At a loss for what to do... any suggestions?

Hello all... I'm kinda new here, never made my own post before, so here goes nothing.

I'm currently trying to lose 100+ lbs and was doing well for a while. I injured my back badly and ended up falling back on bad habits because apparently I'm an emotional eater and I was dealing with some crappy emotions for about 3 weeks. Anyway, long story short, I had lost 21 lbs and am now sitting at about a loss of 15-18 lbs depending on the day.
My stats - 5'3, 240lbs (this morning). I'm eating 1600 calories... just upped this at the beginning of the week. I had started out eating 1200, realized that was WAY to little and have slowly bumped myself up to 1600. I'm not sure if this is correct, but it's what I've been going with.
I also work out at least 30mins every day. Right now, I'm going 3 times a week to an hour long kickboxing class (best workout I've ever had)... I just started that this week and I also use Dance Central on the kinect, walks with my dogs and free weights/resistance tubing at home on the days I'm not in kickboxing.

My diary is open, so feel free to look... I know I haven't been eating the healthiest things the past little while (I love cheese)... but I'm just frustrated I guess. I just can't seem to get my weight to go on the downward trend it was prior to my injury. I was consistently losing at least 0.something of a lb every day and now I zoom back up to 240 as soon as I lose anything... Just not sure what to do and any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks very much!

Edited to say - I do eat most of my exercise calories back


  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 267 Member
    I'm no expect by any means, but if I were you I would not eat so many of my exercise calories. Just a suggestion.
  • I had a similar problem with not loosing much - i am fairly new too, I spoke to my PT at the gym and he advised me not to eat my exercise calories (which I was before) I stopped this and lost 2lbs :) hope this helps. :)
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    You have my sympathy as I'm recovering from an injury.
    I think swimming would be very healing for you---or if you don't swim, pool run [you run in place wearing a water vest].
    In terms of emotional eating:

    1) keep a written journal where you commit to writing BEFORE and AFTER you eat, if the urge comes on, tell yourself "fine, I can eat after I write for 5 minutes." Write anything you feel---everything about how hungry you are, how depressed, how hard it is---pour it out.

    2) Find something else you love to do---sing, walk or do a facial---something nuturing---

    3) Keep healthy but filling snacks ready [there are plenty of ideas on this site]---for me, I often eat an enormous salad with just lettuce and it fills me up.

    4) Eat a high protein breakfast every morning--early--even, especially if you aren't hungry----it helps kill the cravings later in the day

    5) Eat less carbs [as in bread, potatoes, corn]---often this is what I crave, but they don't make me feel better, I'm often hungry an hour later and they contribute to weight gain--while protein sticks with me

    One day at a time.
    Good luck!
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    Maybe it would be helpful to visit a certified nutritionist, some health food stores will give you an hr session for free if you ask. When I first started to lose wt I ate an apple before meals and increased my water. It also helped to have a Clausen pickle or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to control appetite naturally. I also found ways to increase my happiness level with aromatherapy and started seeing a holistic chiropractor. I also hired a specialist to train me as I have physical disabilities. It has been a year long journey so far and I am at my goal wt and a lot stronger. It is a lifestyle change and each step you take either thrusts you forwards or pulls you back. Best wishes my friend.
  • Deb_kar
    Deb_kar Posts: 17 Member
    I would also say it may be too many exercise calories.
    From what I've read mfp is not accurate and over estimates exercise calories.
    Heart rate monitors seem the most accurate way by there is a lot of debate.
    If I am hungry I eat about half of mine. So i'm giving a bit of leeway.
  • MrsTheunissen
    MrsTheunissen Posts: 44 Member
    If you are doing the exercise you say you are doing thats is great. Keep up with that. When I look at your diary, your sodium is to high. You have to cut down with the sodium.
    And you have to give it some time. I am a little frustrated my self right now becasue the scale is not moving. But I also know that the scale is not going to give me any numbers that will make me smile. Start use a measuring tape and you probably will see the inches come of. :happy:
    Keep up the good work you are doing and the pounds will come of. :drinker: