New girl at a gym full of Men...



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just do it.

    I am at the gym at 5:10am and head to the weights room where more often than not I am the only girl. I take my weight book, in which I have already written my plan for the day, and I fill out my sets and reps as I go. I have my iPod in my ears, towel, drink and just make my way around the weights. If the fellas are where I want to be, I'll change the order of my plan until there is a bench available or whatever.

    I really don't care what they think about me. I am there for ME. Occasionally there is a smile and a nod, but there is only one man who has tried to talk to me, and I just briefly answered him and kept my headphones in my ears. It's me time. I love it.

    And do I need to point out the obvious eye candy benefit??

    Just do it, those fellas are more interested in their own muscles than wondering what you are up to. Go and own some space!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I get to the gym at 0530 in the morning because?;

    a) I care what other people are doing

    b) I'm THAT serious about my training

    Also, someone has to be first.
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    WOW!! Thanks everyone for your replies... I think it's going to have to be a case of just try it! Head held high - I own it!! Haha!!

    I have another PT session booked in for Tuesday, so I'm going to make my trainer show me the ropes of the weight section!!

    Kinda relevant - if the men talked to you (in a non-leery, non-chat up way - ie just being friendly and encouraging) would it encourage you or make no difference?

    It would certainly encourage me more if the men were like that! However, I'm not sure it's going to happen! My gym is in a part of town which is highly populated by Eastern Europeans (and they are the regulars!!) So i think the language barrier would stop a lot of chit chat...!
  • I was scared to death to go into the testosterone zone, but wanted to start lifting heavy. I started NROLFW and now its been 3 weeks and I'm doing fine. The guys either don't care or look at me like they're impressed. Just do what you need to do and you'll do great!
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    To echo what others have said, some things I do are:

    Ear buds in, music up loud
    Know which exercise you're going to do first

    If you can/are allowed:

    I sometimes take the weights out of the busy weights area and across to a free mat area and do the exercises there, sometimes using a Swiss ball instead of a bench for added core work etc. I quite like having my own wee zone. Not sure if your gym allows you to move the weights though.

    I actually find it more distracting/off-putting seeing guys 'lifting' weights but using really bad form, excess huffing and puffing, rather than the fact that they might happen to glance at you every now and again.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I wouldn't be worried about it. My gym is pretty lifting focused and quite often I'm the only one in the weight room without a 'Y' chromosome. And those big scary lifting dudes have been some of the nicest, most well informed and helpful people I've met.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Kinda relevant - if the men talked to you (in a non-leery, non-chat up way - ie just being friendly and encouraging) would it encourage you or make no difference?

    It would certainly encourage me more if the men were like that! However, I'm not sure it's going to happen! My gym is in a part of town which is highly populated by Eastern Europeans (and they are the regulars!!) So i think the language barrier would stop a lot of chit chat...!

    Admit it, you're just thinking of Oleg from Two Broke Girls.
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    In my gym girls who venture into the weights area get a hell of a lot of respect!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    At first I was a little intimidated, but then I realized that I had to do it if I wanted to get the results that I desire. I finally realized that they are in there for the same reason as I am, and they really don't pay close attention. So here I am, a short, 5'1" lady grunting and sweating right along with them. Believe me, YES I have gotten sideways glances, and stares, and grins, even the occasional guy ask me if he can "work in". It takes a lot of guts to be among all of those hot sweaty, beefy men! :blushing: But hey, I enjoy heavy lifting as much as any other. So why not take advantage of what your gym has to offer. I love my new muscles!
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member

    Admit it, you're just thinking of Oleg from Two Broke Girls.

    Oleg is my hero!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I was scared to death to go into the testosterone zone, but wanted to start lifting heavy. I started NROLFW and now its been 3 weeks and I'm doing fine. The guys either don't care or look at me like they're impressed. Just do what you need to do and you'll do great!

    I've got NROLFW at home, never got round to reading (or starting) it!! WOuld you suggest this to be a good way to start weights in a gym??
    At first I was a little intimidated, but then I realized that I had to do it if I wanted to get the results that I desire. I finally realized that they are in there for the same reason as I am, and they really don't pay close attention. So here I am, a short, 5'1" lady grunting and sweating right along with them. Believe me, YES I have gotten sideways glances, and stares, and grins, even the occasional guy ask me if he can "work in". It takes a lot of guts to be among all of those hot sweaty, beefy men! :blushing: But hey, I enjoy heavy lifting as much as any other. So why not take advantage of what your gym has to offer. I love my new muscles!

    I'm glad I'm not the only shortie wanting to build muscle!! I'm 5'1" also, so I think this doesn't really help with my confidence!! BUT!!! Everyones positive responses are helping in a BIG way!!

    Thank you all again :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    Admit it, you're just thinking of Oleg from Two Broke Girls.

