and binge.

    I mean, does harassing smokers work? Of course not. They have to WANT to quit. You have to allow people to find their own motivation. For me, it was seeing pictures of myself. We don't have full-length mirrors at home, so I hadn't realized how big I'd gotten. For others, it's finding out they have diabetes or high cholesterol.
  • 2angelsl8r
    You are so right about the harassing thing. I had a friend who was severely overweight and every time her family got on her about it she left the house and went to McDonalds. The sad part is her family that was harassing her was also overweight as well (just not quite as much). I don't have people harassing me, but I have had people call me "fat" in the past, and I have had weight issues all my life. Even when I was so thin my bones stuck out I thought I was "fat," but I also wasn't healthy and had an eating disorder at the time. I am about 18lbs overweight right now and have to lose that 18 to be in the normal weight range. I want to lose 10 more than that though. 30lbs by the end of the year, that's do-able! I see you lost 60lbs already, great accomplishment, congrats!
  • TiaFerrera
    I think I've always wanted too loose weight - what I didn't want was to put in all the work and see no results. I have two co-workers who go to the gym every day instead of eating, and they spend a lot of money on that herbalife stuff... It's been two years and they aren't any different. They are starving, counting, and busting rump and they are healthier - from the work outs, but haven't lost a bit of weight.

    I think a lot of women have exhausted so many other dead end tactics that it's hard to see this for what it could be - a life style change for loosing weight and keeping it off. I've accepted this as my new life, and calories are now currency in my mind.

    I feel like that nagging voice in the back of my head saying "you need to get this under control now" has finally been satisfied. I feel good about the future, as fast as it's dropping off my fat doesn't even bother me now... because I now see it as a visitor not a room mate. haha. It's all how you look at it.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    For me, the working out part wasn't a problem. I go to the gym each day, and love it. It wasn't until I found this site, that I began really logging my food. And then it wasn't until I really learned about TDEE that I saw results.
    I was always thin, but once I was diagnosed with cancer, the meds threw me into menopause, then I really started gaining weight. Thru meds and just emotional eating I ballooned. I would try and lose weight, but give up after a few weeks. This time it is really sticking and I feel better and healthy!
  • 2angelsl8r
    @ Tommy, I completely agree, you have to accept it as your new lifestyle to be healthy to keep it off. Just an FYI, I used to be an Herbalife distributer. USED to be because it did not work for me (as in I lost a whole 5lbs in 2 months), and I am not going to sell a product so expensive that does not give the results I want. I had a client who lost 15lbs in 2 months but I think the real reason is she started to watch how she ate. You can buy a protein shake at Wal-Mart and have better results because chances are that shake has more protein than the Herbalife shakes do. Protein is one of the main factors in losing weight. :wink:
  • TiaFerrera
    it wasn't until I really learned about TDEE that I saw results.

    I may be revealing my newbeeness but whats TDEE? :)
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    it wasn't until I really learned about TDEE that I saw results.

    I may be revealing my newbeeness but whats TDEE? :)

    Same. What is TDEE? Haven't seen it until recently.
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    The truth is, and I knew this already, you will not lose until you are ready to strap yourself down and make it happen! You really have to commit, you really have to want it..

    So true! i remember the night i decided i had enough. i was sitting on the couch w/ my sister having a heart to heart. She told me that she knew I would do it someday...but it wouldn't be until I was really ready.

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Never were more true words spoken than the title.