Looking for a really good strength training DVD.

I work out with my trainer on Wednesday and Saturday (I love my trainer and am not willing to give him up) but he does not work on Mondays.

I do cardio on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Friday is my rest day.

So I'm looking for something to do on Mondays that's not a class (I despise group classes) and isn't just going to the gym and working out on my own.

The thing is, I don't want it to be cardio-based with a lot of jumping around or Zumba since I'm going to be using it on my strength training day.

I have The Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD (squats, lunges, push-ups, rows, overhead pressses) and it's ok but I need heavier weights (I only have 5 and 10-lb weights at this time but am willing to buy more) but I'm wondoing it there's else out there that would better suit me.

Does such a video exist? Thanks for any input.


  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    Anyone? Please???
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Generally, no. Although some may argue, if it's a dvd, its not real strength training.

    You would be best to develope or find a bodyweight routine to do on that day.
    Nerd fitness, you are your own gym, unique bodyweight exercises, convict conditioning and others are some good resources
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Go to Collage Video and look there. www.collagevideo.com.

    You can do a search filter for whatever kind of fitness DVD you are looking for.
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    I would suggest Youtube videos or bodybuilding.com for exercise ideas. I bought my own set of kettlebells, dumbells, pull up bar, and resistance bands for home workouts. Try checking out the videos online, I'm sure you'll find something that suits your needs. Hope this helped.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Look at Chalean Extreme. Also lots by Cathe Friedrich- especially STS.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    Since you already have dumbbells, I'll second the Chalean Extreme suggestions. I got a used copy on Amazon and am very happy with it.
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    I've been looking for the same thing. Since I don't go to the gym and all I have are dumbbells sometimes I feel like I'm at a loss as to what to do for strength. I'm definitely going to look into Chalean Extreme and Nerd Fitness though, thanks!

    I also found these MFP links on Chalean Extreme that might help too:
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    I's recommend Chalean Extreme as well. I did it last year and it's a great program. Bodyrock.tv have some great workouts too
  • LoriB57
    LoriB57 Posts: 26 Member
    Kelly Coffey Meyer 30 minutes to fitness muscle definition available from Amazon. Two workouts that can also be combined. Mostly upper body and no abs. Slow & repetitive, no jumping around so you can go heavy. Yes collegevideo.com is very helpful.
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you for all the replies. Chalean Extreme sound exactly like what I'm looking for but I'm going to make a note of other suggestions for future use. I can't wait ti get started! :smile: