5'6" & small framed girls. What's your goal weight?

My goal weight started out being 130 lbs, then 125 and lastly 120 lbs which I thought I wouldn't go under. I found eventually out that I'm small framed and not big like I originally thought. I'm currently 123 lbs and I'm already reconsidering my goal weight of 120 lbs and currently think that 115-118 lbs would be ideal for me. It seems like so many people are worried because of this and think I'm obsessed or anorexic. So I'm curious to know what goal weight you small framed girls have?


  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm 5'6" with a tiny frame. Pear-ish shaped with seriously tapered limbs. My goal is around 116lbs. It was an easily maintained adult weight I stayed at between being a bit underweight on dialysis and before I started eating my feelings.
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 5'6" with a tiny frame. Pear-ish shaped with seriously tapered limbs. My goal is around 116lbs. It was an easily maintained adult weight I stayed at between being a bit underweight on dialysis and before I started eating my feelings.

    Good to know that I'm not alone to aim low. So many people here freak out because they immediately think you're unhealthy lol.
    I'm also a bit pear/hour glass shaped. My ribs are visible but my thighs still rub together at the top...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm small framed but 20+ years of weight lifting has left me with quite of bit of lean body mass, so i have no idea what my weight goal should

    when i started this i was an ENORMOUS size 22 , i'm now a HUGE size 14 but my final goal is a size 6 or 4 at the smallest. i'm ruler shaped
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    There's a reason why healthy weights are a range! And if you blah blah blah BMI, the range goes down to 115 for our height.
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't think you will be able to do much about your thighs rubbing together at the top. A lot of that has to do with pelvis width. Unless you let your legs atrophy...but who wants that?! I 5'1", 120 lbs with 20% BF. Sounds like you are already at a great weight! Numbers can be misleading anyway.
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    i'm small framed but 20+ years of weight lifting has left me with quite of bit of lean body mass, so i have no idea what my weight goal should

    when i started this i was an ENORMOUS size 22 , i'm now a HUGE size 14 but my final goal is a size 6 or 4 at the smallest. i'm ruler shaped

    Ruler shaped ha I love it!! I am also the dreaded rectangle ugh :ohwell:
  • Aleysia87
    Aleysia87 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm just under 5'6" and small-framed, but bottom-heavy. My natural waist isn't noticeably narrower than my rib cage (regardless of angle of viewing), unless I haven't eaten in a while. I'm also far from gifted genetically when it comes to breasts/butt (I blame Asian genes...), so when I was up at a "normal" weight of ~135 lbs a couple years ago, I pretty much had a pot belly/flabby limbs/visible ribs/still no feminine curves, and it was just downright ridiculous.

    Been aiming to drop about 15 lbs and end up around 100-105. Maybe. I know I can maintain around 110-115 without really paying attention to calories, but I doubt 100-105 is going to be long-term unless I want to "diet" for the rest of my life.

    I don't really care what people think, since my body doesn't give me the option of being at a so-called "normal" weight without looking stupid. I do lift, but I have no intention of gaining enough muscle to have an athletic physique either.
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    I don't think you will be able to do much about your thighs rubbing together at the top. A lot of that has to do with pelvis width. Unless you let your legs atrophy...but who wants that?! I 5'1", 120 lbs with 20% BF. Sounds like you are already at a great weight! Numbers can be misleading anyway.

    Yes, I know but trust me, I have very wide hips, (38") and without the extra fat they wouldn't touch.Yes, I'm at a healthy weight but not where I want to be body fat wise which is more important to me than the scale. I need to shed the last pounds of fat. :-)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm 5'6, my goal weight is 130 pounds. I have a medium build though. If I had a small build I think 120 would be ok.

    Edited to add, I'm pear shaped, my bum is quite round :smile:
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    I'm just under 5'6" and small-framed, but bottom-heavy. My natural waist isn't noticeably narrower than my rib cage (regardless of angle of viewing), unless I haven't eaten in a while. I'm also far from gifted genetically when it comes to breasts/butt (I blame Asian genes...), so when I was up at a "normal" weight of ~135 lbs a couple years ago, I pretty much had a pot belly/flabby limbs/visible ribs/still no feminine curves, and it was just downright ridiculous.

    Been aiming to drop about 15 lbs and end up around 100-105. Maybe. I know I can maintain around 110-115 without really paying attention to calories, but I doubt 100-105 is going to be long-term unless I want to "diet" for the rest of my life.

