Starting 30-day shred... any thoughts/advice?



  • ohyousillygirl
    ohyousillygirl Posts: 76 Member
    1. Take pictures!! I really regret not taking any before pictures because while the scale has stayed the same my body is definitely more muscular/ leaner slightly.

    2. Like others mentioned, wear shoes! I didn't wear them for level 1 but started for level 2 and 3, it makes everything infinitely easier!

    3. Don't fret about actually finishing it in 30 days. I started on March 1st, did some extra days of certain levels and am just now finishing it up with it.

    Listening to Jillian say the same thing every day gets real old real fast, so once you have the routine for that level down drown out her voice with your own music. This made the whole thing much more tolerable for me.
  • Yecats1990
    Yecats1990 Posts: 18 Member
    After reading I have to say definetly wear shoes as everyone recommends, My first attempt from a few months back ended with me visiting the doctors I could barely walk as my knee was so painful. The doctor said never exercise without the correct footwear as your foot can easily roll either in or out causing damage to the knee. Don't worry if you can't complete a level straight through because as the days go along you will eventually become fitter and get the hang of the moves making it easier to follow the circuits :) And best of all don't give up like I did lol even if the results are not physical straight away you will feel amazing on the inside! I had better posture after about 5 days and I felt stronger and fitter and my stamina was greatly improved. You will not believe how amazing it feels to have stronger abdominal muscles, makes you feel slimmer and sexier!! My legs toned pretty quick which made me happy too lol :p

    Keep a glass or open bottle of water next to you as you can't pause the dvd and go get one and I found water to help as I got a dry mouth and felt really thirsty. Make sure you have a set of dumbells close by mine are 1.0kg not sure if thats the recommended weight but I feel comfortable with them, If you find it too hard with dumbells do the exercise without them just copy the moves it's better than stopping completely or struggling. Wear a good bra preferably a sports bra and clothes that are easy to move in and not too heavy or warm as you will generate a lot of heat :) I have to do it in shorts and a vest.

    Last of all, Good Luck!! You will love the results and don't forget the before and after pics! xx
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    The lunges are killer, maybe practice form before, that and the push ups for me are doing me in right now.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I feel over the first day doing the lunges (true story). I did week 1 for many many weeks. I just considered it a great workout in a short time.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I did it as part of a March challenge. People then said that the first four days are the hardest, the most sore, etc. They were right.

    You'll want to throw things at Jillian and call her names. Anita was my BFF (the one doing the modified). Take measurements as well as your weight and do it again when you're done. Doing more modified than anything, and being in terrible shape, I still managed to lose 6.1 inches.

    Don't obsess over doing it in 30 days. It wasn't meant to be that way. Rest days are great. And have some fun. It's worth it.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Don't give up, it might kick your butt at first but it's worth it!

    I don't think Jillian ever actually says this in the videos, but I'm pretty sure the program was designed for you to take one rest day a week. Your body needs it! So do the first 6 days of level 1, then rest a day, then do the other 4 days of level 1 and the first 2 days of level 2, rest a day, etc... so the program will actually take a little longer than 30 days to complete. That being said, if you want to finish by the end of May, you might as well start now :)

    And definitely take pictures/measurements - the often tell a totally different story than the scale (and a much happier one).
  • ekdt
    ekdt Posts: 1
    i've done all of jillian michaels DVDs they are great!!
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    Take before and after pictures AND measurements. The scale will most likely 'lie' about the progress you're making.

    Eat enough to adequately fuel your body…Drink plenty of water…

    Recommended: Take a rest day every week…I took one after each level (10days)…

    AND hang in there! FYI: most of my results didn't show until Level 3, around day 25! After that, the inches and pounds melted away.

    It's a great program to increase strength and fitness level. I just started round 2 of it today. Good luck!! :)


    I didn't take measurements and the scale made me feel as though I wasn't losing, but when you look at the way your body changes you really realise how much good it is doing!
  • anniegail1961
    Hello: Thanks for posting this because I've been in a funk all day, because I was unable to complete Day 3.
    I completed 2 days of Shed/Shred and I was feeling empowered but today I had a pulled groin muscle and I have been limping all day, and I feel all of my 51 yrs.
    So today I took a rest day, and mentally re-grouped. I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow.
    Jillian really knows her stuff, and she forces one to strive for more!
    I love how I sweat with this program.
    You asked for any advice-have a cold face cloth handy with a bottle of water. You'll be happy you did. You'll sweat that much!
    Best Regards!
  • JenHol79
    JenHol79 Posts: 90 Member
    I completed Day 4 yesterday and I took today off as a rest day. Im giving myself a month and half to complete. The other time I tried it I was so sore I quit. I went four days straight and was very sore today I am not but still taking a rest day. Listen to your body. Enjoy!