Back where I started

How am I supposed to cope with that? I mean, maybe losing and gaining back four pounds isn't a big thing. But it's just heartbreaking to me. How am I supposed to stick to anything if I just keep going up and down. I admit it. My dieting is abysmal and I have no effing clue how to freaking eat healthy. But I've been working harder during exercise... I just I don't know. Seeing the scale every morning makes me think I was just meant to be fat forever. How could I have gained two pounds in a day? How?!

I want to get down to a size 18 by the end of May. But clearly, that's just not reachable. Any thoughts?


  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    If you want to open up your diary to public I'm having to offer whatever help I can. Also, how long have you been doing this for?
  • curlsgalore25
    Last year I lost about 20 pounds and now I am back to where I started with MFP. What you need to do is focus on where you once were and how you got there and how to get it back. I am logging EVERYTHING I eat, which helps sometimes but then it also reminds me that I am eating horribly. Sometimes we just need to focus on what we really want and how to get there. I plan my lunchs every day and although most days I am eating the same thing, seeing the .4 drop on the scale makes me happy. I wish you all the luck in the world.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Find out what your TDEE is, take a 20% cut.

    Buy a digital scale. Weigh all the food. Then eat all the food after you weigh it.

    If you can, lift heavy. If not keep active in any way that makes you happy. Running, biking, walking, swimming.
  • Austadophilus5
    @Jess7836 - I've been at this for a damn month. I lost six pounds and now suddenly, four are back on. I can't control my eating, SO I'm ashamed to log it onto the diary. I'm such a pig, I can't stop eating at night or at McDonalds...
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    It IS frustrating to watch your weight go back up after it is down; however, you DO have to modify your's great that you are exercising; unfortunately in our weight loss "adventure", it can't be either/ can't diet yourself down or exercise yourself have to do both....good luck!
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member

    You were not born to be fat... you ate your way to fat... sorry but its the truth... you also didn't do it overnight... You cant expect the solution to be instantaneous to a broblem we got into in the course of most of our lives.

    Set your MFP to loosing 2 lbs a week and get your excercise in... take pictures and mneasure yourself..
    Also (again sorry to say this) No you will not be a supermodel by may 2013... but you may be one by May2014 next year if you stick with it NOW! If you give up it will be may 2015 or later...

    I'd hapilly trade my last 5 years salary for the opportunity to change my eating habits and my body when I was 20.. instead of waiting to do it at 40... you have that chance for free...take it!

    Dont ever give up
  • Austadophilus5
    Yes, it's just that I've eaten terrible food my whole life. I don't even know how to start eating healthier.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    @Jess7836 - I've been at this for a damn month. I lost six pounds and now suddenly, four are back on. I can't control my eating, SO I'm ashamed to log it onto the diary. I'm such a pig, I can't stop eating at night or at McDonalds...

    I used to have similar problems. You have to physically MAKE yourself stop. Don't allow food in your house that you know you'll eat at night. Drive by McDonalds, and take the money you would have spent and put it in a jar so you can spend it on something after you reach certain goals (new clothes at 15 lbs lost, etc). It's the only way you're going to get there.

    And you HAVE to log the good, the bad, the ugly... It's the reason you're here, right?
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    Grow some balls and "drill" your spoon.That's exactly what my doctor told me and I thought,wow,really?!
    But,you know what,he's right.There's no time for excuses and whining.
    Stay under you calorie goal,exercise,try to eat more vegetables.Go out for walks or whatever you have to do to stay away from the fridge.Throw away all the junk food and candy that you have and stop buying them.It's simple as that.And if you slip off from time to time,it's ok,we all do that.Just make sure to get back on track as soon as possible.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Are you weighing yourself every day? If so, stop doing that. Your weight fluctuates daily and for women it fluctuates throughout the month. Our bodies retain water for many reasons. Weigh yourself once a week, maximum. Better yet, put the scale away fro a month and just take measurements of your chest, waist, hips, thigh and upper arm. You may not see the scale move but if you're working out and sticking to your calorie allotments, you should see a difference in your body shape and size.

    Are you logging everything you eat? Are you weighing everything or estimating the portions? This is also imporant because you may be underestimating how much you're eating.

    How many calories a day are you eating? Many people make the mistake of eating too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode and wants to hold on to the weight to ensure you don't starve to death. You should be eating back your exercise calories too.