    I don't really care what people think, since my body doesn't give me the option of being at a so-called "normal" weight without looking stupid. I do lift, but I have no intention of gaining enough muscle to have an athletic physique either.

    I think we're in the same boat then. I also do have muscle mass and visible muscles so I'm not a mushy 123 lbs. Still I know I would look a lot better at 115-118 lbs than 123 lbs. For larger framed girls they won't need to drop so much in weight. I kinda envy those who are my height and weigh more but still look slimmer! Oh well... :-)
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    I'm 5'5.5" small frame and currently 131 and my goal is somewhere between 115 and 125, going to try to feel it out when I get there. Unfortunately I'm loosing so slowly grrr have any tips for these last pound maybe lol?
  • jnc2490
    jnc2490 Posts: 4
    I am 5'4" and my goal is to a certain size. I try not to focus on the number on the scale because I know that I have gained muscle weight. Generally though I know that I can maintain 125 and stay healthy. The important thing is to make sure you are taking in enough calories (and the right calories).
  • jnc2490
    jnc2490 Posts: 4
    I would change up your workout routine. Doing Hiit workouts will help you lose those last few pounds. Make sure that you have a lot of variety in your routine helps.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Weight shouldn't be your governing factor of a goal if you are not in the "obese" range IMO. Without starting any type of debate, my own opinion is "frame size" is also not a factor. IMO, body fat percentage should really be what you are eyeing.

    I'm 5'4" tall. I've never had anyone call me "tiny, thin, or small" I'm german built and always grew up "big boned". Frankly it's rather silly, because I had to learn that in the big picture this really never made a different.

    I'm currently 130 lbs - I've gained about 10lbs since I broke my ankle in October and am hopeful to lose some to get my body fat percentage back down the the 15% it was when I was injured. However, I'm a size 0, and even with a 10lb weight gain, my clothes still fit the same. I know my body fat is higher than it was, but the weight really didn't make a different in the overall picture of my body.

    My son was looking at a photo of me and my first race and my photo from my marathon I broke my ankle in - it was about 2 1/2 years between the two photos. He said "WOW mom, you really lost a lot of weight." I didn't really, it's a 10lb weight difference in the photos. But I was a size 6 (down from size 12/14 where I started) in the first photo and in the last photo a size 0.

    Weight training made the difference, I lost inches, got lean, had abs, muscle definition, etc, not just the number on the scale.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    Weight shouldn't be your governing factor of a goal if you are not in the "obese" range IMO. Without starting any type of debate, my own opinion is "frame size" is also not a factor. IMO, body fat percentage should really be what you are eyeing.


    I totally get what your saying in terms of body composition. There really isn't going a to be a huge difference between the size of our skeletons 100 years from now! And we all have quite of difference in how our bodies will work in the long run. I'll never be able to get much out of the heavy lifting that others have found so successful because of major abdominal surgery. But I love to dance, and no matter how much my feet complain, I'll go for the length and strength of that. It'll lead me to my own best shape in the long run.

    I don't know what I'm babbling on about! And I can't even remember what size I was when I was 116lbs. I have lived by the scale thanks to kidney disease and personal importance in tracking water fluctuations. I just know that it was attractive and comfortable and I had plenty of energy for being the sick girl.
  • movu101779
    I am 4'10. Yes I am VERY short and small framed. My goal weight is 109lbs. I am working on my last 10lbs..

    Although if I don't get down to that weight as long as I can get into my super skinny slacks I will be happy.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm 5'6'' and according to the "frame calculators" I am small framed. However, I tend to carry more muscle mass. Anyway, I'm currently 134. My goal is 130. I have been 125lbs but that was when I was 17 and after surgery complications. I remained at that weight for several months, but then gained up to 150. Anyways, personally, my main goal is BF%.
  • kittenlovin
    I'm 5'6'' and my goal weight is 110-115, which is really thin for my height. I mainly just want my legs to be thin and when that happens i'll be happy
  • Obscuring
    Obscuring Posts: 51 Member
    If you are exercising enough to have toned muscles then you won't have to worry about anyone being able to call you anorexic-looking! Be whatever weight makes you happy! (Within reason :D )
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    My .02 as a male is body fat percentage is a better goal than just a weight number. Gaining muscle will lower your body fat % even if the scale doesn't move.