Eat more weigh less folks - please help!


I really need some help and advice. For the last month, I have been eating around 1200 calories a day as recommended by this site. However, I am not losing. I have at least 15 pounds to lose and I workout 4 times a week or more at a fairly rigorous pace (gym classes like spin, body pump, running etc). I am quickly losing hope, so checked out the forums today and it looks like maybe I should be eating more. I’m afraid to increase my calories, but willing to do so if it will actually help. My main goal is to become fit and healthy, but obviously want to shrink my size as well. Please help. Should I just increase all at once? Small increments? Will I gain the first few weeks?

I have lost weight several times in the past without issue, but this time the weight its STUCK on there good!!!


  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Under the eat more to lose weight folks, they say that you'll gain in the first few weeks but after that it should even out. If that's the route you want to take to see if it works for you, they recommend not to get on the scale for a good month.
  • laraghdooley
    laraghdooley Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not set on taking any route. I just want to be healthy and fit and within my recommended BMI. Since September, I have gained 15 pounds and looking to shed those pounds to start,,,,
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    Try and figure out your BMR and TDEE using a calculator like the scooby bmr calculator (just google it) and then eat between them. Scooby will even find an amount you should be eating (with 15 left to lose, I would suggest TDEE-10 or 15%, no higher). After being at 1200 you will likely gain for a bit, but after a month to six weeks you will start seeing steady, sustainable losses.

    You can increase all at once, but it may take a bit longer to start losing. When I increased, I went up 150 cals every 2 weeks until I was eating at the level suggested and I only gained a very small amount initially (the first week after changing) and then I haven't yet again.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Yeah, I dont like the whole concept of eating more to weight less either. I mean, it'll either work or it won't work but it sucks that you can't look at the scale for so long and if it doesnt work, you'll feel like you've wasted a lot of time. You can try intermittent fasting. Not sure you've heard of it?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Yeah, I dont like the whole concept of eating more to weight less either. I mean, it'll either work or it won't work but it sucks that you can't look at the scale for so long and if it doesnt work, you'll feel like you've wasted a lot of time. You can try intermittent fasting. Not sure you've heard of it?

    If does NOT suggest that you eat at 1200 calories either though.... it's not about how you get there, it's about how you fuel your body.... 15lbs is actually nothing to be honest.... you may not change in weight at all but your body will be smaller and you will be stronger. Figure out your TDEE and eat -20% from that. If it's a huge amount above what you are eating now then slowly up your calories. When you eat at -20% you do NOT eat your exercise calories back. Just eat the same amount each day regardless if you are working out or resting that day.

    You can join the group "eat more to weigh less" or you can google their website and join.... another great read is IPOARM ( In place of a road map) same concept of eating..... all smart choices

    One more thing.... do less cardio and lift heavy weights... your body will change and you will lose fat a lot quicker than just cardio
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I don't know what your settings are set at but I would set them at .5 pounds to lose per week. I also second calculating your TDEE and BMR ( With MFP their settings are made to eat your exercise calories back, TDEE numbers are set with exercise calories already built in.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Actually, I've come to think the first thing that anyone who isn't losing should look at is whether they are logging their food accurately. Do you have a digital scale and are you using it all the time? Are you confident that your logging is accurate?
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I really don't "get" the science behind raising calories to lose weight if you're already not losing weight at the calorie intake you're presently at. Most science tells us that we must burn more than we take in to lose weight. Revving up your metabolism by eating more? I just don't see it.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Try it. Seriously, i was absolutely terrified to up my calories as it just didn't make sense in my head; eat more yet lose weight? Total bull i thought. But i did it, as i had been trying to lose weight for a good couple of months yet failing miserably. And the first time i stepped on the scales, i was freaking out, expecting a gain. But guess what? I've lost 4lbs in a fortnight and i'm still losing. And if you put on a pound or two...well, at least you know you've exhausted another option. Good luck :)
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Go to the eat more to weight less group and read up!

    Also maybe consider an 8 week metabolism reset
    And start weights ... Just 3 x a week and drop the cardio!

    All the best! I really advice checking out the threads from that group xx
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    You will get 100 people responded to this and its all going to be about the same .... (Also these are my opinions so just take them as that no law or the way of life)

    1200 is the absolute Minimum MFP will recommend anyone to eat.
    1800-2000 Calories is what they say (dont know who they are just a general standard) a average person should eat in a day to maintain.
    If you are exercising you are burning into whatever Calories you eat so you should be eat more to try to take in 1200 Calories a day.
    You will not go into starvation mode (the magical point were your body process bare minimum amounts of food that you eat, and begins to eat your muscle for the food its not getting)
    I eat 3500-4500 a day to maintain my weight based on my workout schedule. I personal would probably pass out if I only ate 1200 Calories.

