What do you drink??



  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Option 1: Slowly eliminate pop from your life throughout the month of May. I would suggest maybe the first week buying those itty bitty cans of pop that they have, so you have your fix just less of it, then the second week drink a small can every other day, third week every 2 days, 4th week one can. It can take a while to break a habit and if you don't feel completely deprived you may just stick with it.

    Option 2: Going cold turkey. As far as the caffeine headaches go try some green tea...maybe make some iced green tea with honey and mint and add some fresh berries when you drink it....if you feel like you are treating yourelf the adjustment away from pop will probably be easier
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Mostly Water and Selzter. Juice and Soda are too sweet. I sometime drink juice cut 50/50 with water. I love v8 but I don't buy it often.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I drink water 99% of the time and almond milk sometimes with breakfast. I put Mio in my water and love it.

    Edit- beer on the weekends. Love me a good brew.
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    Black coffee with stevia
    32 oz bottle of seltzer water with english toffee flavored stevia (tastes like cream soda!)

    I can't wait to try the seltzer water/stevia combo!
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Lots of plain water throughout the day, lots of black coffee (only in the morning). Other than that just a bit of 1% milk on my morning oatmeal (plain with no sweeteners with some fresh berries on top).

    Pretty much never drink anything else.
  • sradams1
    sradams1 Posts: 69 Member
    Vitamin water ZERO
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

    ^^^So Good, 10 calories per pack plus you get vitamin C. that and I drink Lots of Coffee.
  • stunmai2
    stunmai2 Posts: 5
    Gatorade G2 - grape
  • bcrozier
    bcrozier Posts: 15
    Good old fashioned water!
  • JuliePackham
    I was a coffee-oholic before MFP. So much so that it was making me ill and I blamed my weight gain. Now I have one medium coffee a day, with sugar free flavoured creamer (my treat for the day), and lots of water. I'm not a fan of water, but I feel a million times better. All this time I was blaming the extra pounds that I was carrying around, when my nausea and heart rate/blood pressure issues were really coming from the amount of coffee I was drinking. It took time and I had to wean myself off, but it's worth it. Now when I feel the need for coffee I drink flavoured herbal tea. 0 calories, and while maybe not as satisfying as a soda or a coffee with milk and sugar, you get used to it. And it's soothing with the added benefit of adding to your overall water consumption for the day.

    I'm 31 but had the heart rate of a 50 year old. Cutting the caffeine brought me back down to where I should be and made my food and excersize lifestyle changes so much easier. Hope that helps. :)
  • still_a_caterpillar
    When I want something more exciting than water, I mix pomegranate juice with club soda/seltzer water. Seltzer is a big deal in New England, so there are LOTS of flavors to choose from. I like mixing lime seltzer with pom juice. YUM
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    Two cups of coffee in the morning.

    Water the rest of the day. Sometimes I add a splash of lemon or lime juice and a few drops of flavored stevia, just to keep things interesting.

    I've found that if I have a glass of water at hand (ok, big 24 oz Tervis Tumbler for me) all the time, every minute of the day, I'm far more likely to drink it.

    I take my cup of water literally everywhere.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    I almost never drink my calories, find it a waste. Ice cold water ALL THE TIME! Sometimes with a slice of lemon. Some tea if I feel like it!
  • Bjninja
    Bjninja Posts: 44
    I drink water mostly. Sometimes I will do plain Earl Grey or green tea, and if I am absolutely dying, a cup of coffee. When I want to treat myself, I may have a glass of sweet tea or a Diet Coke, but this is maybe once every 2-3 months. I gave up all drinks except water for Lent two years ago and though it hurt going cold turkey, I'm much happier for it now. I kinda transition with Crystal Light for a while, but now water is the only thing I drink most days.

    Except when I drink alcohol, but that's another story. ;)
  • dmfay
    dmfay Posts: 32
    Black coffee and water.
  • bryn10
    bryn10 Posts: 44
    2 cups of black coffee in the morning and water throughout the day! About once a week I'll treat myself to a non-fat latte.:smile:
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    a lot of tea, used to drink squash (UK thing) but i dont think all the chemicals in that are good for you so i try and stay away from it
  • jpinge
    jpinge Posts: 71 Member
    water and green tea (either cold or hot)
  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    I haven't drank soda in 5 years. I used to be an addict. Now I drink naturally flavored sparkling water, and it is my "soda"... unsweetened, just natural. It took a little getting used to, but now I love it. It gives me that carbonation that is what soda has that loved.

    I drink 1 a day (not that there would be anything wrong with drinking it all day, it's just carbonated water), one cup of coffee in the morning and water, water, water... an hour before bed I have an herbal tea.

    On Friday and Saturday a few glasses of good wine are thrown in!