Introduced myself a few days ago.....

ReeReeTug Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
but didn't really give much detail. My name is Kerry, I am 31, am from Missouri and have about 180 lbs to lose. I would LOVE to make lots of friends/buddies because I find that I REALLY need someone to kick me in the pants to get me going! I have had a weight problem most of my life, however, once I had my son 4 years ago I really gained quite a bit of weight due to complications he and I both had. Sorry to be so long winded, I am pretty shy so please friend me and help break me out of my coccoon :)


  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Hi Kerry! Welcome! I'm in the UK but the weight challenge is universal!! I'll add you - it helps to have friends to encourage each other (and to whine to!!)
  • ahalizwe
    ahalizwe Posts: 5
    Been here less than two weeks, but it is great!! I have already lost 4pounds. I know you are going to find so much motivation here. Keep going, you can do this. Good luck!!!
  • debhue75
    debhue75 Posts: 21
    Hi Kerry,

    I've been here a week now and I love it. I too can appreciate the support so count me in. :wink:

  • kakocalis
    kakocalis Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Kerry! My name is Kelly, and I'm from southern California (where image, unfortunately, is EVERYTHING). I, too, have always been chubby...well...since my freshman year of high school...even though I played three sports and was always doing active stuff. I gained 85 pounds when I was pregnant with my eldest son, and for the past 12 years, I have been fighting with that weight. I NEVER lost half of it, let alone all of it. Part of the reason I never worked any harder at it was because regardless of how chubby I was, I was always comfortable in my own skin, and figured that if people couldn't accept me for the way I was, I didn't need them in my life. I was also in a serious state of denial, thinking that the fact that I STILL play and coach soccer and go to the gym meant that I shouldn't have to count calories or think about every little thing I put in my mouth. I was an idiot. Now, as an actress trying to make a career out of my craft in LA or NY, I have spent a lot of time upset that less talented actresses were getting roles I deserved because they were thinner. It is this that made me decide to sell out to "the man" and get down to 128 pounds. Now, I know that being 5'0" tall and 128 lbs still puts me on that borderline between healthy and overweight, but I haven't been 128 pounds since the 8th grade, and I was OK with my bod then (and 4 inches shorter!). I have been at this business since March 3, 2010, and have currently lost 35 lbs, which is somewhere between 1.5 and 2 lbs a week. There are some weeks where I lose nothing, and some where I drop 3 or 4. I have healthy cholesterol and good blood pressure, so luckily I am not fighting medical issues. Myfitnesspal has been my BIBLE since I found it as a free app for my ipod back in March. If you play around enough with all of the gadgets here, you can really figure out how to make this place work for you. I look at exercising as a way to earn food, so I do it A LOT. I have also learned that one of my biggest problems in the past was the dreaded "starvation syndrome". On busy days, I have to work really hard to get my minimum 1200 calories in, but I KNOW I have to do it, or I'll start gaining weight back (THE HORROR!). I also have to eat my exercise calories, or the same thing happens to me (NO EXTRA CREDIT FOR ME!) I wish you the absolute best of luck with your journey, and I am always here to answer any questions or to give encouragement.

  • ReeReeTug
    ReeReeTug Posts: 13
    Thank you everyone for the warm reception :) I am glad to know that so many people out there are kind and encouraging!! I feel so overwhelmed by how much I need to lose and trying to tackle that with everything going on in day to day life. I work a very physical job full time until 2 in the morning, in bed by 3 or so and back up at 7 or 8 with my son. So tired all the time...I know I need more sleep but I know some of it is from not being healthy too!
  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    I have about the same amount to lose and it can seem so overwhelming but I take it one day at a meal at a time. If I look at it as having close to 200lbs to lose, I'd never lose it. It would just seem too big. But we'll get there, one pound at a time :)
  • ReeReeTug
    ReeReeTug Posts: 13
    Thanks Mooz! I know what you mean! It is such a daunting task looking at the big picture....I am going to focus on eating healthy and exercising, not going to worry about the numbers as long as I am doing the right things.
  • Hey, kiddo! I am from Missouri too. And during this lovely weather ~ some people have been known to say MISERY! My best advice to give you in this adventure is 1. Journal (food, exercise, gratitude) Even when I am away from the computer, I write things down. I feel more accountible that way. 2. Move, do something. Does have to be much to start out. I have been walking for the last 4 weeks (before, I did nothing) and I can honestly say I thought people were crazy when they said I would begin to look forward to it, but I do. It's like I am scheduling something for ME. I finally got it thru my head that if I didn't take care of myself, I would be not able to care for the ones I loved if I was dead. I don't eat the best everyday. I don't lose every week. But I am much healthier than I was 4 weeks ago.
    God bless you and keep going ~ one step at a time.
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