    Now that i have spouted all that.. as far as eating more to weight less... Your body needs fuel to work, if your body knows its getting fed, Your metabolism learns to work a little more efficiently. If you are concerned about adding calories do it slowly, add in full fat food items, more nuts things of that nature so you can gradually bump your caloric intake by 100 here and 100 there. I wouldn't say just start out eating 2500 Calories and see were it gets you, train your body to understand what its going to be doing. Hope that helps and good luck.
  • kezza8888
    kezza8888 Posts: 75
    I dont really follow the "eat more, weight less" defo wouldn't work for me but it seems popular on MFP!

    I think it's hard to give advise without looking at your food diary and exersice work out 4 times a week, but for how long and doing what?

    In my experience (having lost 20lb in the past but then getting lazy) I do believe that 1200 is sufficient for the human body and exercise is the way forward....4 intense work outs a week on 1200 is never going to force your body into starvation mode IMO.

    Sorry I havent got any advice on the thread title.....

    *Holding breath for the abuse I might get from the "Eat More" crew.....*
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    Unless you are eating 3500 (500 a day) calories above your TDEE, you will not gain weight.

    You might initially retain water for a week or so whilst your body starts working properly again, and a small deficit of 10% should help you shift the last of your lbs.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    If you're using MFP the way it's designed....

    Change your setting to lose 1/2 a pound per week and "eat your exercise calories back."
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Yeah, I dont like the whole concept of eating more to weight less either. I mean, it'll either work or it won't work but it sucks that you can't look at the scale for so long and if it doesnt work, you'll feel like you've wasted a lot of time. You can try intermittent fasting. Not sure you've heard of it?

    If does NOT suggest that you eat at 1200 calories either though.... it's not about how you get there, it's about how you fuel your body.... 15lbs is actually nothing to be honest.... you may not change in weight at all but your body will be smaller and you will be stronger. Figure out your TDEE and eat -20% from that. If it's a huge amount above what you are eating now then slowly up your calories. When you eat at -20% you do NOT eat your exercise calories back. Just eat the same amount each day regardless if you are working out or resting that day.

    You can join the group "eat more to weigh less" or you can google their website and join.... another great read is IPOARM ( In place of a road map) same concept of eating..... all smart choices

    One more thing.... do less cardio and lift heavy weights... your body will change and you will lose fat a lot quicker than just cardio

    ^^^^ this and also check out the Eat Train Progress group in addition to the EM2WL
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I really don't "get" the science behind raising calories to lose weight if you're already not losing weight at the calorie intake you're presently at. Most science tells us that we must burn more than we take in to lose weight. Revving up your metabolism by eating more? I just don't see it.

    If your body is not getting the "fuel" it needs to sustain it you will not lose weight (it will store all the fat and burn all your lean muscle). Once you start properly fueling your body with the correct nutrients it will start burning correctly and you will lose the weight (and the fat).
  • davekang
    davekang Posts: 18
    Heres how I do mine which helps me diet into the shape in my avi

    I the following link to get my bmr (use to do the calculations but this is the closest calculator every time) = BMR

    Then select which category you come into with the following and multiply your BMR

    Activity Factor Category Definition
    1.2 Sedentary Little or no exercise and desk job
    1.375 Lightly Active Light exercise or sports 1-3 days a week
    1.55 Moderately Active Moderate exercise or sports 3-5 days a week
    1.725 Very Active Hard exercise or sports 6-7 days a week4
    1.9 Extremely Active Hard daily exercise or sports and physical job

    Now that will give you your daily calorie requirement

    You then take away 300-500 calories from that number which should put you into a calorie deficit.

    Do not cut more then 500 calories a day from your requirements

    It works for me
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    We are here to lose weight but in the best and safest way and yes that is to increase your calorie intake and follow your TDEE - 20% deficit while not eating your calories back.

    I never used to believe it either but i'm seeing the results, i recently increased my calorie intake from 1850 to 2250 and the results are still the same i'm losing fat and inches while maintaining lean mass, i dont get tired and lethargic, i'm not grouchy like i was once before when restricting my calories

    It's funny all the people who are against the eat more to weigh less science when funnily enough they constantly complain about lack of energy, binge eating, dropping off the wagon etc

    do what you are comfortable with that you know you can maintain for the rest of your life. If you think about it that way can you really see yourself eating around 1200 cals. Probably not.

    Give this a read for a bit more information.

    Good luck and just remember this isn't a temporary fix this is to maintain and lead a happy and healthy life unless you want to yoyo like some people, I can tell you i for one am not going to be doing that ever again since learning this information :)
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I really don't "get" the science behind raising calories to lose weight if you're already not losing weight at the calorie intake you're presently at. Most science tells us that we must burn more than we take in to lose weight. Revving up your metabolism by eating more? I just don't see it.

    There is no science that says raising calories will make you lose weight. In fact, many people here often preach that you will often GAIN a few pounds in the first few weeks when you raise your calories. However, the reason that it works is under the assumption that you will become more active and so increase your total daily maintenance due to the extra food that you are eating to fuel a more productive exercise routine.