    Eating healthy is not hard. Some very simple changes are all you need. There is a plethora of information on this site as well as all over the internet. Lean proteins, lots of fresh veggies and fruits, whole grain breads and pastas are all good things to use in your diet. Learn everything you can because you are not destined to be fat all of your life, but you have to commit to a change in lifestyle to find that healthy strong woman that's on the inside waiting to get out.

    You didn't say what size you are now. Is a size 18 a realistic goal? A size is usually at least 10-15 pounds. Make sure you set goals that are challenging but also attainable. Set yourself up for success!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    You can't out-exercise a poor diet. It's time to learn to eat well. That doesn't mean you have to give up everything you enjoy. It just means to track your intake and make sure you are staying within your calories and macros, and that you're getting nutrients from a variety of sources. Your diary isn't open, so I don't know what you've been doing so far :ohwell:

    As far as how to eat healthy, there are a lot of sources for education. Your best option may be to ask for a referral to a registered dietician at your next doctor's appointment (or maybe call in just to ask). Note that it should be a registered dietician, not a "nutritionist" as the latter is not regulated and doesn't require more than a few courses, and may often have an agenda of selling their own products. has a lot of helpful resources and information, as well.

    But in the end, it comes down to consuming fewer calories than you use. Set mfp to lose 1 pound, or even .5 pound per week, eat back at least some of your exercise calories, and track everything. Also check out eat more to weigh less (meaning, the 1200 calories that mfp often gives for people wanting to lose 2 pounds per week may be too low and cause your metabolism to slow) for more ideas on discovering how many calories you should aim for.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    Like I always told my kids....."Can't means don't want to" - You keep saying "I CAN"T" Well guess what.... you CAN if you WANT TO.
    Put in the time to educate yourself on healthy eating. Not rocket science to know that lean meats - vegetables and fruits are healthier than McDonalds. A healthier choice at McDonalds is a salad with light or limited amount of dressing. You get the idea. And you CAN do it!!!!!
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    Time to hike up the panties chick!

    I had to kick myself when I realized I was almost 200lbs.

    Excuses are like *kitten*, everyone has them and they are full of ****.

    I know it is hard but just STOP. Stop eating gross food, eat clean and MOVE!

    Sounds mean? I'm not sorry, you will thank me in a year. Promise.
  • Austadophilus5
    Time to hike up the panties chick!

    I had to kick myself when I realized I was almost 200lbs.

    Excuses are like *kitten*, everyone has them and they are full of ****.

    I know it is hard but just STOP. Stop eating gross food, eat clean and MOVE!

    Sounds mean? I'm not sorry, you will thank me in a year. Promise.
    Thanks. I need a kick in the a**. I do.
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    not knowing how to eat is true for a lot of folks...basically, STAY AWAY from ANYTHING that comes in plastic, preportioned packages, i.e., fried pies, pastries, potato chips, candy bars, etc... stick to things in their most natual state - meat (baked, broiled, etc. (without a bunch of oil), vegetables, fruit, whole grain bread and SKIM dairy products. Processed foods are killing us (1. they are convenient), (2. they are cheap), but they WRECK our bodies. You have to decide that YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN what you are about to put in your mouth. I buy sugar free peanut butter made by is DELICIOUS and ONLY 95 calories a can use it on wheat bread for a sandwich or put it on some celery or when really stressed eat it right off the spoon!
  • punkisdead83
    punkisdead83 Posts: 69 Member
    Time to hike up the panties chick!

    I had to kick myself when I realized I was almost 200lbs.

    Excuses are like *kitten*, everyone has them and they are full of ****.

    I know it is hard but just STOP. Stop eating gross food, eat clean and MOVE!

    Sounds mean? I'm not sorry, you will thank me in a year. Promise.

    She pretty much has it laid out right here. It's time to man up and put in work. Whining and *****ing gets people nowhere. It's all about your actions and what you do to rectify the situation. Start asking yourself how bad do you want to be healthy and look fantastic in the mirror. Is it worth giving up certain things you love and changing your whole life around? Cuz that's exactly whats going to happen.

    First off stop weighing everyday, the scale can fluctuate as much as 10 lbs daily. Focus on the scale and you're going to be doing nothing, but chase a number.

    As far as your eating habits. I have no idea what your diets like, but if it's based around fast food burgers, fried chicken and ice cream it's time to start leaning towards healthier variations. Start getting acquainted with your kitchen because 95% of your meals are going to be prepped by yourself. Chicken, fish, and ground beef with 7% fat or less. Bake it or grill it, start taking in more veggies and whole grains, and for sweets start developing a taste for fruit cuz that's whats going to be curving your sweet tooth from here on out.