Hit a Plateau, almost 40 lbs gone, but so much more to Lose!



  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    I haven't seen anyone else mention it yet, but when you started, did you take measurements? I'd urge you to do so right now, if you haven't already. It may be that your body is changing, but it's not reflecting on the scale yet. How do your clothes feel? Are you weighing at the same time every day, under the same circumstances?

    Also, are you choosing whole, natural sources of food, or are you eating "diet" foods that are full of artificial chemicals and dyes? As women, our stress levels also affect our weight. It's easy for us to tell you not to stress about this, but you're the one living it.

    Hang in there, and I'll bet in another couple of weeks, this won't even be an issue for you! You've done so well so far!
  • caitlinm924
    caitlinm924 Posts: 17 Member
    I still have 90lbs to lose to be where I want to be, but I keep going in this weird cycle. One week I stay the same or gain like 0.2 of a pound, up my exercise level and eat super healthy the next week to make up for it and manage to lose 2 more lbs, and then the week after while doing the exact same things as the week before I'm back staying the same. I can only lose 2 lbs every 2 weeks and it's incredibly frustrating. I've tried eating less, I've tried eating more, I've tried everything. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so frustrated.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    First of all -- hang in there! :) It will get better in time. I always think plateaus are the worst part of getting healthy because it can easily make us all feel like we're doing something wrong. While this round I'm in the beginning of my weight loss journey, I've been here before. A few years ago when I was in WW, I ran into the same thing after losing 50 lbs. My coach had me completely change my food habits -- more new foods, spices, flavors, etc. They also had me completely switch up my workout routines -- instead of going to the gym and doing lifting, elliptical, etc. -- I was sent out into the woods to hike and jog or swim.

    Just keep trying to switch up your foods and workouts... before you know it you'll pass the plateau and be flying towards your goal! :)
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    1 lb/week loss is GREAT! Your loss has slowed down because you have less to lose. 1 lb/week is pretty much what a lot of us aim for, so you should be proud of your continued success.
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    Also, decrease calories to what's healthy, I don't believe in the increasing calories to loose weight.

    I lost the most weight when I was netting between 1400-1600 calories. Whenever it gets down to right at 1200 I stop losing. Something to consider.

    This was the same for me I was doing awsome loosing about 25 in 12 weeks but every time I hit a certain point MFP would recommend less caloriesbut the less I ate the less I lost which I thought was really weird. Then I met with a trainer that recommended I not go below 1400 calories & although I hated going from 1200 to 1400 because I was so scared I would gain but I didn't I did stay the same for a few weeks while my body adjusted & now I am @ about 34 lbs gone. So for me increasing calories actually worked. I wish you well no matter how you try to break your plateau.
  • GaloisGirl
    GaloisGirl Posts: 26 Member
    Plateaus will pass.


    My latest one was broken by the combination of off-diet Easter (but not eat-whatever-you-see), a week sick, an off-diet trip abroad (how do I count the calories when eating out?) and then getting back on track.

    However, I don't think there's one simple formula to break them.

    Don't give up and keep reminding yourself how far you've come. Check you measurements and how your clothes fit.

    And remember: plateaus will pass.
  • keriberi9
    keriberi9 Posts: 159 Member
    If you aren't weighing your food, buy a scale.

    Weigh yourself, Weigh your food.

    I just broke through, not realizing how much more I was really eating, then I was estimating.

    This!! Huge help for me! Food scale :)