Losing hair.



  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Took a look at your food logs - if you are logging all you are eating then you are not eating enough!!! You are frequently eating less than 1000 calories a day. Your protein is low and I did not see much by way of veggies or fruit. Not enough calories, not enough protein, not enough vitamins and trace elements provided by fruits and veggies. You do not need to cut that low to lose weight.

  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Is is coming out uniformly all over, or from just one spot? Have you examined your scalp. Twice in my life I found a quarter sized bald spot on my head. The Dermatologist said it was "Alopecia" which is believed to be brought on by stress. He treated it with corticosteroid shots in my scalp. OUCH! But the hair grew back, thankfully.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Its gotten thinner all over:frown:
  • jbs2travel
    jbs2travel Posts: 68 Member
    I started losing hair when I cut my carbs too low. I would think it is different for everyone
  • LisaR517
    LisaR517 Posts: 80
    I've been losing hair, too. My fats are set at 25% (and I'm a peanut butter addict), so I make sure to get those in. I just went in on Tuesday for my regular yearly physical and mentioned this (along w/ longer lapses in TOM), and she suggested I get my thyroid checked. So we'll see what the results say!
  • JoD929
    JoD929 Posts: 377 Member
    Everyone is different. My mom had hair loss from her thyroid not functioning properly. I am currently still battling the shed, but I no longer have what I called "hair holes". My doctor made me get blood work and I was extremely low on Vitamin D3, so now I take a vitamin for that. He thinks for me that it was mostly stress induced, but that I needed to get my D3 levels up, too, if I wanted to save my hair and bones.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    2 cents, up your protein and evaluate your stress
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    Hormone imbalances can also bring about diffuse hair loss and changes in hair texture and strength.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member

    After 6 months on the iron tablets my hair was still thinning so I was prescribed Spironolactone 100mg tablets. These tablets are not designed for hair loss but a side effect of the tablets is meant to help. I can honestly say I noticed a massive improvement after 6 weeks of taking them.

    I'm on that same medicine you are - I also have a special shampoo my dermatologist gave me, a steroid liquid for any itching, as well as using extra strength men's rogaine twice a day.....

    I'm on a lot of stuff though, because the dermatologist is super freaked out at the fact that I've been losing hair since I was 21... I'm only 23 now.... but with all this I no longer have a bald spot! We've done so many blood tests and can't find anything wrong other than the fact that I just have always had tons of skin problems.
  • MelHoneyRocks
    I went through the same thing after I lost about 25lbs. I confirmed it with my Dr, we also ran some blood tests to make sure that this was the case. Everything came back normal. It lasted about 6 months for me.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I had hair loss during my first year during the onset of menopause... Amazingly, when I went my high protein diet my nails are hair grow very well during and now on maintenance, even better with avocados and nuts in my food plan. When they talk about eating enough on all the forums, etc, sure, you can eat low calories but what do you feel and look like? And you can eat whatever in the calories and lose weight, but how do you feel and look? I want energy and to have that healthy glow. And not to prematurely lose my hair!

    On a side note, I do get annual check ups as I hope you do as well just in case it is not diet related...
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I just checked your diary - your fats are set really low. Try upping them.
    I'll see your fats and raise you calories.

    Your cals seem a little low. in general. When you reduce calories too low, your body starts shutting down non-essential functions. Hair is a nice-to-have for the body, not essential.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i lost absolutely loads of my hair to the point where it made me self conscious, my doctor put it down to being b12 deficient (i already knew i was b12 deficient, and have to have regular injections as my body just doesn't absorb it naturally from food) but i often wonder if going on a vlc diet played its part too, if in doubt get checked out, mine started growing back about a year ago and is about 3 inch long now and blending in nicely with my longer hair, must admit it still looks pretty straggly towards the ends though
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    I've been losing a ton of hair due to hormonal changes after weaning. Someone said to think back to anything that happened 6 months ago that could've been extremely stressful, but I've been told 6-8 weeks later is when it would've happened.

    You don't need to up your protein to stop this. Hair loss caused by protein deficiency is something you'd see in someone who has an eating disorder or who doesn't have access to proper nutrition (ie. someone in a developing country).