trying to do something different

So this week I am going meatless. I am trying to get off my platue. I weighed myself last week and I was at 212 which I was extremely happy with however my scale reads 218 again which was where I began my platue at. do you think this would help? I exercise an Hr about 4 to 5 days a week.


  • jackik
    jackik Posts: 4
    How long have you been at your plateau? I know when it happens to me, I need to look at what I have been eating... sometimes it's too much salt. Sometimes it's the time the month (used to be anyway, I'm too old for that now). You are right though, it's good to change things up! Have you tried eating 6 small meals instead of 3 larger ones? Hang in there... as long as you don't quit, the weight WILL come off!
  • Koshie
    Koshie Posts: 61
    How long have you been at your plateau? I know when it happens to me, I need to look at what I have been eating... sometimes it's too much salt. Sometimes it's the time the month (used to be anyway, I'm too old for that now). You are right though, it's good to change things up! Have you tried eating 6 small meals instead of 3 larger ones? Hang in there... as long as you don't quit, the weight WILL come off!

    I have been at my plateau for about three weeks now. :( I dont eat alot of salt or the TOM has gone and past so I dont think that it is that anymore. I eat about four mini meals but no more than that because I am usally not very hungry to start with. I am still gonna work at it but I am getting frustrated.
  • Bloodie
    Bloodie Posts: 53
    Hmm everyone seem to run into a plateau every now and then, however i found out that getting rid of that is usually alot easier by changing the calories intake a bit, and cutting back on the carbs, instead of proteins, so if i were you i'd give it a shot with lowering the carbs a bit and perhaps mixing up the intake about 200-300 calories per day