    Oleg is my hero!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, wait until he's hitting on you and then tell me he's your hero. Once you get the gaffer tape off your mouth.
  • tnq1019
    tnq1019 Posts: 65
    the gym iused to go to was all bodybuilders and buff guys late at night meandmy femalefriendwere teh only chicks inthere it was intimidating and i thought they were all staring or judging it turnedout they kinda respected us andwe gym friended a bunch ofthemcause we were always in backwiththe weights trying andnot goofing around and they actualyl would gives us tips and help us out and correct us when we werent using good form andit was cool.I would rather have them than thegirlsthat sit around adn donothing on the machines dont even break a sweat and just stare at the guys when they go in full on makeup and skimpy outfits just to look at them...and they always take the good machines...ANNOYING
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    It can be difficult and awkward. Go in there with a plan written out (or in your phone or whatever). And also have a plan for what you will do when/if someone is using the piece of equipment you want to use.

    It just takes time. At first I was so panicked the least little thing would make me freak, now I have guys who have seen me around pop in for a spot when they see I'm pushing my limits, who wave and say "Hey" and it is all much more relaxed.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    As a guy when I see girls in the gym I think, 'Damn, they are kicking butt, I better work harder like them." or "Wow, she's pretty and she's kicking butt, I better work harder to get a girl like that."

    Most people lifting weights on their own are not sure about what they are doing, and like to look at other people (guys and girls) to see what they're doing so they can imitate. Show everyone how it's done and be proud of what you are doing!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I had problems with this at first, now it really doesn't bother me. I got over it in stages, first I started doing some work with dumbbells right near the door, then I started getting used to using the barbell.... Once I got used to the squat rack I started feeling a lot more comfortable with everything, my routines, the exercises, etc. If you step out of your comfort zone you will eventually extend it, it just takes time.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Also, I think it's fantastic when a female/girl/woman gets off the machines and picks up the free weights especially if they're pushing the limits of their ability (safely!).

    Mind you, maybe we're all wrong and machines is where it's at. It's a massive plot by the long term gym goers to get us off their machines. :huh:
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    I just started using free weights this Monday and I was just as scared as you. Once I got over myself though, the only problem I had was that most guys hog the bench press benches. Seriously, there's at least 15 of them and I had to walk around like a creeper until one opened up. Some guy kinda snickered when I benched only the bar but who cares?? He had spaghetti legs anyways lol. I know guys were staring at me because I was one of only three girls there but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I got in and got out (Stronglifts 5x5) and it's the best workout I've had in weeks. Go for it!
  • I think its an awesome way to get started. The first month is not too intimidating, you'll get your bearings and go from there. I love it so far and am already seeing results.

    Admit it, you're just thinking of Oleg from Two Broke Girls.

    Oleg is my hero!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I was scared to death to go into the testosterone zone, but wanted to start lifting heavy. I started NROLFW and now its been 3 weeks and I'm doing fine. The guys either don't care or look at me like they're impressed. Just do what you need to do and you'll do great!

    I've got NROLFW at home, never got round to reading (or starting) it!! WOuld you suggest this to be a good way to start weights in a gym??
    At first I was a little intimidated, but then I realized that I had to do it if I wanted to get the results that I desire. I finally realized that they are in there for the same reason as I am, and they really don't pay close attention. So here I am, a short, 5'1" lady grunting and sweating right along with them. Believe me, YES I have gotten sideways glances, and stares, and grins, even the occasional guy ask me if he can "work in". It takes a lot of guts to be among all of those hot sweaty, beefy men! :blushing: But hey, I enjoy heavy lifting as much as any other. So why not take advantage of what your gym has to offer. I love my new muscles!

    I'm glad I'm not the only shortie wanting to build muscle!! I'm 5'1" also, so I think this doesn't really help with my confidence!! BUT!!! Everyones positive responses are helping in a BIG way!!

    Thank you all again :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • vickymessmann
    vickymessmann Posts: 8 Member
    I workout at home now but when I went to the YMCA I didn't care who was in the gym! Go lift those weights girl! I use to stand in the room along with the men (sometimes girls would be there too, but not that often). I was 200 lbs. and stood in front of the mirrors and did my thing. I didn't care who was in there. One time I was doing leg presses. I have strong legs and could lift a good amount of weight. When I got done I went over and talked to a trainer about something and out of the blue this guy came up and started bowing down to me. It was so funny! He then told me how impressed he was watching me do my leg presses. He said I was his idol :) We talked for a few minutes and then I went and got on a treadmill. He followed me over and walked on the treadmill beside of me and we carried on a conversation about working out. It made me feel like a million bucks when he did this!
  • Few guys would try to intimidate anyone in the gym...they're trying to impress you. But don't necessarily think their hitting on you, their also trying to impress the other guys there.
    I don't know if this helps or hinders, but as a guy who works out at 5:30 in the morning, the chicks who stand in the thick of it with the guys in the free weight section and act like they belong there are hot. Not hot like physically hot, but their confidence and motivation is attractive and impressive.