Girl Question



  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    Are you taking iron supplements? If you went veggie and are not eating fish or eggs either, you have to really watch you iron intake and make sure it is sufficient. Anemia can DEFINITELY cause the problems you're having, and it sounds like it's escalating. Add iron supplements, spinach and other veggies high in iron to your diet asap and then get to a doc. Your body loses a lot of iron during your period and if you aren't putting any back in it you are doing some serious damage.

    Is under 1300 cals your BMR? Do you know what your BMR is??

    I just had a look at your food diary and I can see that Iron is SERIOUSLY lacking there. This is important!
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Though this is not normal - I know this happens. I had the same issue of having 2 cycles every month but mine was a 5-7 day long not 10. I did visit a gyno and she said your hormones change a lot all during your life so they do get disturbed by some changes in your lifestyle. I don't remember if I had started exercising when I had this coz its long ago. But I would give a general advice - when you see your gyno and if he/she gives you any medicines - Please Please ask him/her if that medicine has any artifical hormones in it. Trust me you don't want that ever ever ever.

    Normally - that is the standard medicine - they infuse you with hormones that suppress your female hormones. As a result - you can have many many side effects - worse of all that I am facing is facial and bodily hair growth. I took the medicine and within a month i saw hair growing on my chin and sideburns - they are not manly but they are more than a peach fur.

    I stopped my medicine immediately and just left it on time - I had to face that double cycle for over a year but then it automatically got normal. The only problem I still have after 5-6 years of that is that my periods start 5-6 days prior compared to the previous month so eventually after 5-6 months I end up with 3 menstrual cycles in 2 months but thats ok.

    Make sure you take care of your diet, drink lots of milk if you can and take some iron and calcium supplements. I know all this double trouble makes you weak - try and avoid eating cold stuff during your menses like ice creams, frozen yogurt, cold beverages, etc. Its not very scientific but I have seen it really helps with the cramps.

    Hope you get better soon :flowerforyou:

    Oh and your Birth Control Pill could have also something to do with this. So professional medical help would definitely be a good choice - Just make sure you ask a lot of questions to your gyno till you are completely satisfied with whats the medication.
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    You may want to take an iron supplement...all of the bleeding is probably causing anemia, which will cause fatigue. It almost sounds like you are bleeding while you are ovulating, since you ovulate in between periods? I hope your doctor can help!
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    This happened to me when I first started losing weight. I did ask my doctor about it and he said, oh honey, you have enough estrogen stored up for six women. Your body is shedding the fat, it's also shedding the excess estrogen, which equals longer, more frequent periods for a while.

    I suppose he was right? It's started to normalize now, and my period is much more predictable and the cramps aren't nearly as bad as they were.

    Definitely ask your doctor, even if you just call in the days prior to your appointment.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Firstly: Go to the doctor as soon as possible.

    Further: Next to upping your iron, you may want to include some estrogen managing food in your diet, like pomegranate and oatmeal.
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    If you're exercising that much you need to eat more, otherwise your body is going to do the exact opposite of what you want...meaning it will hang on to every last bit of calories it can and you won't lose weight (and may gain as you have experienced).

    So eat more (good foods of course), take a multi-vitamin (Flinstones Complete) and go see your Dr.
  • planprepprovide
    Idk. I mean I haven't lost any weight in the past couple weeks. the last time I weighed myself I actually gained some weight. I'm terrified to step back on the scale again so I'm giving it about a week or so before I weigh again. I don't see how eating more would help with the weight problem which is what I've been trying to solve all along.

    If you're not losing any weight...focus more on the strength training and less on the cardio. Any time I tried to lose weight in the past, nothing would happen because I was doing cardio only without strength training.

    Right now I'm alternating circuit training 3x a week, and jogging 3x a week, taking one day off from exercise to rest. So far it's working well for me. You need to work your muscles to lose body fat. If you're just doing cardio all the time, you're body might be stressing out, and when you're stressed (physically and mentally) your body won't let you lose weight. Also, maybe these extra periods are a sign of that stress?

    I also agree with everyone else about getting more iron. Did you eat meat before and all of a sudden take it away? I know there are other sources of iron, but maybe you aren't getting as much as you were before. I'm not saying to start eating meat, although you can afford it in your calories, but look into how much iron you need and taking it in a supplement form. If your doctor finds out you're now anemic, he or she will probably prescribe iron pills for you.
  • Natfacestuff
    Natfacestuff Posts: 19 Member
    Lots of people on here say that they have had a similar problem and that is related to their thyroid. As a biologist I strongly suggest you increase your intake of iron (bloos loss), iodine (for the thyroid) and calories. Everyone is right you need to ensure you have enough energy to get by. Which can affect your sleep as well.

    Good foods to try include: Seaweed, potatoes (jackets), cranberries and yogurt for the iodine. And obviously spinach, nuts and squashes for the iron.

    Also have you started to gain muscle? Muscle will weigh more than fat and could explain why you are starting to gain weight. Try not to pay attention to the scales so much, and more to the tone and look of your body.

    I hope you feel better soon
  • originalcookiemonster
    Please listen to what they are telling you. You obviously aren't eating enough, youre severely malnurished, and all that excersise to? That's taking a toll on your body. I eat 1800 calories a day and workout just like you and still lose weight. Eat more. Veggies, fruit and espesially protien. Simple as that. Right now your body is scared to death to lose any of the fat you have because it doesn't know when or if its going to get any more. Eat more and it will be more willing to let go of the fat because its not wondering when its next meal is. I lost 100 pounds, i know what im talking about. Treat your body right and it will treat you right.

    THIS. Read the roadmap. NOW.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    My diet/routine before:
    -Eat what I want when I want (which mainly consisted of fatty fast food and other crap and extremely often at that)
    -No exercise whatsoever

    My diet/routine now:
    -1,370 cals max (though it's usually well under)
    -No meat/fish
    -Cardio 5 days a week (6.2 mph for 35 minutes or 3.5 miles)
    -One 60 minute jog a week (6 mph 6 miles)
    -some pretty random weight training workouts here and there (average about twice a week)

    That sounds like your problem right there. You need to eat more, especially since you are exercising so much.

    I'd say you need to eat more too..

    Also since you are bleeding so much and don't eat meat, you probably need that iron supplement!!!!

    I would see your doctor, only they can tell you what is causing it.. but glad you have an appt. becuase it isn't normal. Good luck.